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2012 presidential debates


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Fuck you asshole. You know nothing.


welp, time to just enjoy the following debates for the shitshows that they are.


now that's more like it. as long as we know we're watching Jersey Shore level entertainment, it's OK.

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welp, time to just enjoy the following debates for the shitshows that they are.

now that's more like it. as long as we know we're watching Jersey Shore level entertainment, it's OK.


I'd say the debate production values are closer to Bravo's Real Housewives of [insert city here] series.

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Fuck you asshole. You know nothing.


welp, time to just enjoy the following debates for the shitshows that they are.


now that's more like it. as long as we know we're watching Jersey Shore level entertainment, it's OK.


It gets incredibly weary on the soul to hear everyone turn from some passionate analysis or commentary on life to the easier knee-jerk "its all bullshit you idiot" deconstruction crap.


Can we have some fun on here for once?

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Fuck you asshole. You know nothing.


welp, time to just enjoy the following debates for the shitshows that they are.


now that's more like it. as long as we know we're watching Jersey Shore level entertainment, it's OK.


It gets incredibly weary on the soul to hear everyone turn from some passionate analysis or commentary on life to the easier knee-jerk "its all bullshit you idiot" deconstruction crap.


Can we have some fun on here for once?


Agreed. Let's be civilized, even if we disagree on stuff.

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throughout the world we are all so puffed up, so sure that we have all the answers or will have them forthwith, by utilizing the same flawed systems and processes that have limply lead us through this walking-wounded way of life over and over again. we are so stupid and instead of taking initiative in truth and in goodwill, to change in ourselves, to change each other, with each other, we instead wait for some other group of dodos more motivated then we are, to clean up our mess (as though they have a better idea of what to do), in hopes that we can continue making mess with good conscience; a cleaner, more efficient, more acceptable mess. we remain sickened with the same diseases that we have poisoned ourselves with, that we poison each other with and we puke it everywhere, all over each other, and so it goes, round and round. we are so stupid, the answers have been so obvious all along, yet we are seduced by falseness, seduced by subtle, seemingly-pleasurable-darkness, into degrees of semi-acceptable sickness in our everyday lives. we are the walking dead


You know. I gotta say, this is the sad truth. At the end of the day it all boils down to the fact that we are all capable of so much more than giving two shits about which puppet gets the big chair. We're pretty much doomed as a species in the current down-spiral.

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throughout the world we are all so puffed up, so sure that we have all the answers or will have them forthwith, by utilizing the same flawed systems and processes that have limply lead us through this walking-wounded way of life over and over again. we are so stupid and instead of taking initiative in truth and in goodwill, to change in ourselves, to change each other, with each other, we instead wait for some other group of dodos more motivated then we are, to clean up our mess (as though they have a better idea of what to do), in hopes that we can continue making mess with good conscience; a cleaner, more efficient, more acceptable mess. we remain sickened with the same diseases that we have poisoned ourselves with, that we poison each other with and we puke it everywhere, all over each other, and so it goes, round and round. we are so stupid, the answers have been so obvious all along, yet we are seduced by falseness, seduced by subtle, seemingly-pleasurable-darkness, into degrees of semi-acceptable sickness in our everyday lives. we are the walking dead


You know. I gotta say, this is the sad truth. At the end of the day it all boils down to the fact that we are all capable of so much more than giving two shits about which puppet gets the big chair. We're pretty much doomed as a species in the current down-spiral.


No it is not. It is fucking not. The guy speaks in vague nonsense and considers that an "answer". I'm getting so tired of this shit. Do we really need to take time out to carefully analyze and demonstrate how almost every single sentence in troon's post is completely devoid of any objective meaning (or even a fucking viable subjective statement, which is mindboggling in its own right)?


We are pretty much doomed as a species. How do you know this? Is our doom any more righteous or earned than every other species that has perished before?

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Troon is better than you :w00t: He takes everything lightly and jokes about it, plus he keeps us updated on new releases. All YOU do is rant and try to make use of your useless psychology/philosohy (whatever it is) major.

