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Yes, indeed.


Last Rights (where the track above is from,) Bites/Remission and Back and Forth comp were my favorites. Haven't quite warmed to anything post Process, but the new one, Handover has at least a couple decent tracks.

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Too Dark Park is one of the best 'short' albums . I wished that they made at least one more album in between Last Rites and the Process. Last Rites to me is a masterpiece, it's far from being the catchiest Skinny Puppy album though

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Yeah, Last Rites could be described as their least accessible album. I just loved the atmosphere of Too Dark Park. It had a warm quality to it, in a weird way.


Bites would be my second favorite. That album is so long, though, that I usually listen to the first and second halves at different times.


Process catches a lot of flak, but I actually really enjoy it.

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Guest MastaN8

Loves bites era, MTPI era stuff too. Last rites era stuff (tear garden, Sheila liked the rodeo, hilt Journey to the Center Of the Bowl, and spasmolatic ep braps ie all eyes are really fun as well)

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too dark park / last rites is their best work. last rites is my favorite, but i like all of their older albums (pre-process) for different reasons, tho.

can't get into the new stuff at all. sounds way too... organized.


i saw cevin & ogre at an autechre concert once. confield tour in LA.

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I haven't heard much except for Rabies, The Process and The Greater Wrong Of The Right, but I fucking love all three of those albums (I don't care what people say about TGWOTR, the production is top notch).

I also listened to Mythmaker and VIVIsectVI a couple of times but couldn't really get into them.

I should seek out more of their vinyl releases though, Rabies on vinyl is brutal.

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