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Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'


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Honestly... Tipping is the part I hate the most when I'm at a restaurant. I let my wife handle that. I've gone Mr. Pink in the past as well.



I let my wife figure out the tip stuff usually, but she always goes 20-25% and it makes me a bit crazy.

I'm fine giving a good tip to a good server, but I certainly never deny someone a tip if they don't impress me.

I feel if you willingly eat in a place with table service, you should give at the very least 10-15%. If you really feel like you had SHITTY service, I think it's ok to give a shitty tip. If it is REALLY SHITTY service (meaning the server is a straight-up asshole who doesn't give a fuck about their job or the customers), then it is ok to not give a tip.


Yeah... She does the minimum. and goes down to like 5 or 7 if the service is shitty.

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Last time I checked serving was a real job. I don't ever tip, but that's cause I live in Norway and shit is expensive enough as it is for a student.


That's because in Norway waiters get a living wage and service charges are already included in the price. That's what civilized countries do.


Thats exactly my point. So how is what I said dumb?


That is, in different words, you are saying exactly what I said.

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Honestly... Tipping is the part I hate the most when I'm at a restaurant. I let my wife handle that. I've gone Mr. Pink in the past as well.



I let my wife figure out the tip stuff usually, but she always goes 20-25% and it makes me a bit crazy.

I'm fine giving a good tip to a good server, but I certainly never deny someone a tip if they don't impress me.

I feel if you willingly eat in a place with table service, you should give at the very least 10-15%. If you really feel like you had SHITTY service, I think it's ok to give a shitty tip. If it is REALLY SHITTY service (meaning the server is a straight-up asshole who doesn't give a fuck about their job or the customers), then it is ok to not give a tip.


The last time I had a terrible server I still tipped 10% (maybe it was 8-9, but I still tipped), and I sually tip 18-20, sometimes 15 if the server's role is minimal.


Last time I checked serving was a real job. I don't ever tip, but that's cause I live in Norway and shit is expensive enough as it is for a student.

That's because in Norway waiters get a living wage and service charges are already included in the price. That's what civilized countries do.


True, but then again tips also work to help give workers straight up cash, especially workers at resorts or other tourism jobs. I worked as valet and hotel porter and getting cash made up for the below minimum hourly wage. Everyone tip-pooled and didn't claim the full amout of tips on tax forms so we didn't get garshised at ridiculous rates. Got stiffed on here and there but for the most part it worked out fine.


Still, you have a point. American states are grossly varied in their standards on pay and worker's rights, and instead of any real discussion about it politicians and the media just play up assumptions the left and right have about each other. Instead of appreciating working-class jobs we treat them as some kind of position you should strive to "move up from." And I agree, one shouldn't be expected to earn less because their job is considered "entry-level." The 'get a real job' note is the most offensive part of the tip story. Serving food is a more sincere job than a lot of six figure careers currently in existence.

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Honestly... Tipping is the part I hate the most when I'm at a restaurant. I let my wife handle that. I've gone Mr. Pink in the past as well.



I let my wife figure out the tip stuff usually, but she always goes 20-25% and it makes me a bit crazy.

I'm fine giving a good tip to a good server, but I certainly never deny someone a tip if they don't impress me.

I feel if you willingly eat in a place with table service, you should give at the very least 10-15%. If you really feel like you had SHITTY service, I think it's ok to give a shitty tip. If it is REALLY SHITTY service (meaning the server is a straight-up asshole who doesn't give a fuck about their job or the customers), then it is ok to not give a tip.


The last time I had a terrible server I still tipped 10% (maybe it was 8-9, but I still tipped), and I sually tip 18-20, sometimes 15 if the server's role is minimal.


Last time I checked serving was a real job. I don't ever tip, but that's cause I live in Norway and shit is expensive enough as it is for a student.

That's because in Norway waiters get a living wage and service charges are already included in the price. That's what civilized countries do.


