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Lets get all the MostIDM comps onto Bandcamp


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re: the annual MOST IDM compilations


DSC, Beardstep, Black Holes, Large Hadron Collider, Antarctica,Tesla etc


someone managed to get the Tesla comp onto Bandcamp, and its an awesome place to host music:




Why don't we get all the others on there too?

Instead of scattered round the web in half forgotten places


I have most of them if the originals are lost.

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It would be nice too if we could have them all up on one dedicated BC page so dudes wouldn't have to hunt around for each one


I dunno if there's politics involved with WATMM's netlabels which would make that infeasible though

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I'd be cool with doing that, but I don't know how the politics would work. I'd be cool with putting the past comps on cytoplantastic (just a site I set up for the christmas comp and any future comps I do), but people might interpret that as some kind of political power grab. I'd also be cool with putting the upcoming comp, as well as the christmas comp, on worlds most records or futonic, but I dunno what asym/fred are planning with their labels.


Basically, I like the idea of having them all in one place, but I'm afraid any action I take to do so would seem presumptuous. I sent some emails out about it a while back. Brandi put antarctica up here, and I never heard back from Fred. I've actually never heard dsc, and would love to.

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Ah, so Asymmetrical Head is WorldsMostRecords then? http://worldsmostrecords.bandcamp.com/


I think Fred didn't allow other people to host the futonic stuff before, but given that the domain has expired and it now only exists on archive.org perhaps he'd be amenable.


So, the 'owners' are:

DSC - Fred, Futonic

Beardstep - Analogue Wings

Black Holes- Fred, Futonic

Large Hadron Collider - Fred, Futonic

Antarctica - Brandi B

Tesla - Asymmetrical Head, WorldsMostRecords


Are there any I've forgotten?


edit: Does anyone have a way of contacting Fred? Pm me if so.


edit: anywhere on bandcamp would do, I think. We can tag the releases with a tag so they all feel related.

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Oh wait,


Black Holes is on Archive.org under the Creative Commons Attribution license so anyone can distribute it (i.e. put it on bandcamp) if they use proper attribution.


similarly Large Hadron Collider is available under the Creative Commons Attribution nonCommercian Noderivative license, so again anyone can distribute as long as they stick to the license.


So those two wont be a problem.

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It would be great to collect all these at one source! Also, I think we should ask Joyrex if It'd be alright to use the WATMM name as a descriptor at least to clarify that these are not just any comps; they're organized and produced entirely by the WATMM boards!

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Isn't there a limited ammount of free downloads on Bandcamp pages by default? If so, what happens to the money when people have to pay a price.

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Isn't there a limited ammount of free downloads on Bandcamp pages by default? If so, what happens to the money when people have to pay a price.

Pretty sure it's just a monthly limit but I may be wrong

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Guest arbee

You do get 200 free downloads for every month. Meaning that once a month your total goes back to 200 if you have less.

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^In that case I'd imagine the only time DL limits could be an issue would be immediately following a new release or if we got some unexpected promotion from a popular site.

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Guest Aces

Could there be an official WATMM bandcamp page that could integrated here maybe? Seems to make sense. It would be a nice and easy way to hopefully expand brand so to speak...

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I pmed Joyrex. He's considering bringing the downloads section back, and including the watmm comps there.


But just in case, I'll upload the upcoming comp to cytoplantastic, where the christmas album is now.

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As I mentioned to Root, it looks like the click-through revenue coupled with donations will allow us to raise our monthly hosting costs to accommodate the space needed to bring back the Downloads (and have them integrated as part of the forum), and more importantly, so we can add more, since there have been many great live shows since the Downloads were last updated years ago.


The Downloads section would be the perfect place to store the compilations, I think.

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The Downloads section would be the perfect place to store the compilations, I think.


It would be nice. But then it would depend on funding continuing and the bandwidth not getting out of hand and the watmm server not dying etc.


And if they were on bandcamp then non-watmmers might actually get to find them,


I'm currently thinking we should try and get them all CreativeCommons Attribution/NonCommercial licenses so that anyone can host them. Its a good way of ensuring these comps live on somewhere. Fred did it with Black Holes + LHC, thankfully.

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I don't see a problem with them being in both places. More visibility = more goodness. Bandcamp is a pretty safe investment.

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I'm fine with Antarctica being on there, so long as there is no profit involved. When I went through the whole process of trying to make the physical CD (which would've been a double disc) it just seemed to much of a risk with so many artists involved to charge anything for it, yet to get it done nice and pro like, would've been very expensive, and ordering by the disk (which some cheap places due) still involved a question mark with shipping and all that as to how much should be charged to break even and not make any profit. But with my experience listening in on phone conversations with Sony lawyers (my close friend does all the music for the Boondocks, which sony produces), it made me too uneasy.


Then there was a domain I had bought to host the album, and a website and all that, but the costs for bandwidth of a double disc flac/mp3/etc and the domain name without needing some kind of incoming revenue just put me off it altogether.


Fred most likely will not let DSC be hosted as has been stated before, but I cannot/and wouldn't speak directly for him, so that's in your hands.





I'm fine with the flac and 320k mp3 version of Antarctica being hosted on this bandcamp or wherever, if it's in addition to WATMM downloads, that's fine. No less quality or re-encodes though, too much time was spent on mastering (and money heh)! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here's a roundup:

DSC - owned by Fred, Futonic. Unlikely to get permission
Beardstep - owned by Analogue Wings - havent heard back from him
Black Holes- owned by Fred, Futonic, but Creative Commons so in theory anyone can redistribute if they meet the terms (see above)
Large Hadron Collider - Fred, Futonic, but Creative Commons so in theory anyone can redistribute if they meet the terms (see above)
Antarctica - Brandi B - she says its cool, above
Tesla - Asymmetrical Head, WorldsMostRecords - already on BandCamp

So Brandi, my reading of what you wrote is that you'd be happy for me or someone else to put Antarctica on Bandcamp as long as proper attribution was given to you and the original artists etc?


edit: Fred is back and DSC is on Soundcloud yay https://soundcloud.com/futonic/sets/futonic-presents-deep-sea

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