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throughout the world we are all so puffed up, so sure that we have all the answers or will have them forthwith, by utilizing the same flawed systems and processes that have limply lead us through this walking-wounded way of life over and over again. we are so stupid and instead of taking initiative in truth and in goodwill, to change in ourselves, to change each other, with each other, we instead wait for some other group of dodos more motivated then we are, to clean up our mess (as though they have a better idea of what to do), in hopes that we can continue making mess with good conscience; a cleaner, more efficient, more acceptable mess. we remain sickened with the same diseases that we have poisoned ourselves with, that we poison each other with and we puke it everywhere, all over each other, and so it goes, round and round. we are so stupid, the answers have been so obvious all along, yet we are seduced by falseness, seduced by subtle, seemingly-pleasurable-darkness, into degrees of semi-acceptable sickness in our everyday lives. we are the walking dead


You know. I gotta say, this is the sad truth. At the end of the day it all boils down to the fact that we are all capable of so much more than giving two shits about which puppet gets the big chair. We're pretty much doomed as a species in the current down-spiral.


No it is not. It is fucking not. The guy speaks in vague nonsense and considers that an "answer". I'm getting so tired of this shit. Do we really need to take time out to carefully analyze and demonstrate how almost every single sentence in troon's post is completely devoid of any objective meaning (or even a fucking viable subjective statement, which is mindboggling in its own right)?


We are pretty much doomed as a species. How do you know this? Is our doom any more righteous or earned than every other species that has perished before?


I don't consider it an answer, more a philosophy or a way at looking at the situation without the ego or from a grander scale. I was raised by ex-commune hippies, so this may just be integrated... Besides, what are you going to do besides care far too much about the fact that I agree with Troon. I don't care about politics, at all. I think its as archaic, outdated and destructive as most religion(s). I'm amazed people still care, or that people still get fooled over and over again.


We all know we are fucked in one way or another. We deserve to die as the plague we are as far as I see it and it seems its overdue. Call me a nihilist? I call it optimism, because the way I see it, if we don't do something soon to drastically change our path, we are fucked. I am optimistic that after all the damage we have done to the earth, when we finally blow ourselves to smithereens, our earth will flourish and grow in amazing new ways, without the human.

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You all need to stfu up and realize That when the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 – major Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth – known as Midday and Midnight. Where the 2 major Time forces join, synergy creates 2 new minor Time points we recognize as Sunup and Sundown. The 4-equidistant Time points can be considered as Time Square imprinted upon the circle of Earth. In a single rotation of the Earth sphere, each Time corner point rotates through the other 3-corner Time points, thus creating 16 corners, 96 hours and 4-simultaneous 24 hour Days within a single rotation of Earth – equated to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.

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You all need to stfu up and realize That when the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 – major Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth – known as Midday and Midnight. Where the 2 major Time forces join, synergy creates 2 new minor Time points we recognize as Sunup and Sundown. The 4-equidistant Time points can be considered as Time Square imprinted upon the circle of Earth. In a single rotation of the Earth sphere, each Time corner point rotates through the other 3-corner Time points, thus creating 16 corners, 96 hours and 4-simultaneous 24 hour Days within a single rotation of Earth – equated to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.





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Guest Deep Fried Everything

also i know this has become sort of a generic mantra, but Obama has lost his 2008 mojo... big time. It wasn't even his round about halting way of speaking that makes me think his heart wasn't in it this time around, it was his inability to seem confident and collected in the face of the joke that it Robotney. Why was he looking down so much each time Romney would speak? Why did Obama keep clenching his cheek muscles like a nervous tick repeatedly? When Romney would try to 'zing' Obama would give this bizarre full teeth display nervous smile, was that odd to anyone else?


not sure if this has been mentioned, but al gore was quoted in a post-debate interview as saying that the 'bammer was suffering from a form of exhaustion, in that he only had approximately 4 hours before the debate began to acclimate to the mile-high altitude, and all of the difficulties that would entail. whereas romney had been in denver for day(s?)

