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opiate addiction


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Tramadol is a weird opiate that has SSRI properties. It can be habit forming and potentially addictive but it's near impossible to abuse or get high off of. But taking them does cause a light sense of well being or euphoria.


this is pretty much spot on ^^ Tramadol is relatively easy to find online for cheap prices and is somewhat better than a traditional opiate for pain in terms of tolerance and danger, but still it being a serotonin releasing agent, can lead to some depressing results if used as a constant pain relief. I have watched someone go into a fit (seizing) from being stupid and abusing the stuff.



it sucks that some folks just can't be happy smoking weed and drinking booze when things get rough


Its sad really, pot isn't the answer for peoples problems, but I'd rather see someone become a stoner with no motivation than a junkie with a hidden agenda to die.


you can obtain ibogaine pretty easily on the internet, at least the root bark. Its technically illegal in the US but the chances of customs stopping a package of ibogaine root bark are very very slim, it's not a priority for them.


ibogaine hcl you can find online too but its very expensive.


I have a friend who just kicked cigarettes (yes this works too) with ibogaine and he said he's never felt better. He's tried just about every form of anti smoking aid under the sun and he said this is the only time it stuck.


there is also the false perception out there that to 'kick' from an ibogaine experience you need to have an intense out of body experience style psychedelic trip. This is not true, something inside the chemical even at low doses helps recover from addiction.


you forgot to mention that ibogaine has a pretty high mortality rate because it's so stressful on the heart.


I have safely taken Ibogaine HCl at a dose of 20mg x KG and so have many other friends. Never had problems with cardiac activity, mostly muscle tension and tremors that most reported. It is easy to extract via A/B and purify via solvent wash. Get an accurate milligram scale.

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PSA for my fellow watmm brothers, tis true.



You can tell he got really fucked up by drugs... just look at the way he structured his infographic


I didn't make that infographic, I found it on opiophile.com

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i read an insane story about someone's addiction to poppy tea..was it in this thread? it was terrifying. ...never touching that stuff. ever.

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That is so well w

LOL, it was on the first page of this thread along with me asking about opiates...well i guess I figured out where I stand on it now.




worth reposting, really creepy.


that is so well written, and I mean brilliantly so, that I suspect it's all made up. People who've been through hell just don't write that way, I think...

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That is so well w

LOL, it was on the first page of this thread along with me asking about opiates...well i guess I figured out where I stand on it now.




worth reposting, really creepy.


that is so well written, and I mean brilliantly so, that I suspect it's all made up. People who've been through hell just don't write that way, I think...


wasnt most of the Beat Generation a group of heroin/opiate addicts?

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Guest sirch

I have a cunt of a monkey on my back, sometimes. but not gone as far as her ruins town yet.


i wonder if drugs kill enough people to be considered an evolutionary pressure.


i wonder if evolution is bullshit...

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Alright, but it's still a possible rationality in context with sirch's confliction with the evolutionary theory. A general explanation of the scientific objections to evolution would be helpful as well.

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Guest sirch

You religious sirch?


no, mate.. i can't say i am.

i did go to a "Church of England" primary school, though. i guess that's like the equivalent of a US elementary school.. left there aged 10 or 11 and went to 'big school'.

never been a church goer, nor has any of my family.


..it's like Joseph says...

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Guest sirch

also, i did say "i wonder" if evolution is bullshit.


but i do honestly think evolution has been a real factor, to a certain extent.

but i also think it's laughable at the same time.

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I was kidding. The only anti-evolutionary hypothesis I have ever seen that did not have explicit religious ties was in this hilarious book I saw one time, can't remember the name or author. Basically his thesis was that all species sprung fully-formed from a primordial pond through random molecular collisions.he had about 500 pages defending this viewpoint.


evolution, drug deaths, drug addictions, opiates, right

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That is so well w

LOL, it was on the first page of this thread along with me asking about opiates...well i guess I figured out where I stand on it now.




worth reposting, really creepy.


that is so well written, and I mean brilliantly so, that I suspect it's all made up. People who've been through hell just don't write that way, I think...


wasnt most of the Beat Generation a group of heroin/opiate addicts?


the writing style is completely different though. There is no reptilian vibe at all, he comes across like an overzealous creative writing major, which he probably is. Also note that he details no other human interactions at all, goes from saying he was "helping his wife with something" to "I lost my wife due to my drug addiction" in a blink with no other comment about their crumbling relationship. I know you're going to say "it's probably too painful and he's clearly still in the grips of major denial" but I just get a different vibe, a vibe of phony. Not one of those things you can pin down easily.

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i smoked heroin a few times. I thought it was amazing. Its been over 15 years.. i wouldn't know where to look for heoin today.

the unsensible part of me wishes i could live in a cool city somewhere and spend a month getting high everyday and just chill and watch people go by.

Im such a fuck up in life i might as well have been a drug addict..

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Evolution is a fact, and has been proven to be for a long time. Scientists are still working out the kinks in the specifics.


That is so well w

LOL, it was on the first page of this thread along with me asking about opiates...well i guess I figured out where I stand on it now.




worth reposting, really creepy.


that is so well written, and I mean brilliantly so, that I suspect it's all made up. People who've been through hell just don't write that way, I think...


wasnt most of the Beat Generation a group of heroin/opiate addicts?


the writing style is completely different though. There is no reptilian vibe at all, he comes across like an overzealous creative writing major, which he probably is. Also note that he details no other human interactions at all, goes from saying he was "helping his wife with something" to "I lost my wife due to my drug addiction" in a blink with no other comment about their crumbling relationship. I know you're going to say "it's probably too painful and he's clearly still in the grips of major denial" but I just get a different vibe, a vibe of phony. Not one of those things you can pin down easily.


really? I took it in the way that the man in is addiction clearly didn't care about anything else other than getting high at that point, thus his wife was completely irrelevant as a character.

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i smoked heroin a few times. I thought it was amazing. Its been over 15 years.. i wouldn't know where to look for heoin today.

the unsensible part of me wishes i could live in a cool city somewhere and spend a month getting high everyday and just chill and watch people go by.

Im such a fuck up in life i might as well have been a drug addict..

Hi Richard!


everyone has it's problems but don't use heroin it will kill you

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