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Guest Al Hounos

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I'm okay with marriage. Not with adoption though.


I'm going to naively assume you mean marriage and adoption in general and not just with same-sex couples. That way I can believe you're really stupid instead of really ignorant.


And for the record, I'd be willing to bet gay parents who volunteer to adopt are far better parents than some trashy and stupid straight couple that couldn't fucking use contraceptives. The same states that try to ban gays from adopting are often the same ones that are trying to ban publicly funding family planning clinics. It stems from the same bullshit ideology and religious convictions. Let's let children be born in poverty and abusive homes because the bible told us that's ok.


Yeah I was talking about same sex couples. The rest of your non-sense doesn't deserve a serious answer, It seems you're comparing the worst situations of one side with the best situation of the one you defend, it's unfair and biased. People like you don't deserve their freedom of speech, they just talk shit in general because they're completely brainwashed, you're probably a transvestite.


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Obama becomes the first sitting president in history to unequivocally support gay marriage, in an ELECTION YEAR, no less, and you think it's no big deal?

Do you think this is not a controversial issue anymore?

Do you think the first black president should have spent all of his political capital during his first term, during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, legalizing gay marriage at the federal level? As if this would have even been possible?

Do you realize that blacks and latinos, two voting blocs that overwhelmingly supported Obama in 2008, are also overwhelmingly in opposition to gay marriage?

Do you realize that the most essential 'swing states' - Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, are opposed to gay marriage? Christ, this week, North Carolina, which went for Obama in 2008, just banned gay marriage.


I realize that cynicism is very fashionable in more 'intellectual' parts of the web, like WATMM, but cynicism doesn't always make you look wise and worldly. In this case, it just makes you look really ignorant.


Him being the first president to say he supports gay marriage isn't really something you can use to claim significance when it has been 12 years since another Democrat was in office and since then national polling shows an overal majority in favor of gay marriage.




So without any kind of statement clarifying that he will support legislation for a federal law allowing gay marriage, this opinion really does very little. Claiming that Obama will lose a noticeable size of the Black vote because of this opinion isn't really based on any evidence.


During the last Great Depression some of the most progressive laws ever were passed by FDR, not to mention the huge majority Obama had in his first two years.


In regards to the swing states, I'm not sure if this opinion really loses him any votes for people in those states who intensely oppose gay marriage. Those voters would most likely not vote for him anyway.


So without any kind of strong leadership behind this opinion, this isn't really historical or news. The rapid family values/religious voters are all extreme conservatives. Obama is mainly hoping this will increase donations and votes from the youth, which it might do.

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Some bullet points from here:http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/tf3wy/president_obama_endorses_gay_marriage_on_abc/c4m30q0

  • The number of winnable voters, who might have voted for Obama but for this pronouncement, must be de minimis. It seems likely that the large majority of people powerfully motivated by opposition to gay marriage are completely lost to Obama.
  • Liberal Democratic voters just got something to get excited about, and to donate, campaign, and block-walk for.
  • Can you imagine how charming the coming shitstorm from the right is gonna be? Do you think it's going to win a lot of moderates into the GOP fold?
  • Gay marriage is unpopular with black voters, but Obama is uniquely positioned to get 90%+ of black votes regardless. What are they going to do, vote Romney? And isn't it likely that the President's stance could lead to a softening of opposition in the black community?
  • Similarly, Latino voters tend to oppose gay marriage, but they have been kicked in the teeth by Republicans so hard in recent years. Maybe gay marriage is less of an obstacle than zealous anti-immigration laws, "show your papers" laws, and the general contempt for Latinos prevalent in much of the activist right. I hope so.

So overall I see this as a political/smart move that doesn't really mean anything until we know Obama will support and lead a federal bill supporting gay marriage. It's political advertising for now.

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Guest RadarJammer

winning elections by violating the christian value catalogue is impossible in us and a i thought, no ?


Its the Val Kilmer method™, tank your career on purpose so that paparazzi won't follow you around for the rest of your life.

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Exactly. Perfectly said, joshua. Pragmatism, not idealism, folks.


Not sure if ironic or american.


Not sure if trolling or retarded.

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As someone who has a shit dad i would rather have had two great mums than one great mum and one shit dad. Kanakori you are an imbecile go fuck yourself.

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Guest Rambo

the thing is..... he (and the Obama squad) would have weighed it up and considered how it would effect voting numbers before he said that. Wouldn't have said it otherwise. It's probably a good reflection on the direction America is moving in. The male g spot being located securely within the ass is surely God's greatest joke, i just find it ironic that religious people are the only ones who dont think it's funny.

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As someone who has a shit dad i would rather have had two great mums than one great mum and one shit dad. Kanakori you are an imbecile go fuck yourself.


That logic is retarded.

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the thing is..... he (and the Obama squad) would have weighed it up and considered how it would effect voting numbers before he said that. Wouldn't have said it otherwise. It's probably a good reflection on the direction America is moving in. The male g spot being located securely within the ass is surely God's greatest joke, i just find it ironic that religious people are the only ones who dont think it's funny.


fucking lol

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Guest Rambo

the only way you could have any argument against same sex couples adopting would be to do studies and see if loads of the kids ended up completely fucked up by the time they were adults. I'd be absolutely amazed if that was the case. Anything else is just gut-feeling bullshit.

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Kanakori the 1800s called they said hey we got telephones now


Ofc, modernization means giving up the world to the corrupt transvestites.


the only way you could have any argument against same sex couples adopting would be to do studies and see if loads of the kids ended up completely fucked up by the time they were adults. I'd be absolutely amazed if that was the case. Anything else is just gut-feeling bullshit.


Aw who am I kidding, you're right, mogli was adopted by wolves and it worked out well.

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Guest Fatcaesar

Jesus.. you Americans are always so constantly into appearances of politics? You spend so much time arguing about what people thing and what not to say during an election year, it's more important for you to win an election that to stand by your ideas and ideologies!!!


It pisses me off so much, and I'm Swedish, i vote for the left wing party here, even if they never win, they are in the parliament though, but i stand by my ideas because one day, when we win, we still stand by those ideologies and we will work towards making them a reality.


That's why i like obama, cause he is doing the same, he don't care about what his voters think, or states etc about same sex, he stands by his idea about people with the same sex should be married.


And that's what a real leader should do, so Go obama 2012!!

He's by far the best president you ever got, so don't fuck it up because you're so naive and narrow minded.






P.s if something's hard to read, it's because English isn't my main language.

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