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Smoke alarm keeps going off


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Its 2am. There's no fuckin fire. No fuckin smoke. I changed the fuckin battery (it's even going off with the battery out). I closed all the windows (the windows were open before and it smelled a little smokey out) and pointed a fuckin fan at that shit and it's still going off.


It is soo fuckin loud and shrill. It's seriously driving me crazy.

I'm about to get all Larry David on that shit (somebody post a YouTube of that shit).

I have to be up in less than 5 hrs.

Make it stop.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

plstik is dishing out some pro advice for a semi-noob


UHHHhhhhh huh? Still goes off without the battery? Just break the thing apart, like a boss, of course.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

LOL... I don't understand... you can replace the alarm for less than 20 bucks at nearly any store...Wouldn't expect a Watmmer (besides weed) would let that shit go off for more than 4 minutes late at night before they broke that ish into pieces.

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what so it has a battery as well as being hard wired in case a like, electricity related fire cuts out the electricity? so the battery is backup. that's the kind of thing that should allow you to sleep well.. so this whole situation is FUCKING IRONIC GRAAHHSDJKgosdjfoa



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

It's definitely a smoke alarm, and yes, I think it's hard wired. So fucked.

What prevented you from breaking it, cutting the wire, crushing all obstacles in your path, ridding yourself of the annoyance within minutes, so you could get some sleep and have the alarm replaced the next day?

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

What if there was an actual fire?

Are you bullshitting us? You're really are telling me you just let the smoke alarm wine and moan all night even though it would be easily disabled and replaced the next morning because of the crazy low probability you could have a fire in the span of what, 6 hours?

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We taped a Tupperware container over it and instead of it going off constantly, it only went off every 15 minutes.

I went to work at 7am. My wife put up with it for several more hours after I left. I think she may have gotten the building manager to replace it.

we barely slept at all last night.

I didn't want to cut any wires that fed into the wall. My neighbors were probably pissed.

Oh well.

This thread was totally awesome.

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man harsh... we had a similar thing over here, our smoke detectors run on batteries and when they run out they give off a loud beep every now and then. wakes you up in the night and you have no idea what you heard. fall back asleep and wake up again.. etc.. very weird if you don't know what's waking you up...... happened to me.. took me a while to figure out what the fuck was going on. those things are evil.


we're getting them replaced soon now because every 6 months those batteries run out, and we have em all over the building!.. my downstairs neighbour had one in a room across his, where he had no access to.. really frustrating I hear.

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if you have access to the fuse panel / breaker, you can disable the power there by taking out the fuse or flipping the breaker. if you're lucky, nothing else is on that line. in my case, it's the same line as the heat :\

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