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Tottenham riots


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Guest Coalbucket PI

Here's an interesting first-hand account of looting in Walworth from a young resident offering first-hand experience and ideology/hyperbole-free reporting that's been sorely lacking in the media coverage: http://motowns.blogs...-no-writer.html

Good. I was trying to find out if anything happened on walworth road yesterday but couldnt find anything

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i don't feel like continuing to argue this but i'm just gonna say


you can't boil this down to one reason. this is my point. al hounos said it pretty well, would these people be rioting as thoroughly if they had jobs? would the riots be spreading as quickly if people didn't feel oppressed, be it economically, or by the police, or etc.? maybe kakapo's right and they're all cunts and richard hammond types but i fail to see how that means there is literally no reason for this, like some of you are saying.

didn't you see the picture i posted of a Currys employee that was caught?


don't see the point you're making...


girl's probably on minimum wage selling expensive aspirational goods she can't afford.


"this is my point. al hounos said it pretty well, would these people be rioting as thoroughly if they had jobs?"


she had a job. regardless of whether it was minimum wage or not, she had a job.


duh i get ya.

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Who is?


(or are you missing the point about that picture that a person who got for looting outside currys, worked for currys and was still in currys uniform ?)

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i dont get why your banging on about the fact that one rioter had a job in currys.

i don't get why you think i'm banging on about one looter having a job.


lets have a fight about it. on watmm.


oscillik throws a punch and misses entirely, -50 points

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a trip to bad korea will do him good

yes, it will illustrate quite clearly how the corrupted ideas of juche and years of iron-fisted and monarchal dictatorship can screw up a country that was doing alright until imperialism str- oh wait he knows all that already.

juche-like ideas and dictatorships is something every communist adopted, communism doesn't work, period.

first time in history where a part of korea was doing alright is toward the end of 80s

Interestingly, in the 1960s, North Korea had a higher GDP than the South who followed a policy of import-substitution industrialization under economic advice from the US. However, the south accomplished their rapid economic growth through a model known as the developmental state under a dictatorship. They behaved economically in almost complete opposition to the usual prescriptions of neo-classicists. From the beginning of their industrial transformation under the dictatorship, South Korea doubled their per-capita income in just 11 years, which was the fastest doubling on record until China achieved theirs in just 8 years. In the late 80s, when South Korea opened their economy to international market forces, they underwent a slowdown which led to the economic crisis of 1997.

So - dictatorships do work in some cases. (One could make an interesting case for Japan being a virtual dictatorship as they had one party in power for the vast majority of the 20th century, but the developmental state was not as thorough in Japan as it was in South Korea, because the Japanese government lacked the means to punish companies in the way the South Korean government did).

Now, I'm not saying that communism (as it has been practiced) is the way to go, but strict dogmatic adherence to "free-market" (lol) policies is certainly no better.

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i said it started as a political act (protest on saturday) and the underlying reasons for it's continuation are social and political. i never meant to imply that it was actually a conscious political act on the rioter's parts.

Listen to the clip of the two girls in the youtube i posted. There's no social/political reasoning going on there, those two are simply following the mob mentality.

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Guest disparaissant

Listen to the clip of the two girls in the youtube i posted. There's no social/political reasoning going on there, those two are simply following the mob mentality.

argh christ dude im not saying that every single rioter is making some grand political statement im just saying that, were this a society or area where people were better off and not constantly shat on by a government recently obsessed with austerity measures and if people were not racially profiled, there wouldn't be as much of an impetus to riot. would it still happen? maybe! who knows! i do not have access to alternate dimensions. but there are generally underlying social issues that cause otherwise-relatively-normal people to act like complete fucking loons and torch buildings an cars.

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Yes like the general underlying social issues that caused people in vancouver to riot after their hockey team lost? mob mentality.

From a friend's commentary on facebook (who lives in the area):

"the primary targets have been the rich shops. Jewelry, phones, electricals, high end fashion."\

"by and large this has been commercially motivated rather than a "political" statement by the UK underclass. Complete different kettle of fish to the student protests."

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oh i'm a firm believer of dictatorships when the dictators are truly interested in their peoples (or country's..) well being, like park (who sort of turned the country into a giant sweat shop :crazy: ) and deng who was probably the best ruler china ever had...


how can you say free-market is not better ? its flaws are emerging before our eyes but compare it to the countries that were under the wing of ussr all those years. it's a clear case of lesser evil.

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on the jobs thing - loads of them had jobs: front page of the evening standard featured a story of one of the looters in court today - a 31 year old primary school teaching assistant. another in court today was a lifeguard.

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Guest disparaissant

christ almighty, my point does not run counter to the idea of it being mob mentality or anything of the sort. but whatever, keltoi and rumbo and a few other people said it better than i did so i'll just leave it be.



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Guest the anonymous forumite

christ almighty, my point does not run counter to the idea of it being mob mentality or anything of the sort. but whatever, keltoi and rumbo and a few other people said it better than i did so i'll just leave it be.





I did too, was just kidding and being all ironic.

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Guest 277: 930-933


fucking idiots. i bet those rioters were nicer and more labeled clothes than i do --- and probably drive apple computers and phones at will.





Yes indeed they were much nicer and more labeled clothes than you were, but I'm sure you have other qualities.

Perhaps you're excellent at assembling things or sorting fruit based on size and colour.

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The protests in june by the public sector workers - those were politically motivated, and look ma - no looting.



Eugene - there is no such thing as the free market - every nation's government interferes in its economic and fiscal policies to some degree, and in some sectors more than others. Look at US farm policy for an example of straight up socialism leading to oligarchies. Additionally, your country's economy would be in the shitter without US subsidies and favored nation status.

Don't conflate economic policy with social policy.

Although i do agree that anarcho-socialists should be forced to live in Somalia. Same goes for libertarians.

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Guest disparaissant

wow i mean do you honestly think that's a fair comparison to make


i mean

sorting fruit by size and colour

seems a bit apt


edit: no seriously though i am having a terrible day and i need to stop posting in this thread lest i start frothing at the mouth.

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