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Tribute Album to Incomplete Skyscrapers


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Just finished mine :emotawesomepm9:


paulstretched the sound of a collapsing tower block, cut-off half way through?


Yeah, the asspect of incompleteness poses a unique challenge; how to convey it effectively without the track seeming unfinished.

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Well I imagine most people will try to incorporate it into the sound of the track itself (IE unexpected rests in beats, maybe use of unconventional timesigs to give people a sense of offrhythmness) or theme the track around something to do with the construction process (like making it entirely out of samples of buildsite machinery).

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I'm just going to announce that once I again I will try to submit a new song and I will probably miss the deadline again and then never finish the track and feel ashamed about it like all the other years

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I'm just going to announce that once I again I will try to submit a new song and I will probably miss the deadline again and then never finish the track and feel ashamed about it like all the other years


but at least you've tried

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I am completely sick of WATMM but I guess this annual contest will keep me going for another month. Do you accept incomplete tracks as a tribute to incomplete skyscrapers?

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Incomplete since 1987.




I actually thought they ended up finishing it some time last year. Guess not.


yeah, I thought it was deemed finished to a certain point, but not actually completed to the original spec (it was not as tall as they originally wanted).


I made a good start to my track last weekend, needs fleshing out some more and need some more real life construction samples from work... but its getting there

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In all seriousness (Hello I'm back from my sabbatical and plan to kinda stay gone). Anyway, Root is good people and I have confidence he'll put this thing off the right way. I look forward to hearing it.


I'm currently uploading the 256,320, and FLAC versions of The Antarctica Tribute, which I shall post here in this thread when they are ready.


Good luck everyone! You should get that guy that was around a while ago to master it if he still does that stuff, having so many different tunes, at different levels and styles means mastering can really pull the whole ting together qute nicely. We spent about 4 days mastering Antarctica (then again it was 2 discs).




Any of you that wanna stay in touch add me on facebook!




also add karakasa, record label records, and ribstep.

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In all seriousness (Hello I'm back from my sabbatical and plan to kinda stay gone). Anyway, Root is good people and I have confidence he'll put this thing off the right way. I look forward to hearing it.


I'm currently uploading the 128,320, and FLAC versions of The Antarctica Tribute, which I shall post here in this thread when they are ready.


Good luck everyone! You should get that guy that was around a while ago to master it if he still does that stuff, having so many different tunes, at different levels and styles means mastering can really pull the whole ting together qute nicely. We spent about 4 days mastering Antarctica (then again it was 2 discs).




Any of you that wanna stay in touch add me on facebook!




also add karakasa, record label records, and ribstep.


Hey Brandi, thanks for the plug. I'm glad antarctica is coming back online. It's the only one so far that I got a track on.


Also, I can confirm that Zephyr Nova has kindly agreed to master this album.

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