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Masked gunman kills 14 at Batman premiere in Denver


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it's interesting to me how the timeframe for "offensive" memes and 4chan'y online jokes shrink everytime something like this happens. it doesn't really bother me that much personally (except i think it's a bit depressing in general), i just think it's insensetive to any family members of the dead that might come across it (even worse if they can't stop themselves from laughing at it i suppose). like after 9/11 it took months and months before stuff like that started to pop up online, and even then it was pretty shocking. these days it's down to less than 24 hours.


I am pretty sure that it didn't take months after 9/11 before memes started showing up, my guess would be it took less than a week before the first things showed up.

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it's interesting to me how the timeframe for "offensive" memes and 4chan'y online jokes shrink everytime something like this happens. it doesn't really bother me that much personally (except i think it's a bit depressing in general), i just think it's insensetive to any family members of the dead that might come across it (even worse if they can't stop themselves from laughing at it i suppose). like after 9/11 it took months and months before stuff like that started to pop up online, and even then it was pretty shocking. these days it's down to less than 24 hours.


I am pretty sure that it didn't take months after 9/11 before memes started showing up, my guess would be it took less than a week before the first things showed up.


there's a 9/11 thread from somethingawful.com that's been archived and i'm pretty sure there were jokes in it.


edit: as in, the thread was being posted in as the event was happening.

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I really don't see it as anything but more people active online and better tools for information to spread virally, so more of it is present around us, but it's not conclusive to assume that society is becoming less sympathetic because of the internet.


Thank fuck somebody said this.


not really the point though. its still in bad taste. just say you can laugh at a bad joke or two, and call it even.

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I think the media makes people hardened to this sort of thing. It's just so prevalent.


Then again, in the old days people went to public hangings and shit, so maybe we're more sympathetic. Think of the French Revolution.

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this belongs in the conspiracy thread but we might as well get the ball rolling.




edit: I respect the level of paranoia within this article. Or it could be partially true.


I hate to admit it, but some of the points these false flag articles bring up do make me wonder if it really is a simple case of a lunatic having an episode. There was a lot of preparation involved in that attack; body armor, multiple weapons, "sophisticated" booby traps. He was preparing to go up against the cops and take some down even after he had been shot to death, but then gives up. You would think that after already committing to shooting 50 people he would be seeing the whole thing through to the end. But, crazy people are crazy, so trying to make sense of his thought process is probably useless any way.


A while back I did watch a documentary on that Devil's Breath plant, supposedly these "mind control" substances do exist. If it were the case that he was under the influence of something like this, it would make sense that it was the doing of some foreign cell.

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a three month old baby was shot and killed



This is false... Fox News mis-reported this.


BBC News reported this morning that the youngest was a six year old.

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"'Let’s just say he hasn’t shown any remorse,' the employee said. 'He thinks he’s acting in a movie.'"




"As I was sitting down to get my seat, I noticed that a person came up to the front row, the front right, sat down, and as credits were going, it looked like he got a phone call. He went out toward the emergency exit doorway, which I thought was unusual to take a phone call. And it seemed like he probably pried it open, or probably did not let it latch all the way. As soon as the movie started, somebody came in, all black, gas mask, armor, and threw a gas can into the audience, and it went off, and then there were gunshots that took place."

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this belongs in the conspiracy thread but we might as well get the ball rolling.




edit: I respect the level of paranoia within this article. Or it could be partially true.


I hate to admit it, but some of the points these false flag articles bring up do make me wonder if it really is a simple case of a lunatic having an episode. There was a lot of preparation involved in that attack; body armor, multiple weapons, "sophisticated" booby traps. He was preparing to go up against the cops and take some down even after he had been shot to death, but then gives up. You would think that after already committing to shooting 50 people he would be seeing the whole thing through to the end. But, crazy people are crazy, so trying to make sense of his thought process is probably useless any way.


A while back I did watch a documentary on that Devil's Breath plant, supposedly these "mind control" substances do exist. If it were the case that he was under the influence of something like this, it would make sense that it was the doing of some foreign cell.


i think it's ok to have a healthy level of skepticism concerning these events. i'm not saying the government organized it for sure, but it is possible and interesting to consider. i guess we'll see in the next couple of months whether or not politicians are using it as an excuse for oppressive legislation.

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isn't all his 'training' and 'exotic gear' available online, putting 90% of conspiracy theories to rest? the only weird thing is the money it all cost, but he could as well save up or borrowed it from people who are not willing to come forward and admit it seeing how classic jimbo spent their loans. there's probably some way simpler explanaition to all of this either way.

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It's basically a ridiculous idea.


Also, the story about the dating site where he supposedly made an account and posted pics with his red hair recently is just awkward. I've only seen it a /b/ though, so it might as well mean nothing. Apparently a girl was matched to his account and it scared the shit out of her as soon as she realized she had been matched to the red haired joker.

