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Selling your kids for online game currency.


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They had enough to buy PC's and still went to an internet cafe. Something may be wrong with them!

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this further reiterates the fact that online games that require continuous payments—basically everything zynga makes, along with many other countries—is played solely by trashy people. every fucking redneck, bible-thumper seems to have farmville updates all the goddamned time. fuck i fucking hate this shit fucking idiots fuck

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Guest underscore

they shouldn't have been parents to begin with obviously. it is scary that the kids are still mia (last I heard.) hopefully they're with people that will properly care for them.

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Guest Pennywise

Upon further invetsigation, seems like a strong possibility of being fake story?

well you would think so, the article doesn't even explain who they sold their children to. I can bullshit

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Err no - note that it was one of the couple's mothers who turned in the couple. Chinese people in general value their children very much because they will provide for the family in the future.

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Err no - note that it was one of the couple's mothers who turned in the couple. Chinese people in general value their children very much because they will provide for the family in the future.

culture doesn't necessarily have anything to do with race, or what country you reside in.


i'm talking about the culture of people that put insignificant things before significant things. the kind of people that kill their children for breaking their TV set, or the kind of people that sell their children for currency.

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Guest hahathhat

Cultural differences.

this. in china, kidnapping is a huge issue. all sorts of babby problems going down there; people stealing kids because they can't have them for whatever reason. meanwhile, our media loves this shit and some dude in a newsroom cranks out HORRIBLE CHINA stories all day. never been to the place myself

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Err no - note that it was one of the couple's mothers who turned in the couple. Chinese people in general value their children very much because they will provide for the family in the future.

culture doesn't necessarily have anything to do with race, or what country you reside in.


i'm talking about the culture of people that put insignificant things before significant things. the kind of people that kill their children for breaking their TV set, or the kind of people that sell their children for currency.

You're not talking about culture, you're talking about morals.

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and values


hopefully the kids are better off now than living with some neglectful parents who obviously need addiction treatment. i don't think it's a cultural thing at all cuz this doesn't seem any different than a parent with a devastating drug addiction or something, where everything else is secondary to the drug.

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Guest underscore

i don't think it is a cultural thing. i think some people really aren't meant to be parents. i bet Casey Anthony could make a living off her story. this news story is all around the net, and some articles disagree, but it sounds like the couple was pretty young when they started poppin them out.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

It's a credible news source, I guess. The story is pretty fantastic and has few details, though :shrug:


China Daily is not a credible news source. None of the local Chinese papers are either -- they're all government rags.

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Absolutely true story:


when my current gf was about 9, her younger brother, 2 yrs old at the time, disappeared one day, when the father went outside the house briefly. They feared he might have drowned in a pond nearby, but could find no trace of him. A few months later, they hear about a missing child picked up at the local police station. The father goes to visit the kid in the station, and even though he strongly feels the child is his (matching moles on the ear), he can't prove it, and the kid doesn't say "da-da" or anything that would convince the police. The police tell him if he wants the kid, he'll have to pay them 10,000 RMB (around 1500 USD), but the dad didn't have the money. A few days later a wealthy lady wanting to get a son came in and paid the 10,000. And that's why my gf doesn't have a younger brother.

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It's a credible news source, I guess. The story is pretty fantastic and has few details, though :shrug:


China Daily is not a credible news source. None of the local Chinese papers are either -- they're all government rags.


I was talking about abc news. And I say it with some reluctance.

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Absolutely true story:


when my current gf was about 9, her younger brother, 2 yrs old at the time, disappeared one day, when the father went outside the house briefly. They feared he might have drowned in a pond nearby, but could find no trace of him. A few months later, they hear about a missing child picked up at the local police station. The father goes to visit the kid in the station, and even though he strongly feels the child is his (matching moles on the ear), he can't prove it, and the kid doesn't say "da-da" or anything that would convince the police. The police tell him if he wants the kid, he'll have to pay them 10,000 RMB (around 1500 USD), but the dad didn't have the money. A few days later a wealthy lady wanting to get a son came in and paid the 10,000. And that's why my gf doesn't have a younger brother.

damn, and that's when your girlfriend was 9. 1500 for a kid back then. only 500 now? wtf.

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