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great job NASA, billions of dollars to touch down on a lifeless rock. we should all explore inner space instead and become enlightened and have world peace, together forever.

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it'll be some shitty little bacteria that won't impress anyone, though.


I don't know. Finding that there is some form of life on TWO planets in the SAME system makes the odds of life in the universe that much higher.


And a reminder, NASA's budget ~$20 billion, the London Olympics ~$15 billion. And this whole mission ~17% of the London Olympics budget. It's all about priorities.

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There's Spirit and Opportunity; Spirit is the one that got stuck in the dirt, Opportunity is still knocking about though


Are there any other rovers from non-US countries?


what about the pathfinder

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Guest Gary C

Didn't you see James Bond push the Queen out of a plane? Much more impressive than firing some K'nex into space.

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great job NASA, billions of dollars to touch down on a lifeless rock. we should all explore inner space instead and become enlightened and have world peace, together forever.

It's hard to know whether it will be useful or not, but most big discoveries that actually do impact life come from exploring, and you're not necessarily going to be able to tell beforehand.


Didn't you see James Bond push the Queen out of a plane? Much more impressive than firing some K'nex into space.


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Guest sirch

New pictures are dumb though lol. Can't wait for the real ones. Why will we have to wait days/weeks?


:) so they can edit them? lol

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Guest sirch


'they' have never said it officially, in an official statement to the world, 'Yo, s'up, we're not alone, dawgs'.


obviously that's what i mean by "go public".



...and it will ignite a war to end all wars, and the human race...


1. there is no 'they.'

2. the people working on space exploration are scientists, they will not say they have found anything until there is sufficient evidence.



*done talking about aliens*


this is from the nice links thread and is pretty awesome (thx to flurobox!): http://mars.jpl.nasa...ty/index-2.html


thanks for that! *jots it down*

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Guest sirch


Didn't you see James Bond push the Queen out of a plane? Much more impressive than firing some K'nex into space.




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great job NASA, billions of dollars to touch down on a lifeless rock. we should all explore inner space instead and become enlightened and have world peace, together forever.


please tell me you're joking, chimera. i like you very much, and i know you are aware of the fact that enlightenment and peace cannot be bought.

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great job NASA, billions of dollars to touch down on a lifeless rock. we should all explore inner space instead and become enlightened and have world peace, together forever.


please tell me you're joking, chimera. i like you very much, and i know you are aware of the fact that enlightenment and peace cannot be bought.


Seriously, and someone already pointed out that costly explorations of desolate deserts in a futile quest for signs of life is ongoing here on Earth: Afghanistan.

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2012 -> black and white pictures?!

I came in here to say exactly this. wtf?


i don't know the equipments characteristics and limits, and neither the weather conditions at the time of the photo, so i am speaking in ignorance. i just thought it is weird that in the 70's we had this




and in 2012 we have this




Not to nitpic, as it's been addressed already, but the color pic is from Mars Pathfinder, so it's late 90s. This is a better example of a Viking pic:



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great job NASA, billions of dollars to touch down on a lifeless rock. we should all explore inner space instead and become enlightened and have world peace, together forever.


I'm with you. I's like a child playing with a brand new toy while his neighbor is chasing rats for fun and food.


Inner space.

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Guest sirch

why can't they ever manage to land something in the middle of one of the Martian Cities? why always in the middle of nowhere... !?

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