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CERN discovers FTL particle (possibly)


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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

Thread makes an appearance. Looks like the LHC may have found Higgs at 125GeV. There's rumours of an announcement soon.




I haven't understood everything they were talking about there, but it seems that particle physicists are having lots of fun verifying years of theoretical results

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have you ever read/had a look at the paper/quotes i posted ? Some of them have been written by quantum physicists (and not by linguists).


But to sum up the situation:

• i have a certain psychological experience, then come in this thread bragging about it : I say i have forseen quantum linguistics and that it will be of great use in A.I. I say this idea comes from something that is greater than me.

• i read what MMS thinks about the way quantum mechanics has been discovered : it has independently emerged in the mind of various people, and eventually formed a very coherent whole. She says it originated from a certain cognitive situation that was located above the individual scale. (in other words, a brain of people, not a brain of neurons). I keep bragging about it.

• Later, i post on here quantum linguistics papers that deal with A.I. Philosophically, they state the same thing I've been saying from the beginning of this comedy. (and I found these papers just a few days ago).


I think there are two conclusions (or a combination thereof).

• I'm mad, lunatic and bitchy, and this is just a sad coincidence. I should shut the fuck up.

• What has happened to me since september just looks like what has happened to people who discovered quantum mechanics, at least as described by MMS (stand for mioara mugur schatcher).


Seriously ?

What's your choice ? That's not that complicated goddamnit. Don't tell me i'm being obscure in this very post.

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have you ever read/had a look at the paper/quotes i posted ? Some of them have been written by quantum physicists (and not by linguists).


But to sum up the situation:

• i have a certain psychological experience, then come in this thread bragging about it : I say i have forseen quantum linguistics and that it will be of great use in A.I. I say this idea comes from something that is greater than me.

• i read what MMS thinks about the way quantum mechanics has been discovered : it has independently emerged in the mind of various people, and eventually formed a very coherent whole. She says it originated from a certain cognitive situation that was located above the individual scale. (in other words, a brain of people, not a brain of neurons). I keep bragging about it.

• Later, i post on here quantum linguistics papers that deal with A.I. Philosophically, they state the same thing I've been saying from the beginning of this comedy. (and I found these papers just a few days ago).


I think there are two conclusions (or a combination thereof).

• I'm mad, lunatic and bitchy, and this is just a sad coincidence. I should shut the fuck up.

• What has happened to me since september just looks like what has happened to people who discovered quantum mechanics, at least as described by MMS (stand for mioara mugur schatcher).


Seriously ?

What's your choice ? That's not that complicated goddamnit. Don't tell me i'm being obscure in this very post.


Great, but why keep posting in a totally unrelated thread!??!! Can't your special quantum brain process it! I come here expecting to find some news of the LHC experiment and other things going on at CERN but instead find your ramblings about a totally different subject. Start your own thread where you can indulge in it all you want.

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ok i promise this is my last post in this thread.


You say it's totally different subjects, yet they have something in common : they're both related to quantum phenomenons.

Now I understand you see them as different topics since one deals with matter while the other deals with mind/language. Fair enough. But do you think you can understand how quantum matter works without understanding how you form mental representation about quantum phenomenons ?

That was my main point in this whole thread. I know I'm not dissolving this matter vs mind dichotomy though.


I also suppose what people find interesting about quantum mechanics is these crusty sentences like : "it arrived before it left", or "it's here and not here at the same time". It just looks like pure magic. But that's what i have been doing from the beginning. And you think it's bad magic since it's not material, real, magic. To you, I'm just being mystic in a very bad and annoying way. People prefer to attend a magic show rather than a boring poetry lecture. It's normal, yet there is poetry in magic and magic in poetry.

But actually there is no magic. Neither in quantum mechanics nor in me. And the only reason you see me as a bad joke is because i passed through the mirror. And there is nobody to tell you this mirror will lead to awesome technologies.


Because CERN vs Quantum linguistics = faster than ligth travel vs AI.

Which one is the most IDM ? You decide.



edit: last post, as promised

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  • 2 months later...

If things like a loose cable can cause paradigm shifting observations one would have to quesiton if any information produced by this monster can be relied on. it would be (kindof) hilarious if it turned out the thing is useless because of too many factors of error.

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I wish there was more information on this

turns out it was just a loose cable.




That begs the question: who (or what) dislodged that fiber optic cable connecting to the GPS receiver?!!



*gets quantum chills*

It's the dang time travelling suicide particle again!

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