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Guest abusivegeorge

You all need to stfu up and realize That when the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 – major Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth – known as Midday and Midnight. Where the 2 major Time forces join, synergy creates 2 new minor Time points we recognize as Sunup and Sundown. The 4-equidistant Time points can be considered as Time Square imprinted upon the circle of Earth. In a single rotation of the Earth sphere, each Time corner point rotates through the other 3-corner Time points, thus creating 16 corners, 96 hours and 4-simultaneous 24 hour Days within a single rotation of Earth – equated to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.



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Troon is better than you :w00t: He takes everything lightly and jokes about it, plus he keeps us updated on new releases. All YOU do is rant and try to make use of your useless psychology/philosohy (whatever it is) major.


you are trying too hard.

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it seemed important to point out the obvious, this is all i keep doing, the obvious. there is a disease of hyper-intellectualism going round and if we are not careful we will forget how simple the answers to our problems truly are. everyone has a plaque on the wall, a special degree, they belong to all the exclusive little clubs and go to the right parties etc etc but at the end of the day it is a big cock-jerk. we calculate, and create infinitely complex scientific and mathematical processes which one needs this or that specific degree to properly understand. a huge population of the world tries to keep themselves intellectually elite. it is the same as with money, those without money, the same type of control of power through a specific medium. we must instead keep our lives on the simplest terms possible so that we may all share and contribute solutions to our greater problems on equal terms. everything has spiraled dangerously our of control and if we as the people do not grab hold of the wheel then we will surly die, in the physical sense at least

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i know the truth now.....if only everyone else would just wake up and realize the truth.


luckily I have a way to share the simple truth with everyone...speak in incredibly veiled language


learn to share the truth with me for 3 small installments of 129.99

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I don't have a plaque on the wall... I must be one of the good ones.


I do like to cock-jerk and be infinitely complex though. Who doesn't?


BTW troon I think you should read some books about the subject of Power amongst humans and in the larger natural world; it's a very interesting subject. The way I've come to see it, power is an emotional and social force that transcends human activity and cuts deep into the reality of nature. Even plant life deals with incredible shifts of power, and the changes do not come without huge amounts of effort.


It is always easy to say the current way of doing things is wrong; it is much harder to suggest a viable alternative. The watmm user Bread attempts to provide these alternatives, and as you may have noticed from his posts, it is a difficult endeavor, and people are not willing to subscribe to new ideas without much scrutiny. I admire Bread for his steadfastness in his message, though I don't fully believe the answers he provides. At any rate, until some viable alternatives really show up and have their kinks worked out, all the hand-waving dismissal of human activity cannot do us any good. I'm surrounded daily by friends and intelligent classmates who subscribe to the idea that humanity is doomed. Guess what? None of them do shit about it, they just accept this most gloomy of worldviews like that's the way it's supposed to be. Maybe they're right, but I don't see that view doing much good, so why bother? The truth will out itself eventually whether I subscribe to the gloom or not. So I try to remain optimistic and to avoid casually dooming my entire species because we've goofed hard in the past. Revolutions, even mental ones, need an outline or they will never fully form and have a chance to influence the world. Ever had an acid trip where you keep having important revelations, but forgetting them seconds later? A revolution without a clear, understandable path to achievement is the same thing, only instead of the hyper-revelations of the acid trip, the unclear revolution will fizz out over months or years in people's minds, because they do not know what to do with the compelling ideas in their head, except to keep talking about it and spinning in - yes - intellectual circles.


Back to politics: Mitt Romney is the worst kind of dinosaur. Obama is a yes-man, that much was clear in 2008. Neither one of them can significantly change the political realm in a way I'd like to see, so I'm not paying a damn bit of attention to the national donkey and elephant show. I am voting for some decent people and ideas in my own town, though.

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I don't have a plaque on the wall... I must be one of the good ones.


I do like to cock-jerk and be infinitely complex though. Who doesn't?


BTW troon I think you should read some books about the subject of Power amongst humans and in the larger natural world; it's a very interesting subject. The way I've come to see it, power is an emotional and social force that transcends human activity and cuts deep into the reality of nature. Even plant life deals with incredible shifts of power, and the changes do not come without huge amounts of effort.


