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SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act

Rubin Farr

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Wikipedia is doing a blackout.




Awesome. And yes, WATMM should participate in the blackout, considering this site regularly "infringes" copyright material indirectly, or would be seen that way by some corporations...


I dunno if a blackout is "preaching to the choir" here, considering how little participation this thread is getting... remember, you don't have to be American to tell the American government to fuck off.

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I dunno if a blackout is "preaching to the choir" here, considering how little participation this thread is getting... remember, you don't have to be American to tell the American government to fuck off.


You'd have to be hard pressed finding anyone on this board who supported the Act once learning of it- had expected more outrage in general here too


I wonder how many casualities would occur worldwide, somehow, if Google went down for 12 hours...it's almost like they have a social responsiblity to stay online

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I dunno if a blackout is "preaching to the choir" here, considering how little participation this thread is getting... remember, you don't have to be American to tell the American government to fuck off.


You'd have to be hard pressed finding anyone on this board who supported the Act once learning of it- had expected more outrage in general here too


I wonder how many casualities would occur worldwide, somehow, if Google went down for 12 hours...it's almost like they have a social responsiblity to stay online


dunno if anyone would die but certainly revenue would be lost

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here's my letter to this dipshit senator gillibrand who is cosponsoring this evil fucking bill


Senator Gillibrand,


Empowering the Attorney General as such is unwise. The American people should be the judge of the legitimacy of their information. Many Americans know that our politicians are strongly influenced by campaign donations and lobbyists, and it is obvious that these parties have a desire to guide American consumer tastes in all fields (cars, food, philosophy, lifestyle, gender roles, sports, news, music, etc).


While the Attorney General is not a politician, consolidating the power to choose what websites work and what websites don't should not be up to one person or entity. The public will assess the legitimacy of the information they receive and as our society grows to accept the reality of the internet, we will become much more rational in our ability to dissect and evaluate information.



This is not a time to put up more barriers and block information, Senator, as this is a time that Americans are informing themselves. The United States Government cannot act as a censor, and will only serve to punish the public and will have little effect on real anti-American activity. Please do not continue to promote this consolidation of power within an already inefficient and corrupt government. If you have read this far, thank you, I look forward to a response.

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Scumbag Obama:VYAHo.png

Says he's against NDAA; Signs anyway

Say's he'll end prosecution of medical marijuana: Prosecutions still remain

Say's he'll close down Guantanamo: It stays open


In all fairness though, Congress and Senate have more collective power than Obama has on his own

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Reddit Founder Alexis Ohanian on CNBC: "Why is it that when Republicans and Democrats need to solve the budget and the deficit, there's deadlock, but when Hollywood lobbyists pay them $94 million dollars to write legislation, people from both sides of the aisle line up to co-sponsor it?"
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Australians are the world's biggest copyright pirates, they should be up in arms about this...yet no-one has a clue about it why would they


remember, you don't have to be American to tell the American government to fuck off.

what do you suggest?

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remember, you don't have to be American to tell the American government to fuck off.

what do you suggest?

start here:


Basically just talk to as many people as you can about this, and feel free to write letters (sign your name to template letters, if you want) to American congresspeople. The higher the sheer volume of anti-SOPA shit they have to deal with, the more effective this will be. I've been really vocal about SOPA/PIPA on my campus. Hopefully at least a few of the people I've talked to act on their opinions...

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We were close to having our own version of SOPA implemented here not long ago...it even got as far as Kazaa's creators demoing their deep packet inspection software to various law enforcement authorities whilst the communication minister was bloody determined to make it happen; luckily it never came about but it did make a lot of ppl nervous (especially the ISPs who were the most vocally opposed to it). The decision was drawn out forever; hopefully this isn't the case with SOPA/PIPA/Whatever-the-fuck-A they come up with next to push it


I'll do what I can, luke

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:facepalm: at those wikipedia reactions


guess that's the general crowd that uses wikis for their homework anyway though.





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