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Guest Franklin

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also, the best fucking trigger is when she's yelling at you about something stupid and telling you you're wrong you have to say "Yeah, ok, you're right, you're right" in the most condescending tone you can muster. it's like throwing a match into a pile of gunpowder.

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Yeah, we're having a girl, should be a blast yeah?! She's in a breached position at the moment though and my wife's doing all this crazy ass shit to get her to flip over (acupuncture, chiropractor, some voodoo shit involving a an incense stick and her pinky toe, etc.) which of course I have to be supportive of even though a c section looks inevitable.


aye it'll be a blast til teenage boys start sniffing round her! (when she's teenaged too of course) don't know how i'll handle that! i've got time to prepare i suppose.


*digs secret lair under house*

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i almost started a thread like this a few times. if you really want to see them go apeshit, have a kid. there are days you wont even know who the hell you married.


yeah... kids have a way of making grown ups sound like idiots when you argue with them. I tell my 5 year old he can't do something and he's like "why?" and I have no logical explanation for him so I change the subject.

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One thing my wife used to get upset about was when I go out with friends and I ask her if its cool and she says yes. When I come home she would be upset that I went out with friends. But in turn she never asked me if she can go out with her friends. she'd call me and say she's hanging out with so and so and I'm like "that's cool!" and I would carry on doing what I do when she wasn't around... masterbate furiously!

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My ex used to torment me, insult me and make me feel like a total loser. After a while I got fed up, kinda dumped her and soon she admitted I was actually right about almost everything and it was just her ego and stupidness. Got I hated her sometimes.

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i can't say I hate any of my exes....even one that cheated on me...they had their reasons...who knows what I would do in that situation, but I think I am getting ot the point where I am tired of yielding any authority or independence in a relationship, which seems to be what a lot of women I have dated want. AFAIK, Ive never demanded they yield part of themselves to me; I want everything to be mutually agreed upon or we don't do it. Simple as that....but it turns out to be anything but.



I think my ideas of a healthy relationship are fundamentally different from most people. But one day I'll prove myself right.

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One thing my wife used to get upset about was when I go out with friends and I ask her if its cool and she says yes. When I come home she would be upset that I went out with friends. But in turn she never asked me if she can go out with her friends. she'd call me and say she's hanging out with so and so and I'm like "that's cool!" and I would carry on doing what I do when she wasn't around... masterbate furiously!


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One thing my wife used to get upset about was when I go out with friends and I ask her if its cool and she says yes. When I come home she would be upset that I went out with friends. But in turn she never asked me if she can go out with her friends. she'd call me and say she's hanging out with so and so and I'm like "that's cool!" and I would carry on doing what I do when she wasn't around... masterbate furiously!



yea definite lol there


it's funny because it's true

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One thing my wife used to get upset about was when I go out with friends and I ask her if its cool and she says yes. When I come home she would be upset that I went out with friends. But in turn she never asked me if she can go out with her friends. she'd call me and say she's hanging out with so and so and I'm like "that's cool!" and I would carry on doing what I do when she wasn't around... masterbate furiously!



yea definite lol there


it's funny because it's true


watmm is hitting really close to home right now

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Guest Franklin

also, the best fucking trigger is when she's yelling at you about something stupid and telling you you're wrong you have to say "Yeah, ok, you're right, you're right" in the most condescending tone you can muster. it's like throwing a match into a pile of gunpowder.


i just love doing this knowing full-well that all it does is make her 7 times more furious.


sometimes they just want to know that you think they're right when even they know they're not.


it's stunningly hilarious in a non-funny way.


by the way page 3 and 4 are exactly what i wanted this thread to become.


high fives all around.

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In our house stuff would never get done, I cook, clean, DIY etc, I'm highly proactive (yes! I have time for watmm!). Women get shit done and get shit done GOOD.




Also you have mental wives, sort that out, before it's too late.

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Also, its often the case in my relationship that I am actually always right! (Although I say the right way to do something etc and he'll go against it then low and behold I was right ALL ALONG)

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Guest futuregirlfriend

ghost of christmas yet to come. i'm going back to masturbation and listening to the byrds fulltime in the new year.

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Also, its often the case in my relationship that I am actually always right! (Although I say the right way to do something etc and he'll go against it then low and behold I was right ALL ALONG)



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Guest viscosity

marriage is a joke, that's why people have constant feuding. nobody should be stuck with one individual their entire lives.. it's not normal, y'all just conforming

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marriage is a joke, that's why people have constant feuding. nobody should be stuck with one individual their entire lives.. it's not normal, y'all just conforming


I don't fully agree with this. What if somebody wants to build their relationship to great heights? I think there are definitely old couples who have a deep love between them, and this is what marriage is really for.

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Guest viscosity

the good with the bad. i still think it's more natural to spread your seed. marriage is just another human construct; a form of property ownership

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marriage is property ownership? lol



you don't own shit in a marriage son. when you get divorced, that is where property ownership comes in.




i jest though, marriage isn't that bad at all, in fact it is wonderful

hi shmoopie :emotawesomepm9:



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marriage is a joke, that's why people have constant feuding. nobody should be stuck with one individual their entire lives.. it's not normal, y'all just conforming


I don't fully agree with this. What if somebody wants to build their relationship to great heights? I think there are definitely old couples who have a deep love between them, and this is what marriage is really for.


yah i think this is how i look at it differently as well. A relationship isn't about the sex for me (though that is an awesome bonus). But I tend to think of it as companionship, two people in a bunker holding off extradition.


A business relationship, a motivational relationship, mutual physical and mental attraction, two people that want each other to succeed and learn from each others successes and failures. I always thought a relationship was simply a deep friendship with certain physical benefits.


Also, its often the case in my relationship that I am actually always right! (Although I say the right way to do something etc and he'll go against it then low and behold I was right ALL ALONG)



yeah the weird thing is that I have no problem admitting I fucked up...but I always say if im being stubborn about it, let me learn my mistake myself. Though most of the time I heed her words. Now if only she would treat my advice/opinion with respect.

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