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Unobvious Things That Delight You

Guest hahathhat

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Biking home after my daily routine and realizing that I'm on my home street.

Going out to get the mail in the rain.

Biting my nails.

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Watching men watching woman/girls, extra priceless when they're accompanied by their woman/girlfriends.


Watching the body language, faces of men waiting outside clothing stores while their wives shop.

so you went shopping with your woman and watched men looking at women. hmm.


Having a huge list and crossing things off as you go

zomg me too! do you put things on lists that you've actually already done just to get the satisfaction of ticking them off?!


nah, i don't really, i'm very disorganised. but people seem to mention this list making thing a lot..

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Getting naked in public and dancing Michael Jackson with a ghetto blaster playing it on the left shoulder and a finger from the right hand in the ass.

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Details in Calvin & Hobbes.


Also, Calvin & Hobbes as a whole, but this will seem obvious to some of you


Calvin & Hobbes is the greatest thing created for enjoying as a kid - and enjoying even more as an adult.

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so many to respond to but here are mine for now:


translator applications online


saving progress on video games


digital satellite imagery - planes used to fly almost into space and risk getting shot down to get photos, now we can just hop on google maps


vending machines


the feeling you get when you're in a new place: hotel in a foreign city, empty house/apartment you just moved into, strange airport bar where everyone is somewhere that isn't familiar...makes for strange, melancholy memories


hearing a song or watching a movie/tv show you never loved and/or forgot about, then having a crazy flashback. I don't know if future generations will have this as often...they don't have to sit through mediocre television before a favorite show or listen to entire albums before hearing something they like


making eye contact with a wild animal


people who work night shifts...I remember reading an illustrated book as a kid about that and it stuck with me


tropical fruit in the grocery store


that fall is coming


that I and other adults still watch cartoons


RAIN - my town had some for the first time in 2 months, people applauded in restaurants when it happened, we haven't had substantive rainfall since October last year. I went to the mountains of New Mexico couple weeks ago and saw it daily, it was beyond lovely

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Guest underscore

when the pig driving behind you finally fucking switches lanes and passes you. not really unobvious for me, because this results in a massive decline in my heart rate. they scare the shit outta me even when i'm not ridin dirty

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When you find out that your friend's ex-girlfriend once had a job as someone who called "quiet on the set" and other such things while working on movies in Hollywood, and one time after she did this Steven Spielburg came storming out of a neighboring building screaming "SHUT UP, YOU'RE RUINING MY FILM!!"




(She replied that it wasn't her problem, she wasn't working for him. He was directing AI at the time.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eating small pieces of camembert while cooking (because I always wait for being hungry before cooking). The taste of that cheese stay in your mouth while you wait for your meal and it's just lovely.




Catching small pieces of conversation between people in the street ant trying to imagine the context of the excerpt.

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Guest viscosity

being so absorbed in a videogame/movie so that i have a momentary cessation of thinking about my own shit


accomplishing things, especially if the outcome is good


endorphins from doing cardio/running, the headrush and afterwards quenching thirst with cold water


spring weather and the outdoors

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Accidentially calling a game a movie when talking about it.


endorphins from doing cardio/running

Being a fat man, I get quite the rush ftom simply power walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes. I remember doing that in gym class, rarely had the chance unfortunately, and feeling very great afterwards. It woul make me alert for the whole school day.

I need a fucking treadmill.

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Guest viscosity

treadmills are alright, i much rather run trails though. my recent workout involves backpacking with weights, you feel light as a feather afterwards

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cold pillows for sure.


doing more homework than i need to


staying silent when i am reactively about to say something snotty. this is possibly the greatest small pleasure i ever achieve.


breaking appointments (i know, it's an asshole move, but it really pleases me to get out of engagements - it's as if i've gained an entirely new block of time to work on my own projects and goals, and most of my friends are aware of my habit)


trying new hot cereals


buying a bunch of fruits and veggies and carrying them home a very long distance


and yes, the rain. <3

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