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Just wondering if there are any Couchsurfers around there ?


Couchsurfing is a free community site for travellers which is based on hosting. You can subscribe there and propose a place at your home where travellers that want to visit your city can sleep. You can use it to be hosted during your travels as well. Or you can simply use it to meet travellers around a beer or a coffee. The system is based on personal profiles which have to be the more fulfilled as possible, and preferably noted by some "references" written by other couchsurfers you met.


It's really safe and you often meet nice people with it.

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I used it when I was in france a couple years ago. didn't have to pay a penny for hotels, etc. and met some lovely people. when I can afford to travel again, I will definitely be couchsurfing.

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I have some friends that host couchsurfers. I've met a lot of interesting people through there.


I'm signing up right now, actually.

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I have a few friends who are into that a lot, nice people. never done it myself, but would probably if I'm traveling..


yeah people generally use to sign up when they need it for a travel. That's what happened with me. I've also started to host people a few months ago and it's really nice as well. It makes you travel in some way.

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I've been hosting a Swedish girl two weeks ago, and a girl from Berlin is gonna come this Sunday. I have quite a lot of requests these days and maybe 80% of them are from girls. That's funny because I think the rare problems people experience with couchsurfing are flirt related but still, chances are you'll have mostly requests from the opposite gender. A good friend of mine subscribed as well and she exclusively have requests from guys. kinda funny because it's underlying


Anyway, just as a traveller-meeting site it's really cool, so far I've always encountered nice and open-minded people with who you can discuss about pretty much everything. Going just for a drink is also fine. I go drink beers about every two weeks with a spanish guy who's in my town for a training period and that's funny because we're very different but we created that little ritual and it's always nice to end up a little drunk with this stranger-friend.


In case you come to Nice in France, just message me :wink:

or more likely in Leipzig germany in some months

My username is Michel-Lovenote

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ah that sounds really great man, Nice climate would have done me good right now... I will see what the summer brings. Probably no traveling any time soon, will probably try and lure some women into my lair of sexual perversions with this couchsurfing scheme though hahaha.. nah just kidding.


I have always wanted to travel around and see if I can book some gigs while I'm around. that sort off thing would rock hardcore. but probably not very lucrative and I would need some cash up front... couchsurfing would be ideal for planning travels like that.

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I have always wanted to travel around and see if I can book some gigs while I'm around. that sort off thing would rock hardcore. but probably not very lucrative and I would need some cash up front... couchsurfing would be ideal for planning travels like that.




plus I'm sure some people would be uber-glad to host an electronic musician of your kind who's on tour ^^

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Guest Helper ET

im a canadian traveling to europe this summer. im only supposed to go for about a week then come right back. one day it dawned on me though, why not only spend half the money as to buy a one way, and just go to england (you guys call it that right?), and just couchsurf the fuck and make crazy acid electronic with the pros, whilst getting drunk on these 2 £ bottles of wine i know you guys have


i havent directly asked anyone yet, but damnit i wish i could cash in on some of you peoples offers from years ago inviting me over for drinks and tunes


if you ever find yourself in canada (its closer than you think), consider yourself hospitalized

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  • 7 years later...

I've been thinking about hosting for couchsurfing after sleeping on a few couches in Europe through my travel partner's couchsurfing connections.

Anyone have a bad experience hosting or anything I should look out for? I really want to trust and help out travellers but people are inherently unpredictable to I'm erring on the side of caution. 

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On 2/11/2012 at 6:18 AM, Guest Helper ET said:

if you ever find yourself in canada (its closer than you think), consider yourself hospitalized

can anyone from canada confirm?:)

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Did you know Macaulay Culkin's middle name is Macaulay Culkin? So his full name is Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin.

Also if you come to Canada, 10 months out of the year you will be hospitalized by polar bears.

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