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Super Bowl


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What the fuck. The Giants won because of that first fucked-up play by the Pats. Goddamnit.


I texted my Pats Super Fan Dad when that happened and told him "there goes the game" and now he's not talking to me.


Seriously, though, their defense is ungodly horrible. Their crucial strategic moment was letting the Giants score a touchdown.


I hear everyone back home blaming this on Wes for missing one grab, poor guy; there's plenty of blame to go around.


I just really hate how everyone's all "fuck the pats I are sicks of hearing about the legacy I are glad they suck" and then said everyone spreads their legs for the All Americun Manning Family Legacy.


Eli really isn't that great... the rest of the Giants makes his 10 yard passes look better than they are.

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the pats were too worked up through the whole thing. if they knew the technique of breathing meditation they would have raped the living fuck out of the giants, you dig? they were in the wrong state of mind. superior team, either way.

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the pats were too worked up through the whole thing. if they knew the technique of breathing meditation they would have raped the living fuck out of the giants, you dig? they were in the wrong state of mind. superior team, either way.


To be fair, it's not the New England Pranotthanaiots

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I would say an avowed corpsefucker's opinion re: Madonna is the only opinion that truly matters.


Asking a normal person if they would do Madonna is like asking a nun what she thinks of this new fleshlight.

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is your girlfriend on a strict diet of kabbalah, personal trainers, and self-importance?


lol, one thing the internets should all congratulate ourselves on, is that she clearly reads some of the buzz posted about her, or she wouldn't be so careful with covering up her veiny skeletor arms these days...WE GOT TO HER

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Guest abusivegeorge

All I know about the superbowl is my girlfriend won $1000 dollars on the football cards guessing the scores. Get in.


Maybe she'll give me a handjob with a $100 bill when she gets here :cerious:

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