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Gun Appreciation Day

Guest Al Hounos

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also, lol at the fat man's sign, and lol at his face.




Gun ownership as a God-given right, LOL. Sure bro, God created guns, in China, in the 12th century, through a slow process in which they somehow magically "evolved" from fire-lances, also in China. God's plan works in mysterious ways, in China. USA #1.

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Guest Frankie5fingers
of course, a thread thats pretty funny is ruined because it needs to turn into some political debate. cant we just skip the political crap this time and just laugh?


Solution (as in this dude's laugh, not necessarily suggesting getting high):

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i think this video has made me totally reevaluate my opinions on gun laws. like, holy shit, people are so stupid. i really try to be a positive person and i try to see the best in others, but goddamnit, when i look at this video i can't help but be disgusted.


It's OBVIOUS that the video is a FALSE FLAG operation where CRISIS ACTORS are PAID to be MORONIC IDIOTS in order to make guns look bad




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Can someone explain why it's even necessary to own an assault rifle? When would a civilian ever need access to that amount of firepower?


Second amendment



because Freedom

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Guest Frankie5fingers
Can someone explain why it's even necessary to own an assault rifle? When would a civilian ever need access to that amount of firepower?


Second amendment



because Freedom

we gotta be prepared if those redcoats come back.

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Can someone explain why it's even necessary to own an assault rifle? When would a civilian ever need access to that amount of firepower?


Second amendment



because Freedom

we gotta be prepared if those redcoats come back.



they already are. We call them minorities.

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Guest Frankie5fingers
Can someone explain why it's even necessary to own an assault rifle? When would a civilian ever need access to that amount of firepower?


Second amendment



because Freedom

we gotta be prepared if those redcoats come back.



they already are. We call them minorities.


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Can someone explain why it's even necessary to own an assault rifle? When would a civilian ever need access to that amount of firepower?


Second amendment


And it's necessary for it to be an automatic weapon? Does this mean if I move to America I can own a rocket launcher, as long as I consider it to be for self defense?

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The fucking absurd thing is that the GOP and NRA have actually argued that liberals and gun control advocates are politicizing Sandy and exploiting children. They've successfully labeled Obama's objectively moderate proposals as "extreme"


Ex. governor of Texas' official response:



Gov. Rick Perry released the following statement regarding President Obama's executive actions:

"The Vice President's committee was appointed in response to the tragedy at Newtown, but very few of his recommendations have anything to do with what happened there.

"Guns require a finger to pull the trigger. The sad young man who did that in Newtown was clearly haunted by demons and no gun law could have saved the children in Sandy Hook Elementary from his terror.

"There is evil prowling in the world - it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds. As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be. Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children.

"In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president."


Summed up: "Only solution is prayer, we have the right to carry assault weapons, and anyone who questions these notions is a liberal pussy who can go fuck themselves."



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Can someone explain why it's even necessary to own an assault rifle? When would a civilian ever need access to that amount of firepower?


Second amendment


And it's necessary for it to be an automatic weapon? Does this mean if I move to America I can own a rocket launcher, as long as I consider it to be for self defense?

God's America

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I love the "Thomas Jefferson would not aprove" sign, like who gives a shit what a 200 year old corpse thinks, he was probably as morally corrupt as modern politicians.


American fascination with 1776 is getting in the way of progress.

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the internet. its all a product of the internet. the personalities fueling these loons. the memes we create on facebook with each new hot topic. every isolated lunatic in every town gets to connect with other isolated lunatics in other towns.

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I love the "Thomas Jefferson would not aprove" sign, like who gives a shit what a 200 year old corpse thinks, he was probably as morally corrupt as modern politicians.


American fascination with 1776 is getting in the way of progress.



well most people's understanding of the founders are incredibly flawed.


the guy holding that sign probably doesn't know that Jefferson was a deist who refused to obey and believe in the irrational parts of the Bible (which was like 80% of it according to him).

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