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Disney buys Lucasfilm

Rubin Farr

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I'm actually pretty stoked at this news. Empire strikes back was not directed by Lucas, it also had a screenplay written by someone else.


The best post original trilogy star wars related movie is still Gendy Tartakosvky's Clone Wars 2d animated cartoon. The last section written by Lucas is the only part of it that blatantly sucks, the rest is pretty much amazing.


So i'm all for it, anything but Bubble-neck is ok with me.


All 3 horrible prequels were written and directed by George Lucas after a 20 year hiatus as a filmmaker while being an impenetrable billionaire surrounded by yes men. Never again is probably the best course of action.

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Dark Horse sounds like they are preparing to give up their license when it expires, probably to fall under the umbrella of Disney publishing. A shame if that happens, their comic line really helped reinvigorate Star Wars to a lot of fans throughout the 90s, and helped build anticipation for the new films.

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The biggest mistake that hollywood ever made was not doing a direct Dark Horse adaptation for Aliens Vs Predator and any newer movies in the Alien franchise

100% agreed.


The original Aliens series from Dark Horse and Aliens: Earth Wars series would have made much better films than all of the crap from Alien 3 and after.

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Guest bitroast

My initial reaction was shock and confusion. It was just downright confusing to get the head around Disney owning lucasfilm (+ilm, lucasarts).

But I've calmed down a little now, and am pretty content now. If the new releases are shit, I can ignore them. Ultimately though, handing the series to fresh hands is the only direction the series can go in. I'm looking forward to the buzz of new films and having low expectations^^

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Guest bitroast

My initial reaction was shock and confusion. It was just downright confusing to get the head around Disney owning lucasfilm (+ilm, lucasarts).

But I've calmed down a little now, and am pretty content now. If the new releases are shit, I can ignore them. Ultimately though, handing the series to fresh hands is the only direction the series can go in. I'm looking forward to the buzz of new films and having low expectations^^

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I'm actually pretty stoked at this news. Empire strikes back was not directed by Lucas, it also had a screenplay written by someone else.


All 3 horrible prequels were written and directed by George Lucas after a 20 year hiatus as a filmmaker while being an impenetrable billionaire surrounded by yes men. Never again is probably the best course of action.


lucas was still the producer of empire strikes back so he had final say. in his defense, lucas never wanted to direct any other star wars after the original.


also, it's his vision. he created the star wars universe, so technically, whether or not you agree with how the prequel trilogies were, he could do anything he wanted.


and now that disney owns star trek, they're the new directors. you really think they're going to spend more than 4 billion on a franchise then just give it to anyone to change things around completely? kathleen kennedy's now running lucasfilms, but she answers to disney now

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i just think they'll be smart in the sense that they will give it to actual active fillmakers instead of a filmmaker who has been retired from making actual films for over 2 decades. I understand it's his 'baby' so to speak, but Lucas can't write a script to save his life at this point. Say whatever you want about the prequels, jar jar and all the ridiculous CGI but the scripts were the weakest link at the outset. Pretty much any turd polishing you would do at that point would be all for nothing.


i also don't know if i agree Lucas had the 'final say' in the original star wars trilogy, he may have been the producer but he was not worth 7 billion dollars at the time. I'm sure he still listened to the guidance of many other people actively working in film. watch the making of Phantom Menace if you havent already, Spielberg visits the set and he just seems super nonplussed about the whole situation. It's hard to tell someone worth 7 billion how flawed their work is and expect them actually listen to you seriously, and you can tell Spielberg didn't even want to bother, but the mortification is emanating out of him as he walks through the sets.

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i can assure you lucas had final say. he wrote the entire bible so even the empire strikes back had to confine itself to the universe that lucas had created. lucas himself said he almost had a melt down with directing the first movie so he actively sought other people to direct the other movies. do you honestly think anyone writing a star wars film (and directing) is going to not check twice with the guy that created the world you're basing your story in?


you might not think he can write a story today, but george lucas is the most successful independent filmmaker in the world.


disney buying marvel, pixar and now lucasfilm is nothing more than them capitalizing into a niche market that once belonged to comic books, so now they have the people who waited weeks for a new beano or spiderman comics- they'll be waiting a year for the next film.


about your last point: i don't think anyone has a right to tell a man of almost 70 years of age how his story should evolve. i personally never enjoyed star wars one bit- but i respect the guy for writing something so successful. i don't know a single filmmaker who wouldn't want to leave a legacy like his. anything he does (or did do) with his creation was solely up to him because it was his and his alone.


i don't even get why you'd be excited about other filmmakers directing future films. imo, star wars is george lucas. in fact, i'm willing to bet future films will have some kind of credit about "original story by" or "created by george lucas" so it's not like you're suddenly going to get something completely different. no studio takes those kinds of risks (especially a tune of 4 billion)

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the best star wars anything made in the past 2 decades was made by the animator behind Dexter's Lab and Powerpuff girls, there really is nothing Lucas was solely behind that comes close to the quality of that (since the original trilogy). As soon as Lucas jumped into the chair with his own writing the cartoon takes a huge dive. It's his universe granted, but since the original trilogy there have been plenty of writers who have carried on his legacy fine without him. If he let someone else direct and write screenplay's for the new movies then maybe they would have actually been good and re-watchable films. I truly believe this. And i don't think Lucas had the humility during the new trilogy that he had back when he was an 'independent filmmaker' during the original trilogy.


