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What program(s) can you use to make this sort of sound?


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I don't know, that probably sounds cool, but the sound I think I'm looking for (and the sound I /think/ is used in the example songs) is a generated voice that you can sequence, like vocaloid but primitive and not uncanny valley sounding.

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Oh also, there's the fruity speech generator in FLStudio. Pretty much Microsoft Sam in plugin form. kinda a pain to use, but allows you to tune each word etc.


can sound a lot like those Cylob tracks, cut the midrange, rewind etc

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Oh also, there's the fruity speech generator in FLStudio. Pretty much Microsoft Sam in plugin form. kinda a pain to use, but allows you to tune each word etc.


can sound a lot like those Cylob tracks, cut the midrange, rewind etc

Yeah, I'm familiar with that, and have used it many times before, but unfortunately, it's pretty much impossible to compose anything on. I really want a program which you can use to proper sequence that sort of speech generator, but I haven't been able to find anything like that either unfortunately.

Also, I really think that from the way it sounds in the example songs, especially the second, that it's not sampled & looped voice, because it's really clear even in the low octaves. I guess if I were desperate I could use a vocoder & looped vocal sounds, but I am sure that there is a program which generates singing like this.



Or at the very least, I would like something that can sound like this



I'm obsessed with synthesized vocals, and I want to have all types of them available to me somehow, and I have looked for years for programs

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VirSyn Cantor and Yamaha Vocaloid, never used em but I know it's there..


Thanks! Cantor sounds a lot better (less creepy/weeaboo) than vocaloid, and while it doesn't solve the first post, it's going to help a lot for other things.

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Actually I was wondering just the other day what sort of singing tts programs might be out there besides the ones geared to creepy men into JPop Anime girls.


Not sure if that would give you what you're aiming for in the OP though. If not sampled voices (which is what my money's on) I imagine it's some sort of vowel synth. Buzz has one...

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More or less certain this example is the FL speech synthesiser. There's a bunch of "personality" settings, and mode settings. This sounds exactly like the personality "milk toast" or "choir boy". Can't remember which now, years since I layer with that thing. I think there's also a "sing" mode which just auto generates some meandering melody like this.


For actually composing a melody though, it's less than ideal. The speech engine synthesises and then renders each word one at a time. With that said though, the fancier things like vocaloid are just as time consuming, if not more so. Miss spelling words in order for the pronunciation to sound correct, adding appropriate emphasis, vibrato etc. Did try a couple times with vocaloid and got so completely bored that the humour just wore thin.


Massive respect to the people who make those full on Miku anthemns, so much time to get the vocal lines right. although I'd question as to whether it's the best use of time.

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hi there


cylob used VocalWriter for most of his "hits". sadly enough, it's mac-only..




example from their website:




..and check out the "fannytastic" AquesTone, a real-time vocal synthesizer:




and the Vocalizer, an enhanced formant filter:







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hi there


cylob used VocalWriter for most of his "hits". sadly enough, it's mac-only..




example from their website:




..and check out the "fannytastic" AquesTone, a real-time vocal synthesizer:




and the Vocalizer, an enhanced formant filter:







Thank you! I'll be trying out both vsts asap.


I have another question that's been bugging me for a while, because of a few music programs which I would really like to run, now including VocalWriter: is it possible to run a virtual machine of OS X on XP? Or something like Wine but in reverse?

If not, I'll probably add a partition on my studio machine when I get back home... hrm

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Unfortunately It's not exactly the same but Farbrausch have made a VSTi that has a speech engine built in to it - http://farbrausch.co...rod&which=86.py


It was used to make this demo:



I haven't used it in a while as I remember Buzz hating it, but I was using quite an old and buggy VSTi loader so it may be more stable than I remember.

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aghhh, AquesTone only pronounces in japanese syllables so when I make it sing in english it sounds really racist, and Farbrausch V2 is so buggy that for some reason it just adds every keystroke (including non-letters, including the backspace key lol) and even mouse movement to the box where you put your phonetics, even when the vst is minimized. Because of that, 98% of the time it's just trying to sing \‚žÀ&’ddwžÀ;´l+ßjžÀ8-ákÐ\žÀ­Æ¯<MžÀŠÍê-&<žÀœº’)žÀcjÖ…žÀ‡Í?¦

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I haven't used it in a while as I remember Buzz hating it, but I was using quite an old and buggy VSTi loader so it may be more stable than I remember.


I was using it in Renoise only recently and performs very well. I've yet to figure out the vocal side of it.

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aghhh, AquesTone only pronounces in japanese syllables so when I make it sing in english it sounds really racist, and Farbrausch V2 is so buggy that for some reason it just adds every keystroke (including non-letters, including the backspace key lol) and even mouse movement to the box where you put your phonetics, even when the vst is minimized. Because of that, 98% of the time it's just trying to sing \‚žÀ&’ddwžÀ;´l+ßjžÀ8-ákÐ\žÀ­Æ¯<MžÀŠÍê-&<žÀœº’)žÀcjÖ…žÀ‡Í?¦

Fucking zole!


Does anyone remember the name of that vocal synth that was command-line based? It took lyrics and melody from a midi file. By far the best one I've used, I used it to make this track, among others:


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