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Too much music.

Friendly Foil

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Hello watmms.


We had a thread on here a while back, regarding quality control on released material, which was pretty interesting, and made me consider how much stuff I actually put up on the internet. I see loads of other people in the YLC forum on here, who puts up multiple tracks each week, and whose threads I enter every time there's any new stuff, which is pretty cool.


How much is too much though? I've put up A LOT of stuff on my bandcamp and soundcloud accounts. Old and new stuff, collabs etc. On one hand, everything is 100% free and I never bump my threads. I just kinda throw it out there, and if people feel like listening to it, they can. On the other hand, I guess it can seem kinda desperate and like I just throw up every little crappy thing I do. Which is not the case. I'm confused..


Does this even make sense?!


tl;dr: When does one put up too much stuff?

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what you should do is make your own site (easy,free) to showcase the material and use the soundcloud API to play the tracks


i'm all about presentation , so i think things can appear kind of same-ish and low quality when it directly resembles everything else thats available. not that i am judging the value of anything... but u should def make your own website and design it and present your stuff there. at least you wouldn't have to "bump" it and constantly create new threads..

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what you should do is make your own site (easy,free) to showcase the material and use the soundcloud API to play the tracks


i'm all about presentation , so i think things can appear kind of same-ish and low quality when it directly resembles everything else thats available. not that i am judging the value of anything... but u should def make your own website and design it and present your stuff there. at least you wouldn't have to "bump" it and constantly create new threads..

I've considered that more than once, but who would even know that site existed? Sure, it's cool when you're a well known musician, but when you're just doing it as a hobby, I don't consider it worth the trouble.

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I've considered that more than once, but who would even know that site existed? Sure, it's cool when you're a well known musician, but when you're just doing it as a hobby, I don't consider it worth the trouble.


promote the link to your friends, get in touch with DJ's and other producers and share tracks/mixes with them

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I put tracks up for share when I want to stop working on them, lol. Kind of like reaching closure and moving on to the next track. Otherwise I'll be indefinitely twiddling with it and not get anything new done.

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Guest SampleScience

I don't think there's too much music. A good track for me might seems worthless for someone else. The opposite is true too, so I think the democratic system of the internet is a step foward because now I can listen to music I truly enjoy instead of being stuck with what the record store has to offer like it was 20 years ago.

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Yeah, liking shit music is really advantage these days...

I don`t know, maybe by not calling shit a shit we are encouraging people(artists) to forget about quality control, because "somebody will like it". But maybe that`s just the way things are now. But I do care a little bit because large part of my bandwidth goes to previewing crap that I wish I never clicked on in the first place. I`m still clicking though but for how long? Definitely too much musicians. But maybe after 10 years we gonna have amazing music by the same people who today wastes everybody`s time with their kindergarten level compositions all over soundcloud/youtube. This shit is too new so it still can find a way to regulate/censor itself.

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@Friendly Foil look at the comic guys online(oatmeal, xkcd,cyanide and happiness) . It took them 10-15 years to get to real fame by releasing comics every day /week. Same with the people on rephlex now. It took wisp / EOD forever to get on the label even so their stuff was excellent. Just keep going and build a big plattform with stuff.


Same with aphex, autechre and plaid. They just keept releasing stuff for 20 years until they got this kind of fame they have today. Just don't delete the old stuff and build a big back catalogue

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large part of my bandwidth goes to previewing crap that I wish I never clicked on in the first place

you poor man

Hmm, I am actually. I have a monthly quota. So fuck off.

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Hmm, I am actually. I have a monthly quota. So fuck off.

Go to the library or something. People uploading music to the internet have no obligation to entertain you & it's your choice how you spend your virtual data gold. I mean, you also have the right to criticize things however you wish so fair nuff


I assume most people aren't trying to get famous off this stuff (because it quickly becomes clear in the heavily saturated online indie media marketplace that even getting someone to give you well thought out feedback is like finding arsehair from a sasquatch). Maybe they share their music because to them it expresses something they couldn't adequately put into words, & maybe just maybe there's someone out there who'll feel the same way. And they'll say "lush pads man reminds me of BoC chek my trax thx"

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@Friendly Foil look at the comic guys online(oatmeal, xkcd,cyanide and happiness) . It took them 10-15 years to get to real fame by releasing comics every day /week. Same with the people on rephlex now. It took wisp / EOD forever to get on the label even so their stuff was excellent. Just keep going and build a big plattform with stuff.


Same with aphex, autechre and plaid. They just keept releasing stuff for 20 years until they got this kind of fame they have today. Just don't delete the old stuff and build a big back catalogue

Oh don't get me wrong, this is not about getting famous or being signed to some silly label. I was just wondering when a lot of music becomes too much.

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Hmm, I am actually. I have a monthly quota. So fuck off.

Go to the library or something. People uploading music to the internet have no obligation to entertain you & it's your choice how you spend your virtual data gold. I mean, you also have the right to criticize things however you wish so fair nuff


I assume most people aren't trying to get famous off this stuff (because it quickly becomes clear in the heavily saturated online indie media marketplace that even getting someone to give you well thought out feedback is like finding arsehair from a sasquatch). Maybe they share their music because to them it expresses something they couldn't adequately put into words, & maybe just maybe there's someone out there who'll feel the same way. And they'll say "lush pads man reminds me of BoC chek my trax thx"

Damn girl, what is your problem? Is your music such a shit that you feel personally responsible for my bandwith problems? I am going to library when I need to download something bigger than 10mb, but why do you care? What is this "People uploading music to the internet have no obligation to entertain you" bullshit? Where are you getting these ideas from? Yes, I do honestly believe that there are way too much bad music on internet and I don`t care about all this "freedom of expression" stuff, It is besides the point, if the art is uninspired, clicche-ridden, amateur as opposite to articulate and thought out, if the artists doesn`t have a vision, then it`s shit, I don`t care if he/she is a good person and if he/she has unicorns living in the head or whatever, there are art critics for a reason- it is possible to evaluate art`s artistic value and when such an filter doesn`t exist, the shit takes over, because taste of the most people are absolutely not reliable, just check out where popular demand has gotten american pop music and movie industry, it`s certainly is not getting better, right? So be subjective, objective, whatever, but be fucking real, the shit is shit and that`s it.

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I think you guys are over thinking this a bit. If you spend too much time thinking about what other people think in regards to anything you are not going to be successful. Just focus on doing what you do and try to do it as best you can. You already are one step ahead of the game because you compulsively make music. Just enjoy yourself.

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large part of my bandwidth goes to previewing crap that I wish I never clicked on in the first place

you poor man

Hmm, I am actually. I have a monthly quota. So fuck off.


No one gives a shit about your monthly quota


i only say this cause i think its kind of redundant to tell musicians what they should or shouldn't do... make your own art and do whatever you want but let us go about our business

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Ok, checked out some of your threads in YLC, sorry guys, didn`t know I interrupted a circle-jerk of such a rich tradition. Thought there is discussion going on. Carry on.

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With the internet you don't really have to worry about things "taking over". There will always be an outlet for whatever weird niche music you're into. Different people like different things than you. Let them listen to their stuff & you listen to your stuff & if critiquing their stuff makes your body feel nice then go for it.


it's just music it really doesn't matter any

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