True, but then again tips also work to help give workers straight up cash, especially workers at resorts or other tourism jobs. I worked as valet and hotel porter and getting cash made up for the below minimum hourly wage. Everyone tip-pooled and didn't claim the full amout of tips on tax forms. Got stiffed on here and there but for the most part it worked out fine.


Still, you have a point. American states are grossly varied in their standards on pay and worker's rights, and instead of any real discussion about it politicians and the media just play up assumptions the left and right have about each other. Instead of appreciating working-class jobs we treat them as some kind of position you should strive to "move up from." And I agree, one shouldn't be expected to earn less because their job is considered "entry-level." The 'get a real job' note is the most offensive part of the tip story. Serving food is a more sincere job than a lot of six figure careers currently in existence.


I agree with you there. However, people need to be aware of the flaws in the system and knowing that sincere jobs pay shit, refuse to work them and let free market economics adjust labour supply/demand to drive the price up for shitty jobs.


That is, in an ideal world, unfortunately illegal immigration and legit immigration poke holes in that system.


Among other things of course.

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Anyways I don't believe it takes a particular genius to foresee that if you don't want to work at mcdonalds or deliver pizzas when you're 37 years old, you have to work hard early in life. Isn't it a complex iteration of natural selection that resolves some to work these jobs at these ages and complain about it on their twitter pages where they have 6 followers?


Don't take any of that post seriously. I just like to troll.

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Guest abusivegeorge

There's a big difference between tipping a watiress/waiter and tipping the guy at the grocery store. I don't expect the man at the grocery store to be humble or expect any sort of kindness or smile from him at all, he's just packing (and in the UK, 90% of the time, not even this) and then charging me for groceries that I have taken to him.


When I'm sitting in a restaurant, and someone is paid to bring me my food, I expect them to be polite and bring a smile with my meal, especially if I'm with company. This is what I tip for, I'm eating out, in public, I expect everything to be delivered to me with a smile, eating at a restaurant is a social occasion, buying food from the grocery is just an everyday necessity, I'm not there to enjoy myself and spend 30 minutes chatting with 3 friends about how nice the oranges look and then asking the cashier to pack them nicely into a flower basket and bring them to my car, if this was going to happen, then I'd tip them for providing me with a healthy service.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Also, mcdonalds is totally different experience to eating at a traditional restaurant, I don't walk into a mcdonalds and wait patiently to be served by a waiter/waitress, I have to queue up at the checkout and ask for my food, which is then given to me at a counter, not delivered to my table, on clean cutlery with a knife and fork. It's a fast food chain restaurant. Different experience entirely.


i think it's also important to note that when eating at a restaurant, the waiter/waitress, is also paid and asked to be polite no matter what mood they might be in, when I walk into a macdonalds or a grocery there isn't quite the same etiquette with the staff. I appreciate someone who delivers me a good service, regardless of the fact they might be having a shit day. I tip them for being considerate of myself and my company. The occasion is far more intimate and than a fast food chain or a grocery store.

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There's a big difference between tipping a watiress/waiter and tipping the guy at the grocery store. I don't expect the man at the grocery store to be humble or expect any sort of kindness or smile from him at all, he's just packing (and in the UK, 90% of the time, not even this) and then charging me for groceries that I have taken to him.


When I'm sitting in a restaurant, and someone is paid to bring me my food, I expect them to be polite and bring a smile with my meal, especially if I'm with company. This is what I tip for, I'm eating out, in public, I expect everything to be delivered to me with a smile, eating at a restaurant is a social occasion, buying food from the grocery is just an everyday necessity, I'm not there to enjoy myself and spend 30 minutes chatting with 3 friends about how nice the oranges look and then asking the cashier to pack them nicely into a flower basket and bring them to my car, if this was going to happen, then I'd tip them for providing me with a healthy service.



this. you know how hard, i mean really hard it is not to fucking kick most people's teeth in when you work in a restaurant? unless youve worked it i dont really think anyone truly understands that point of view.

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Anyways I don't believe it takes a particular genius to foresee that if you don't want to work at mcdonalds or deliver pizzas when you're 37 years old, you have to work hard early in life. Isn't it a complex iteration of natural selection that resolves some to work these jobs at these ages and complain about it on their twitter pages where they have 6 followers?


