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Death (a difficult subject)

Guest happycase

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Guest happycase

I watched a video Hoodie posted in youtube thread in which a girl is informed by a police officer that she has just killed someone. If you were in this girl's position, how would you react? How do you comprehend death? How does the thought effect you? And how does the thought of causing a person's death affect you?

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I don't know how would i react, depends on the person i killed, if it was a like a kid i would probably end up killing myself out of guilt, if the person i killed was an adult or teenager i would probably feel really really really bad about it but substance abuse will get me thru the guilt.


Also knowing the background from the person i killed can be the difference between me killing myself or not, for example if i killed a guy who was a great father and somehow i get to meet his kids i would probably kill myself i think.



this is fucking morbid lol.

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I watched a video Hoodie posted in youtube thread in which a girl is informed by a police officer that she has just killed someone.


If you were in this girl's position, how would you react?

Not much different because I would obviously be shitfaced

How do you comprehend death?

An end and another beginning

How does the thought effect you?

It frees me from so much responsibility that I cannot begin to describe how grateful I am for death

And how does the thought of causing a person's death affect you?

It makes me sad
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since she was a stupid drunk driving bitch who killed an innocent person, i don't think she really gets the benefit of privacy in such a personal moment.


her reaction is a perfect example of how fucked up alcohol intoxication can be. she only comprehends what happened for five seconds and then her mind wanders off and she begins acting aggressive again. it's sick.

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Thanks =).


This girl is a complete POS and I hope karma does its thing and ensures her death is painful.

When I used to have a drinking problem, I never endangered other peoples lives....Take a fucking cab or public transit.


I don't think I have anything to add to this thread though or any answers to Happy's questions. It's not a topic I'm ready to confront at age 23 I guess!

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Guest RadarJammer

I watched a video Hoodie posted in youtube thread in which a girl is informed by a police officer that she has just killed someone. If you were in this girl's position, how would you react? How do you comprehend death? How does the thought effect you? And how does the thought of causing a person's death affect you?


A conversation I had with a friend was instrumental in his decision to join the military, where he was killed by a roadside bomb. Sometimes I think back and wonder if his death can be traced back to a single sentence I might have said. Its a bit sobering.

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Just for clarification purposes, I didn't realise this was a video of the cops telling a drunk driver that they had just killed someone. I thought it was a video of someone being told a relative/friend had just been killed, and that's what I meant about feeling intensely uneasy viewing something so private.

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I watched a video Hoodie posted in youtube thread in which a girl is informed by a police officer that she has just killed someone. If you were in this girl's position, how would you react? How do you comprehend death? How does the thought effect you? And how does the thought of causing a person's death affect you?

It would depend on what you mean by "position": if you mean privileged to the point where the concept of taking a life is unreal, and the idea that my personal actions (like drinking and speeding) might have a negative affect on people around me is also unreal, and I am intoxicated to begin with, I might react the same way.


If her situation happened to me, I would be screaming and crying hysterically about how sorry I was.

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It's not a topic I'm ready to confront at age 23 I guess!

23 year olds die every day.


how old should one be before contemplating death?; not that there is necessarily any knowledge to be gained through its contemplation, but why such reluctance? is it dangerous? or just distasteful?

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I watched a video Hoodie posted in youtube thread in which a girl is informed by a police officer that she has just killed someone. If you were in this girl's position, how would you react? How do you comprehend death? How does the thought effect you? And how does the thought of causing a person's death affect you?


What exactly is the point of this question? Is anyone in their right mind going to say anything besides some variant of 'I would feel really bad'? No. So you're just sensationalizing a terrible event for your own sick pleasure.

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if i had to be told that i killed someone, that would mean that i didn't intend to do it, therefore it wouldn't do any psychological damage, but would allow me to look at my life a completely different way, like death should.

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if i had been told that i killed someone whilst drunk, that would mean that i didn't intend to do it, therefore it wouldn't do any psychological damage, but would allow me to look at my life a completely different way, like death should.


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no, I wasn't pointing out a grammatical error, the sentence just doesn't seem to make any sense. If you accidentally killed someone, wouldn't you feel much worse than if you intentionally killed someone?

I know, doesn't it make more sense now?


Unless he meant "if someone told me to", then that would still be true because he would still have not intended to kill someone.

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