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Mysterious Horn Sounds from the Sky


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I was watching some documentary and there was a guy playing a french horn. If I had a french, horn, I would play very soft, mysterious music on it, so I searched "Mysterious Horn..." and then google completed my search "mysterious horn sounds from the sky".


I started watching the videos and I have to say, I haven't been this freaked out in a long time. I could make some of these sounds pretty easily in ableton using a noise source, but the ubiquity of the videos makes me doubt that this is a hoax.



Here is an article.




Some of these seem fake:


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What about in an open field in the wilderness.


Sorry Mods, I searched for this and didn't find any previous threads but I should have known. Feel free to delete or combine...







But what do you think?

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Remind me, what is the name of that huge weapon that conspiracy theorists believe the US have their hands on? The one that also caused the tsunami/earthquake near Japan about a year ago?


Anyway, I love mysteries like this. Love them! I don't care if they're fake, because things like this that goes viral is super fascinating and one of my favorite things about the internet.

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Remind me, what is the name of that huge weapon that conspiracy theorists believe the US have their hands on? The one that also caused the tsunami/earthquake near Japan about a year ago?


Anyway, I love mysteries like this. Love them! I don't care if they're fake, because things like this that goes viral is super fascinating and one of my favorite things about the internet.


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The weird thing is, right before I found those videos, I was making a drone in ableton that sounds very close to this.


Since it is easy for me to make a sound that is more convincing than a lot of those vids, I think that at least half of the videos are fake, because they have a really cheesy dsp reverb sound, which is too clean to be coming through the sky.


It's obvious that some genius just exported a fruity loops pad called "cloverfield" and dragged it into imovie. But the finland one is convincing, and people from finland don't mess around.

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Paraphrasing a story from my alcoholic uncle from when i saw him couple of years ago, he lives in Iowa ..


"I was about to be done with harvest when all of the sudden i saw a bunch of deer running away from a tiny forest outside my farm, didn't think anything weird of it i thought amateur hunters scared the deer away, all of the sudden a huge light coming out of the forest i black out for a second, almost fainted then i hear these trumpet sounds like a loud orchestra, i see more deer running away from the forest, the trumpets get louder and louder then it stopped.

10 mintes go by the local sheriff comes to my house and says to me people were reporting trumpet sounds coming out of the sky"


True story from my uncle.

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Paraphrasing a story from my alcoholic uncles a when i saw him couple of years ago, he lives in Iowa ..


"I was about to be done with harvest when all of the sudden i saw a bunch of deer running away from a tiny forest outside my farm, didn't think anything weird of it i thought amateur hunters scared the deer away, all of the sudden a huge light coming out of the forest i black out for a second, almost fainted then i hear these trumpet sounds like a loud orchestra, i see more deer running away from the forest, the trumpets get louder and louder then it stopped.

10 mintes go by the local sheriff comes to my house and says to me people were reporting trumpet sounds coming out of the sky"


True story from my uncle.


I believe it. I've heard sounds like this before, but in my postmodern apartment living daze I usually dismiss them as a train. I remember really fearsome sounds in 2009 though, and I don't think it was a train that time. But you want to believe that you are hearing these sounds, so I question myself.


Here is a foley tip for creating these sounds, get your field recorder, find an abandoned factory or warehouse and locate a large, rusty door. record the hinges from different distances as you open at close it at different speeds. then put that into ableton or a DAW of your choice. turn warp off and pitch down by about 12 semitones, maybe more. add a huge reverb. there you go.


But even if it is fake, it still feels me with this ache inside. I need to go into the forest. We will know in 3 days amirite?

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