Don't take any of that post seriously. I just like to troll.


you're actually completely right

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Anyways I don't believe it takes a particular genius to foresee that if you don't want to work at mcdonalds or deliver pizzas when you're 37 years old, you have to work hard early in life. Isn't it a complex iteration of natural selection that resolves some to work these jobs at these ages and complain about it on their twitter pages where they have 6 followers?


Don't take any of that post seriously. I just like to troll.


you're actually completely right


no, you are completely fucking wrong. you think the person that works 80 hour weeks but makes less money than a stock broker didn't work hard enough? im so fucking angry at the first statement and your agreement with the statement that im about to fucking cum pure seething rage...i can't answer this right now...ill be back later after i cool down.

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Anyways I don't believe it takes a particular genius to foresee that if you don't want to work at mcdonalds or deliver pizzas when you're 37 years old, you have to work hard early in life. Isn't it a complex iteration of natural selection that resolves some to work these jobs at these ages and complain about it on their twitter pages where they have 6 followers?


Don't take any of that post seriously. I just like to troll.


you're actually completely right


no, you are completely fucking wrong. you think the person that works 80 hour weeks but makes less money than a stock broker didn't work hard enough? im so fucking angry at the first statement and your agreement with the statement that im about to fucking cum pure seething rage...i can't answer this right now...ill be back later after i cool down.



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would you mind just admitting that success in any means is about 90% based upon a random genetic lottery? i mean, dont bullshit me, ill go along with your premise as long as you dont pretend this has to do with some faux-romanticized social Darwinist fairy tale.

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would you mind just admitting that success in any means is about 90% based upon a random genetic lottery?


I don't know what you mean by this. Do you want me to say that success is based on genetics? Or.....?

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I shouldn't be hypocritical, so let me elaborate on what I mean. It's obvious that economic disparity cannot be solved by just "working harder". I just agreed with the dead-obvious statement that decisions made early matter.

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Last time I checked serving was a real job. I don't ever tip, but that's cause I live in Norway and shit is expensive enough as it is for a student.


That's because in Norway waiters get a living wage and service charges are already included in the price. That's what civilized countries do.


Thats exactly my point. So how is what I said dumb?


That is, in different words, you are saying exactly what I said.


Life is what you make of it and if you've made your life out to be a waiter/waitress expect some of the dumb shit and low tipping assholes that come with it.

That is the dumb comment. It makes it sound that person ended up a waiter just because that's what they deserved and that person should just accept being treated as shit by some rich fuck. It's not a just world out there and some people are going to be more lucky than others, no matter how much work they put into it. Odds are that the banker in this story was born into a rich family and had far more opportunities in life to find themselves in a high-paying finance job than the waiter in question.

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i just wanna finish and say without any sarcasm, you guys are right. ive been on here throwing around what I think I know as if Im some authority or educated on matters, and it really is all fucking irrelevant in the end; im going to die alone and penniless. i really do deserve the life that I have, and I spent too much time avoiding my own self-acknowledgement of my impotence in the world at large. Im not sarcastic; anyone that has ever talked shit about me on here is right, and I deserved it, and Im sorry I never listened to you earlier.

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he just wants the waiter to get a "real job" where income disparity is huge and your boss is making four times as much as you make, cuz that's how everything is supposed to work you guise. you can't get tips! you might make more than you're supposed to! i don't get to take a crisp 100 dollar bill home with me at the end of a work day this isnt fairrrrr

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I think tipping by percentage is kind of silly. I try to tip based more on the amount of work the server is putting in, how pleasant they are, etc. So if a waitress at a greasy spoon serves me a slice of cherry pie and fills my coffee five times in the course of 40 minutes she's just as deserving of a $5 tip as someone who served me steak and lobster at a 5 star restaurant. I don't get the percentage thing at all. Really servers should just be paid better and tips shouldn't be unnecessary, but that isn't the case most places.

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