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How many films do you watch per


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Guest Shit Attack

1 or 2 a day at the moment. Usually only about 3 a month, but tend to binge on movies in winter for some reason. go to the cinema about 10 times a year. would go more but its too expensive + cant afford the unlimited card . all in all probably adds up to about 100 movies or so a year but I dont watch tv at all so thats not too bad . also enjoy kayaking, snorkelling and long walks on the beach at sunset.




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Probably once every couple weeks. Been watching tv shows on Netflix lately, though.


Going through Hell on Wheels right now.

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Since getting netflix about a year ago, I've been watching something maybe 3 or 4 times a week, be it a movie, a documentary, or a TV series. At first it was mostly movies, then it was mostly TV series (Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Star Trek, and some embarrassing ones like Wonder Years, X-Files...), now it's mostly documentaries. Right now I watch maybe 1 movie and 4 documentaries a week.


Prior to netflix I would rent maybe one or two movies a week, and occasionally an episode of something I downloaded.


Oh yeah, and probably 2 theatre movies every three months. It was maybe triple that when my girlfriend worked at a theatre and they were all free.

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Well that's how I remembered the X-Files, but upon rewatching a lot of it a decade + later I realized it was in fact embarrassing... but to the point where it arguably becomes awesome, so yeah, I guess it's awesome. But also embarrassing. And the intro is a fucking masterpiece.

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About 30% of them are pretty hokey, but I would say the rest are solid. I mean, until Moulder leaves, then it was pretty much just pure schlock.


And yeah, that intro is great. Even the logo/font they use was fantastic.

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Maybe cinema once (twice at most) a year.

Had lovefilm on 60 day free trial over Christmas so watched plenty of stuff there. It runs out next week and I won't renew it, therefore probably won't watch any films for a while now.

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i only count new movies. but i guess with sutff seen for second or 3rd time i could as well double my numbers.


and i go to the cinema maybe 5 times a year. usually with friends to see huge movies (like skyfall). i'm more of a cheap dvd bin finds kind of guy.

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Guest happycase

I also have a low tolerance for moving, clicking things, thinking, and anything otherwise related to living.


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Back in the day I used to see 3-4 films a week at the cinema, but this was when it used to be cheap. It's got crazy expensive now so I've cut back to once a week, though I occassionaly stretch to 2 if there's a lot of flicks out that I want to see.


Got a Lovefilm recently and that's been real boon for saving money on disc purchases, something I only do now for movies that I've super enjoyed.

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used to be a couple a week. haven't watched a movie in ages, well i saw the new spiderman but other than that it's been awhile. i'm highly considering getting netflix.

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