It is always easy to say the current way of doing things is wrong; it is much harder to suggest a viable alternative. The watmm user Bread attempts to provide these alternatives, and as you may have noticed from his posts, it is a difficult endeavor, and people are not willing to subscribe to new ideas without much scrutiny. I admire Bread for his steadfastness in his message, though I don't fully believe the answers he provides. At any rate, until some viable alternatives really show up and have their kinks worked out, all the hand-waving dismissal of human activity cannot do us any good. I'm surrounded daily by friends and intelligent classmates who subscribe to the idea that humanity is doomed. Guess what? None of them do shit about it, they just accept this most gloomy of worldviews like that's the way it's supposed to be. Maybe they're right, but I don't see that view doing much good, so why bother? The truth will out itself eventually whether I subscribe to the gloom or not. So I try to remain optimistic and to avoid casually dooming my entire species because we've goofed hard in the past. Revolutions, even mental ones, need an outline or they will never fully form and have a chance to influence the world. Ever had an acid trip where you keep having important revelations, but forgetting them seconds later? A revolution without a clear, understandable path to achievement is the same thing, only instead of the hyper-revelations of the acid trip, the unclear revolution will fizz out over months or years in people's minds, because they do not know what to do with the compelling ideas in their head, except to keep talking about it and spinning in - yes - intellectual circles.


Back to politics: Mitt Romney is the worst kind of dinosaur. Obama is a yes-man, that much was clear in 2008. Neither one of them can significantly change the political realm in a way I'd like to see, so I'm not paying a damn bit of attention to the national donkey and elephant show. I am voting for some decent people and ideas in my own town, though.


Fantastic post. You said what I was trying to say but far far more effectively and without resorting to enmity. Well done.

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Anyone else feeling more warmth for the Rumble 2012? I'm stuffing my mouth with popcorn and coke already!


The VP debate is where its going to be at. Biden is such a genuine "Ill say whatever I want" rare type of politician these days, if you watch the 2008 debate with Palin, it was beyond obvious that he was told by campaign advisers to take it easy on Palin, and he still completely blew her empty populist rhetoric out of the water.


Now you have a completely different situation, the faux-intellectual huckster Paul has already essentially been eviscerated even my fucking FOX News of all places on his tax proposals. I would expect Paul to be thoroughly roughed up...but then again expectations for debates are unrealistically high....if anyone can make a debate entertaining, and if anyone is willing to be a direct asshole on stage, its Joe Biden.

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The VP debate? O god no. Biden hardly knows what he's talking about, and Paul has basically sold his soul to the devil and is able to make us believe he invented cold fusion. I'd rather watch Disney's Alice in Wonderland.


*goes down into the rabbit hole

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BTW troon I think you should read some books about the subject of Power amongst humans and in the larger natural world; it's a very interesting subject. The way I've come to see it, power is an emotional and social force that transcends human activity and cuts deep into the reality of nature. Even plant life deals with incredible shifts of power, and the changes do not come without huge amounts of effort.


the struggle for power does go much deeper then human beings in this world. to properly discuss the topic of the dominator vs the dominated we would need generous amounts of time irl. i am aware of these deeper layers in nature and throughout the universe and have read many books which discuss the subject. one good example is the vine that strangles the life form the tree or the marauding birds who eat the young of other birds or black holes consuming light. the fact that these things exist even in nature / universe, is not to say that we should blindly except these behaviors as being normal or even go the step further and emulate them with related behavior. instead we are meant to learn from example and move in the opposite direction, removing these tendencies from our own lives, lifestyles, communities and consciousness and in turn influencing and effecting the greater environment around us. we are very influential beings, whether it be negative or positive, there is obvious evidence of this everywhere.


i have many solutions and they are for the most part self evident and based on elemental laws of food, shelter, air, water etc etc, in their most elemental and symbiotic relationship with us and us to them. i fear my time would be wasted from what i have seen on the watmm as far as common interest and common view, in going to much detail. i have much going on irl and time is precious but can not help but to allow some of who i am to bleed through, however it is only part of who i am and no one will ever no exactly who i am. this is a conscious decision and one of the many benefits of communicating on the interwebs. privacy. if one is able to follow a few simple rules to insure privacy then privacy is absolute.


for the most part i am here regarding music

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