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Pineapple Appreciation

Guest Lindrum Larry Cocopipe

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Guest Lindrum Larry Cocopipe

Is there a finer tasting natural food on earth? I have a pineapple every day and with every bite I think to myself fucking hell these things are incredible. They have the texture of the juiciest, most succulent meat but the most amazing tangy sharp sweetness taste.

They even look great. Who can deny the decorative charm of a pineapple in the kitchen. They look so crazy alien and taste so fucking insanely nice that I often wonder if they were left here by an alien race or time travelling humans from the future. And pineapple juice, come on!!. How can one thing be so multi fucking amazing. I want to live in a pineapple under the sea.



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Earlier tonight, I had a brick oven fired pizza with prosciutto and pineapple on it. Godfuckingdamn.


Tomorrow, I will slice up a fresh, ripe pineapple and gnaw on it like mad.


On Easter, I'm gonna eat pineapple with ham and yeah you know what pineapples are the greatest fruit my a mile.





They also make love juices taste better. PINEAPPLES


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ah you already covered what I was gonna add in my spoiler. Unfortunately it's all theoretical for me, as my gf makes a point of not getting any in her mouth (apart from the slight prelim dribble)

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Mangos are incredible in their own right, and I do love their slimy texture and adaptability in various smoothies, but a pineapple will solve all my problems for like 15 minutes.

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Durian is still the King of Fruit.


On a recent trip to Indonesia I tried sirsak juice again, which I had forgotten. I'm informed it's "soursop" in English. Anyway, it's the nectar of the gods.



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Guest Franklin

somebody just told me about that fruit lumpy. what spose to be some sort of new "instant cure" craze surrounding it here in north america (the great continent)

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Guest Franklin

oh and befoer i leave again without posting i should also say that i fucking hate pineapples.. they seriously i think my most hated fruit because they taste disgusting to me.


:) no offence !

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somebody just told me about that fruit lumpy. what spose to be some sort of new "instant cure" craze surrounding it here in north america (the great continent)


dang, have to find some other obscure fruit to champion then, I need to retain hipster cred :)


thankfully I have very little idea what's trendy in the west any more...unless it's lady gaga, justin bieber etc. Last food craze I was privy to there was the whole acai berry thing (that was prior to leaving in 2006)

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great thread, i fucking love pineapples. in addition to the godly flavor and exotic beauty, i find that a pineapple is one of the most satisfying things to cut into - the fruit gives way just perfectly under a blade.


pineapples would make a better compilation album than most of the IDM of the year candidates.

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Guest Lindrum Larry Cocopipe

I used to love mangos but my last house had a mango tree in the garden. They were really good mangos. I gathered well over 100 and brought them inside. My fridge was fucking rammed. One morning I decided I would make a fresh mango smoothy but I didnt use anywhere near enough mango or sugar and it came out so watery that it just tasted rank. Then all the stringy bits were getting caught in the back of my throat and I ended up leaning over the sink gagging. I will never eat another mango again. They were never anything on a pineapple anyway.


oh and befoer i leave again without posting i should also say that i fucking hate pineapples.. they seriously i think my most hated fruit because they taste disgusting to me.


:) no offence !


leave now

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Durian is still the King of Fruit.


On a recent trip to Indonesia I tried sirsak juice again, which I had forgotten. I'm informed it's "soursop" in English. Anyway, it's the nectar of the gods.




Is Durian similar to soursup? cus i've never even seen a durian but soursup (Guanabana) is quite common here and it's not that special imo, tho i can see how it would be if it were a rarity.

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Guest Lindrum Larry Cocopipe

I was once give a piece of fruit apparently called a custard apple. It was really really good but I could never find it anywhere. Anyone heard of this or know another name for it I can try looking for?

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pineapple is indeed incredibly succulent and tasty. you can even chew on the center bit like gum. delicious pineapple flavored gum. I don't eat nearly as much pineapple as I would like to.



also Durian is basically Jackfruit that smells like rotting corpses, but nonetheless, I do quite like it, and it can be pretty delicious in baked goods.

also I should say: I am not one of these newfangled hip durian eaters, I just have been to indonesia/enjoy frequenting asian groceries

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Guest Lindrum Larry Cocopipe

pineapples would make a better compilation album than most of the IDM of the year candidates.


Agreed. Or even just fruit. I am only recently at the age of 30 discovering the magic of fruit. They say you can eat as much of it as you like without getting fat but I'm not sure really. I'm thinking of giving a weeks trial run of just cramming myself full of delicious fruit to see what happens.


pineapple is indeed incredibly succulent and tasty. you can even chew on the center bit like gum. delicious pineapple flavored gum. I don't eat nearly as much pineapple as I would like to.



also Durian is basically Jackfruit that smells like rotting corpses, but nonetheless, I do quite like it, and it can be pretty delicious in baked goods.


how could you eat something that smells awful?

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I like pineapples, but they hurt my tongue for some reason. I can only eat a few.


Is Durian similar to soursup? cus i've never even seen a durian but soursup (Guanabana) is quite common here and it's not that special imo, tho i can see how it would be if it were a rarity.

All I know about Durian is that it smells really bad. There are actually signs in some places in Southeast Asia telling you that you can't bring them into certain places with you.

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pineapple is indeed incredibly succulent and tasty. you can even chew on the center bit like gum. delicious pineapple flavored gum. I don't eat nearly as much pineapple as I would like to.



also Durian is basically Jackfruit that smells like rotting corpses, but nonetheless, I do quite like it, and it can be pretty delicious in baked goods.


how could you eat something that smells awful?

I can't say that I really understand it, because I have always thought that smell and taste go hand in hand, but with Durian, you basically have to just ignore the smell, bear in mind that it is a fruit and not something dead, and go for it, and it tastes 100% different from how it smells. It's kind of an acquired taste.


also to those interested in trying it do not eat durian flavored products, they taste how it smells, not how it tastes.

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Yeah I'd love to try durian one day. I actually tried a durian smoothie/milkshake drink at a local phở restaurant and really liked it, but that seem to tame the taste overall - it was pleasant and likewise I could only get a whiff of it's pungent smell up close. I also know that it's one of the few foods Andrew Zimmern can't eat whereas Anthony Bourdain absolutely loves it.




I love pinapples as well, there's nothing like it. One of the few fruits that gives me a instant sour face (of joy) when it's good and ripe.



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Grilled pineapple is one of the tastiest things in the world. Combine with chili, coriander and some meat (pork is good) and it's heaven.

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Guest Lindrum Larry Cocopipe

Grilled pineapple is one of the tastiest things in the world. Combine with chili, coriander and some meat (pork is good) and it's heaven.


ooh that sounds good. I'm gonna search some recipes.

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Durian is still the King of Fruit.



watch that the falling durian don't split open your brain parts. tigers feast on them. durian makes up significant amount of their diet when in season





Is Durian similar to soursup?


no, especially in flavor, the durian is unlike any other fruit. the green, unripe durian does look somewhat like oversized soupsop / cherimoya, especially the example pictured above, with the characteristic white flesh and the numerous, smooth, black seeds but when ripe, the durian could never be confused with soursop

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