I will never respect Lucas again after he destroyed the legacy of the original trilogy by adding so much stuff/and changes to it and refusing to release the original untarnished versions as remastered DVDs. I'm not alone in this, then phantom menace and the movies that followed just added insult to injury.

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yes i'm sure it's fun and entertaining. but is it cannon? (is it's storyline considered part of the star wars universe outside of the movies) . also you'd be surprised to learn that george lucas was one of the producers behind 'the clone wars' so i'm willing to wager the writers had to check in with george before they filmed even 1 second of film that it met his standard.


and you don't have to be alone in your disapproval. the entire world can disagree with what lucas did. not only was it his to do as he pleased with, but it will never be undone. infact, the worst thing about disney now owning star wars is that they can re-make the original 3 with modern cooler actors like zac efron and hillary duff. don't worry- lucas won't write it

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just no more jar jar disney, i mean, don't kid it down too much.


The whole point of the original Star Wars movies was to sell merchandise to kids, why do people hate jar jar so much?, it was created with the same purpose as the original characters.


Also Star Wars is a kid franchise, just because grown men like it doesn't change the fact.

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Avant-garde Star Wars. That would be awesome. Like, a reboot in the style of the recent Star Trek movie, except directed by someone who isn't a complete douchebag... and with no douchebag actors to taint the project. Honestly I think the Wachowskis would be prime real estate for such a project. Speed Racer = masterpiece. They know how to make good Hollywood movies. Add a dose of modern psychedelia, and you might have a good movie.


No chance in hell. Scarlet Johansson as Queen Amidala, the girl from Twilight, the guy from Looper... kill me now.









I really feel a visceral sense of irritation, like a shock in my gut, when people diss on the old Star Wars'. I feel like there is something religious about them. To hate on them is to hate on humanity. There is such warmth in them, and a pitch perfect sense of adventure. The characters are so entertaining and lovable. The whole thing from 1-3 is perfect. They're OLD movies now though, so if you go in expecting some cutting edge SCI-FI film you'll be let down. They're classics... more about the characters and sense of adventure and arc of the plot. That's absolutely not to say that they're not awesome from a special effects standpoint,

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just no more jar jar disney, i mean, don't kid it down too much.


The whole point of the original Star Wars movies was to sell merchandise to kids, why do people hate jar jar so much?, it was created with the same purpose as the original characters.


Also Star Wars is a kid franchise, just because grown men like it doesn't change the fact.


I think it was the fart jokes and the general plasticity of the character. Chewbacca was a badass, he had a soul, he was loveable, cool, unique. His sounds were authentic... everything about him is awesome, everyone can agree.


Jar Jar is not awesome. You want to see him get beat up. It's fun to hate Jar Jar.


It's fun to love puppet, soulful Yoda, and watch puppet, soulful Yoda goof around and pull stuff out of swamps with creative monsters swimming around while R2D2 glitches out. It's not fun to watch a fake 3D Yoda jump around the screen forgettably fighting one of many completely forgettable enemies. That war was pretty well done though.



I haven't seen the prequels in a long time... I kind of expect that they would be better now. But thinking back, it's true. They were WAY more kiddie oriented. All the fun romantic interplay and sort of hard edged Nazi references were gone. The whole thing was a confusing, cartoonish mess. But that's fine. I still enjoyed watching every one of them, frankly. They're classics just by force of the originals alone.

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Best Star Wars movie by far.


(Also Dr. Lopez please don't mention 2001 and star wars in the same sentence ever again)


having only seen about 20 mins of each film and not seen the originals as a child, and therefore not having any nostalgic memory, or even any real perspective on any of it, really, I think you should STFU Sir.

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i'm starting to wonder what's wrong with me, because i'm excited for more movies. it's mostly nostalgia, obviously, but there's always that bit of (new) hope that they won't be shit.


they'll be shit.


I'm a bit meh on it, but I would be curious to see them, and hope they are good. What would be ironic is if Disney got it's own taste of Star Wars revisionism and reboot the whole franchise, with new actors, and only loosely adhere to the plot and mechanics of the first six films.


Who would make a good Luke Skywalker these days? Another relatively unknown actor like Hamill was at the time?


yeah complete unknowns would best i reckon for these new films...

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I will never respect Lucas again after he destroyed the legacy of the original trilogy by adding so much stuff/and changes to it and refusing to release the original untarnished versions as remastered DVDs. I'm not alone in this, then phantom menace and the movies that followed just added insult to injury.



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