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Newt grinning is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen


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Epic Iowa grocery shopper says it all. P.S. "you know some'un? you're a fucking asshole"



I avoid using the word "epic" when I can, but man truly is. Also, that dude called a CNN show "family programming" lolz


looks like he's lolling not grinning


Yeah I agree, I need to update my account solely to fix this thread title

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Yeah, unethical, narcissistic, old money washington-insider hypocrites tend to "arouse passions in people."


I've already told my wife in no uncertain terms that unless it's daily show/colbert I don't want to see that fat face on our TV...


That said, this video delivers the lols, especially towards 2:00 mark (sry I haven't the wherewithal to embed):



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Yeah, unethical, narcissistic, old money washington-insider hypocrites tend to "arouse passions in people."


I've already told my wife in no uncertain terms that unless it's daily show/colbert I don't want to see that fat face on our TV...


That said, this video delivers the lols, especially towards 2:00 mark (sry I haven't the wherewithal to embed):




I've grow to watching those shows solely to reaffirm there are other sane people on television

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Oh but herpderp he's such an intellectual he just is on another level he taught at University of West Georgia which is like the Harvard of The Inbred, he is like, so smart.

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I hate this smug fuck.




It's also painfully obvious that by "poor" he means "black".


I want to see him get hurt so that I can see him cry.


That's exactly why I hate him. Obama-haters mostly love on Newt because he's "mean' and "tough." Suddenly his hypocrisy on moral values, "Washington" corruption, and elitist lifestyle are now all tolerable because it's "his personal" live. People who get all openly annoyed by Obama being too snarky are the same ones who rally around Newt for being a fucking slimy bully. I am extremely reluctant to raise allegations of racism most of the time (I hated that charge on McCain in '08 for example) but I've never see such stark contrast to how people have acted since Obama was elected. So basically, one's actions don't matter in politics in their views, and private matters are to be respected...oh unless they're black or Democratic or Mormon. Fuck this shit. It'd be less horrendous if an openly fascist person ran for office, because at least you would know they were sincere.

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I hate this smug fuck.




It's also painfully obvious that by "poor" he means "black".


I want to see him get hurt so that I can see him cry.

reluctant to raise allegations of racism most of the time (I hated that charge on McCain in '08 for example)


You mean the one were McCain said he'll "hate the gooks... for as long as I live?" [citation]

Because that was pretty frigging racist.

Oh wait, that was McCain 2000, not McCain 2008 (Robot McCain). I can't even remember RoboMcCain's assholery, because that whole campaign made me want to off myself.


The rest of your post I'm all aboard with, but seriously, McCain's a racist.


The far right stranglehold on Republican politics is leading to some seriously disgusting shit lately; I don't even know how they can maintain a pretense of "Christian Morality" anymore. I'm trying to find a link re: the new "domestic violence" bills the Tea Party is pitching in formerly moderate NH, which are extremely troubling.

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I hate this smug fuck.




It's also painfully obvious that by "poor" he means "black".


I want to see him get hurt so that I can see him cry.

reluctant to raise allegations of racism most of the time (I hated that charge on McCain in '08 for example)


You mean the one were McCain said he'll "hate the gooks... for as long as I live?" [citation]

Because that was pretty frigging racist.

Oh wait, that was McCain 2000, not McCain 2008 (Robot McCain). I can't even remember RoboMcCain's assholery, because that whole campaign made me want to off myself.


The rest of your post I'm all aboard with, but seriously, McCain's a racist.


The far right stranglehold on Republican politics is leading to some seriously disgusting shit lately; I don't even know how they can maintain a pretense of "Christian Morality" anymore. I'm trying to find a link re: the new "domestic violence" bills the Tea Party is pitching in formerly moderate NH, which are extremely troubling.


ok im gonna sound like an asshole here, but I think you really need to understand the context in which he said that. That shit was racist, sure, but remember it was said by a man who was tortured as a POW in an East Asian country. I'm not excusing him or forgiving him for that, but I am willing to state that it is far more understandable for someone tortured to unleash irrational hatred towards that group. My grandfather fought in Korea and still refers to Koreans in derogatory terms; I tell him to knock that shit off all the time, but after hearing why he has no respect for that area sorta illucidates the trauma he may have suffered during the war. So I guess, he says incredibly racist things in reference to his war experiences, but he still exists outside of Political Correctness, where "back in the good ol' days", you took that grudge to the grave with you. Its like Americans that fought in WWII constantly referring to Japs, WOPs, Krauts, and a number of other opponents. Some soldiers can't let that shit go.


Read his comments after the fact:


During his presidential campaign that year, he at first refused to apologize for his continued use of the term, stating that he reserved its reference only to his captors;[88] then after continued criticism from some in the Asian American community, McCain vowed to no longer use the term, saying, "I will continue to condemn those who unfairly mistreated us. But out of respect to a great number of people for whom I hold in very high regard, I will no longer use the term that has caused such discomfort.


Again, Im not excusing the man, but hes obviously psychologically distraught from his experiences in Vietnam.


Personally, I honestly think McCain was a decent candidate in 2000. He was the only Republican AFAIK that openly talked about the economy going into the tank, to end nation-building, and to stop corporate welfare. 2008 was pathetic, a shell of his former self. You could tell he just wanted to win, and gave up his sense of morality (even though of course, it is debatable) in order to obtain the presidency.

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I didn't say McCain didn't go through the psychological wringer, he clearly did, and I and a whole lot of other folks respect the hell out of what he went through. I just said the end result of all of McCain's experiences is: he's a fucking racist. If he unleashes irrational hatred towards a group, he is a racist, and probably not fit to be President.


He can spin it how he spins it and vow to never use the word "gook" again, but he knew full well when he said "gook" that "gook" refers to a whole lot more than the people who tortured him.



edit: I think the thing here is, McCain was hugely flawed even in 2000 (and I did not hate McCain in 2000; I did hate RoboMcCain 2008, or whoever the fuck that sellout to the Right was), but even with those flaws (including, imo, he's a fucking racist), he wasn't a terrible person.


Newt is so obviously a terrible person that it scares me he's even running. And anyone running against Obama will have a pretty solid chance of winning. Even Newt.


We elected Nixon for fuck's sake.

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I didn't say McCain didn't go through the psychological wringer, he clearly did, and I and a whole lot of other folks respect the hell out of what he went through. I just said the end result of all of McCain's experiences is: he's a fucking racist. If he unleashes irrational hatred towards a group, he is a racist, and probably not fit to be President.


He can spin it how he spins it and vow to never use the word "gook" again, but he knew full well when he said "gook" that "gook" refers to a whole lot more than the people who tortured him.


But he claimed that he would stop using it because it was found offensive by people he respected (ie. his voters and his cohorts). Is he still racist? Where is the proof? Or is the rule that once you ever say anything racist, you remain racist for the rest of your life? Personally I think it was right of voters to excoriate him for his comments; I would distrust someone saying that running for public office.


Basically Im saying this:


Did he say something racist? Yes, undoubtedly. But is he a racist? That's a far harder question to answer. I personally do not take accusations of racism lightly, so I'm just trying to get your take on this.

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whatever you want to say about Newt, he is the only one who has a chance of beating Obama in a debate of the viable RNC candidates. So much so that i think the puppet masters behind the scenes will do everything in their power to make sure Romeny gets the nomination (similar to a McCain or Bob Dole setup to fail WWF style scenario).

Romney is going to get utterly destroyed, but he's being setup as a sacrificial lamb so he's playing his role well

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