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Oh man, on his match.com profile it said:



Techno and electronica are great, none of that dub step wub wub wub though.


Lol, watmm.


i don't think anyone on watmm would use the word "electronica" seriously.


he must listen to trance. tiesto made him do it.

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it's interesting to me how the timeframe for "offensive" memes and 4chan'y online jokes shrink everytime something like this happens. it doesn't really bother me that much personally (except i think it's a bit depressing in general), i just think it's insensetive to any family members of the dead that might come across it (even worse if they can't stop themselves from laughing at it i suppose). like after 9/11 it took months and months before stuff like that started to pop up online, and even then it was pretty shocking. these days it's down to less than 24 hours.


I am pretty sure that it didn't take months after 9/11 before memes started showing up, my guess would be it took less than a week before the first things showed up.


i remember about 48 hours after 9/11 a website started making fake trading cards of all the people who jumped out of the building

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He apparently met and talked to Cevin Key at a show of his and chatted him up for hours, about his neuroscience degree and his want to take acid. Key felt so weirded out by the guy that he tried to be cool to him without letting him know how creeped out the guy made him feel. Learned this from Key posting about it on FB, he also said that Dahmer was a Skinny Puppy fan and was at some shows as well. It doesn't pay to make experimental music, in many more ways than just monetarily.

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I dunno, I think an insanity plea with the justification that "I was brainwashed by Boards of Canada" might just work!


Just think if he was playing "Gyroscope" on a loop on his ipod. The brothers Sandison would never make another album...oh wait

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From the court footage, he looks as if he feels guilty for being such an evil asshole. The drugs have worn off. Reality is setting in. He lives in his own mind prison.

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Compare that to the coverage and conversation after Anders Behring Breivik murdered sixty-nine people on the island of Utøya in Norway, a year ago next Sunday. Nobody focused on the gun. I had a hard time learning from the news reports what type of gun he used. Nobody asked, “How did he get a gun?” That seemed strange, because it’s much harder to get a gun in Europe than it is here. But everybody, even the American media, seemed to understand that the heart of the Utøya massacre story was a tragically deranged man, not the rifle he fired. Instead of wringing their hands over the gun Breivik used, Norwegians saw the tragedy as the opening to a conversation about the rise of right-wing extremism in their country.


It’s true that America’s rate of violent crime remains higher than that in most European countries. But to focus on guns is to dodge a painful truth. America is more violent than other countries because Americans are more violent than other people. Our abundant guns surely make assaults more deadly. But by obsessing over inanimate pieces of metal, we avoid looking at what brings us more often than others to commit violent acts. Many liberal critics understand this when it comes to drug policy. The modern, sophisticated position is that demonizing chemicals is a reductive and ineffective way to address complicated social pathologies. When it comes to gun violence, though, the conversation often stops at the tool, because it is more comfortable to blame it than to examine ourselves.

Thanks for this, I agree. I wouldn't mind if we had fewer guns, but I'd much rather we weren't a nation with a glaring mental health problem. (I think about 10% of Americans have been diagnosed with mood disorders, and around 7% with major depressive disorder. Even if they're inflated numbers they're really bad)

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it's interesting to me how the timeframe for "offensive" memes and 4chan'y online jokes shrink everytime something like this happens. it doesn't really bother me that much personally (except i think it's a bit depressing in general), i just think it's insensetive to any family members of the dead that might come across it (even worse if they can't stop themselves from laughing at it i suppose). like after 9/11 it took months and months before stuff like that started to pop up online, and even then it was pretty shocking. these days it's down to less than 24 hours.


I am pretty sure that it didn't take months after 9/11 before memes started showing up, my guess would be it took less than a week before the first things showed up.


i remember about 48 hours after 9/11 a website started making fake trading cards of all the people who jumped out of the building


I'm fairly certain we were blessed with Yakity Sax'd 9/11 footage within a few weeks. But the internets moved slower in Twenty Aught One.

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it's interesting to me how the timeframe for "offensive" memes and 4chan'y online jokes shrink everytime something like this happens. it doesn't really bother me that much personally (except i think it's a bit depressing in general), i just think it's insensetive to any family members of the dead that might come across it (even worse if they can't stop themselves from laughing at it i suppose). like after 9/11 it took months and months before stuff like that started to pop up online, and even then it was pretty shocking. these days it's down to less than 24 hours.


I am pretty sure that it didn't take months after 9/11 before memes started showing up, my guess would be it took less than a week before the first things showed up.


i remember about 48 hours after 9/11 a website started making fake trading cards of all the people who jumped out of the building


I'm fairly certain we were blessed with Yakity Sax'd 9/11 footage within a few weeks. But the internets moved slower in Twenty Aught One.


almost sure i've seen this one the day after, or close to that











as i remember, the only one that got a little chuckle out of me because i was heavily into playing Counterstrike at that time

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