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Some lady's husband comes out as transgender while she's pregnant.


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Transsexual would mean the actual biological predispositions of a certain sex. ie., born a man but biologically/physically changed to a woman.


Transgender would mean simply that, void of any biological definitions (no penis/vagina, but still dress/act/feel like a man or woman)



I think that sounds about right, right?

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Thanks for the input. I was pretty sure theres some physicality to being transgendered though? Otherwise you're just a crossdresser.

I can understand why you think this, but just so you know, that is incorrect, and it would be very offensive if you said that to an actual transgendered person.

crossdresser = someone who identifies as a man, but dresses up like a women for pleasure. there are both straight and gay men that crossdress, but usually the term applies to straight guys who use it as a sexual fetish. otherwise it's drag.

transgendered = someone who honestly feels as if they were born the wrong sex, and has chosen to permanently identify as the opposite sex, regardless of whether they are post-op or not.


That's why I said it's just common perception that theres a physicality to it. I agree with the definition that it's a person that perceives themselves of the opposite sex.

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Guest disparaissant

transsexual = basically going from one sex to the other

transgender = being gender non-conforming


transsexuals are transgender, but not the other way around. the latter is a blanket term.

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transsexual = basically going from one sex to the other

transgender = being gender non-conforming


transsexuals are transgender, but not the other way around. the latter is a blanket term.


That's interesting. I didn't know there was a distinction!



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transsexual = basically going from one sex to the other

transgender = being gender non-conforming


transsexuals are transgender, but not the other way around. the latter is a blanket term.

Ahh yeah. You're right

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Guest disparaissant

no not really. well yes. yes and no. sex is a biological/scientific term, but it's determined by gender, and is entirely reliant on societal norms for its definition.


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i just remember from Luker and Irigray and all those writers that the concept of gender is incredibly hard to pin down, whereas sex has always meant sex scientifically speaking.


good stuff. crazy stuff? crazy good stuff.

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Guest disparaissant

right, but sex scientifically speaking is reliant on cultural ideas of what gender is. so it's all just a giant clusterfuck.

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right, but sex scientifically speaking is reliant on cultural ideas of what gender is. so it's all just a giant clusterfuck.

wouldn't sex be based on gametes and everyone that doesn't have typical gametes is intersex? i don't see how gender factors into it.

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Guest disparaissant

gender factors into it because we don't just leave it at "and everyone that doesn't have typical gametes is intersex"


most people don't know shit about their chromosomal makeup so they don't really matter until you have an externally visible symptom of an intersex condition, at which point, we make up bullshit rules about who becomes what sex


we make sex a social construct, and we base it off our perception of gender. if we just left it at "male, female, intersex" it'd be one thing, but we have this dichotomy of male and female that has to be propped up to keep the heterosexual matrix afloat

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transgender/transsexual-ity has got to be the hardest thing to deal with. Speaking personally, I have no problem with homosexuality, but it's hard for me to get over a seemingly hard-wired repulsion towards people who want to get gender reassignment surgery, for example. Doesn't help that freaks like Chastity Bono give the entire group a bad name (it's abundantly clear to me she was sexually abused as a kid and that has likely caused her gender confusion and morbid obesity).

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My friend's brother is a transgender guy. I saw him one Halloween and he was a Samurai. He probably felt more womanly in that robe and that wig. It all makes sense now.

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I must have missed something obvious, but my first reaction to the linked story was that it was completely fake. I didn't have the patience to read it all, but this should be in the fiction department. Are you taking this story serious? ( god i feel so stupid sometimes)


( not trying to say that the transgender subject should be in the fiction department as well!)

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I wouldn't say she was "oddly accepting", she mentioned also that some time had passed, which can lessen the dramatics of a situation (not to mention trying to raise a kid, so she has had other focuses).


Edit: and yes, she should have come out sooner. Waiting UNTIL her wife was pregnant was a dick move.




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its one thing to not be certain while single,


and another thing to not be certain while your wife is pregnant with your child.


sort that shit out BEFORE you commit yourself (and someone else to you) in a long-term relationship or family.

100% agree

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"Transsexual" is sort of a term on it's way out, reserved more for the Jerry Springer stage. "Transgender" it the term that's been taking it's place, even though it can mean all of these things. I guess in reality everybody's knowledge about defining these things is different so there is no solid unchanging definition. But yeah a transsexual is transgender but a transgender person is not necessarily transsexual but can be if they have SRS (sexual reassignment surgery) or intend to.


disparaissent, i think a lot of what you're saying about the meaning of sex being defined by gender is informative but possibly unnecessarily academic at least in terms of this thread and people that are just learning about it. I mean simply put this is basically true:


in other words,



sex=biological/scientific term

gender= societal term


There are probably exceptions, but this is a good base. And then there's this.


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It will be interesting in the future when we're all able to change our bodies at will..and I mean really change them, through gene modification and/or very thorough,impossible to detect plastic surgery. Heck, I wouldn't mind spending a few weeks (even years?) as a woman, would probably be quite eye-opening. So sure, why not look at gender/sexuality like ordering tapas.


That said, for me most human sexuality exists on a spectrum from "I get that!" to "lol, ok why not" to "Jesus what the hell?" That's why I have no problem understanding homosexuality, because it makes perfect sense to see whatever you desire and think "wow, I want to fuck that!" I completely identify with that, and so complete understand when that kind of desire is turned on a member of the same sex.


Then you have something like say...a foot fetish. Or coprophagy. It's a bit hard for me to understand the impulse here, because it's not so easy to get direct sexual gratification from a foot or piece of shit. But heck, "lol, ok, why not."


For transgender or what have you, when it comes to cross dressing, it sounds fine to me, sure why not. But when someone wants to mutilate him/herself to fit in with some mental image, I really have to scratch my head. I wouldn't stop them but...couldn't they just stop at the cross-dressing instead? At least until we develop effective genetic modification? It just seems brutal and unnecessary.


Eh, *shrugs*.


Interesting, google tells me only 1 in 2000 or 3000 people are born hermaphrodites/intersex. I know that has nothing to do with what sex a person feels they are, but interesting nonetheless...

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I wasn't intending to diminish the thought behind your post!


Honestly this whole gender thing seems to have gained prominence in the last couple of years, where I figured it was such a minor minor, small percentage thing in the world the internet seems to want to convince me that at least five people on my street wish to acknowledge themselves as a different gender in some way.


I don't mind sounding ignorant here, I don't care what people do with their bodies as long as it hurts nobody else - but the whole thing is just noise to me. So there's a fourth degree on your spectrum Lumpy, the "what's all this now?" angle.

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I know someone who is going to get a sexchange


I rarely see her/him anymore, but I know s/he is already taking pills or whatever.


She said she will still dress the same. So when she's got a dick and beard she will still wear high heels and stuff.


I'm already feeling awkward if I should say her or him.

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