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Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple


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it's ok i did the same thing in the thread, and because of it about 75% of the articles i linked to were totally ignored heh

Of the 6 articles you posted that were from legitimate websites (calling gizmodo legit is a bit of a stretch, but hey, I'm feeling generous this morning) I addressed 4 of them.



this is hilarious - I don't think any of the things it says on this image are true. The neck thing is just a tendon. The rest is just jpg compression or wishful thinking on the part of the "analyst"

The left side of his shorts does look a little too straight, like there's been a rectangular area next to it edited...otherwise..yeah it doesn't look super shopped to me.

TMZ is just a tabloid though...

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agree the straight side of his shorts is a bit weird but people (meaning whomever made that silly diagram) are missing the forest for the trees - the signs pointing to the image being legit are overwhelming - the lighting matches perfectly, ever single hair on his head meshes perfectly with the bg and has that typical purple haloing, etc etc. And the things the dude points out - if the area on the left was "pinched" using the transform tool, steve's hand or dude's fingers would likely show signs of manipulation, but I don't see any...and etc etc. The critiques don't even make any logical sense - why manipulate his cheek or ankle? How about the fact that Steve has shockingly skinny legs! The only way it could be a shop imo is if someone cut off Steve's head and put it on someone else's body, but as mentioned I don't see any signs of that, not with everything related to his head matching the scene so perfectly.


Some jerkoff paparazzi took the image from very far away, which likely accounts for the poor quality - it was probably cropped down from a much larger image.



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Never had an ipod mp3 player, never owned an apple computer, never owned an ipad, never had an iphone, never used itunes. Travelled a lot though, climbed a few mountains, swam with fishes. Nice.


First time I heard of this bloke was about 2 months ago lol.

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Guest disparaissant

Never had an ipod mp3 player, never owned an apple computer, never owned an ipad, never had an iphone, never used itunes. Travelled a lot though, climbed a few mountains, swam with fishes. Nice.


First time I heard of this bloke was about 2 months ago lol.

since we're linking to the onion in this thread, i find this appropriate


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Never had an ipod mp3 player, never owned an apple computer, never owned an ipad, never had an iphone, never used itunes. Travelled a lot though, climbed a few mountains, swam with fishes. Nice.


First time I heard of this bloke was about 2 months ago lol.

since we're linking to the onion in this thread, i find this appropriate


lol oh man, touché indeed

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I can understand the photo analysis. But why is there another guy holding Jobs steady?


and why has nobody said that he's holding him wrong?

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man people are a credulous bunch, now I understand why the 9-11 "truthers" and others get so many followers...


how can you "understand the photo analysis"? How is he "holding him wrong"?.


Are people just in such denial that they can't accept that steve jobs is a walking skeleton placing his second foot in the grave?

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I dont think you understand what Im saying. People think the photo was manipulated "to make Jobs look sicker than he is", but nobody wants to tackle the fact that he is being held steady by another person. That evidence makes him look pretty sick to me. I think the photo is legit, which is why I posted it.

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I'm not against technology, but I prefere reading something in hard format/copy form than on a screen. Do I read things on a screen? Yes I do... but I still prefer the hard copy/format. Same goes with music.

Still up in arms myself about physical music vs digital files - I just bought the Foster The People LP and got the digital version because I wanted it right away... didn't care one bit about the CD version!

I'm not sure I follow this comparison. What is to a hard copy of text as a digital music file is to a digital text file? A CD is encoded with a digital music file. So I can't see buying a CD to be equivalent to buying a hard copy of a book. Unless you mean that you want to have a hard copy of the printed album art and stuff and are not talking directly about the music. The closest comparison I could find for a hard copy of text is a live performance of a song. But I take it that's not what you meant to get at.


(Not nitpicking here, just thought the question of what 'fills in the blank' in this analogy was interesting & wanted to get your thoughts ...)

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That's really unfortunate. I hope Jobs still has some years left in him. He's done a lot of good for that company.

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that image has been photoshopped up the wazoo. c'mon people. look at the 'hairs' on his face in that original image posted a couple pages back in this thread. someone photoshopped those in there and didn't even change the size of the brush they were using from stroke to stroke. no one has hair growing on their face in all those parallel lines like that. looks just like a painting.


i'm sure they just shopped steves face onto some real cancer patients body and all that weird facial hair photoshopping is where they are trying to cover over where they blended the 2 images together.

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