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What he said about Denzel Washington is disgraceful, I didn't get to see that as I couldn't watch anymore then a few snippets. The joke just kicks dirt in the face of an excellent actor that shouldn't have to deal with this shit is this day and age.

Lol its an award show where its common for the host to make fun of the really famous people. He doesn't actually think all black people look the same.


I'm really beginning to hate political correctness.

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I'm always rooting for PES. And of course, Don Hertzfeldt, but he didn't even get nominated. Shame.


So I guess I'm the only one thinking his jokes were misogynist and outdated?

Nah, I'm with you. Though with Seth I always just feel that that's a given. Sometimes I think that maybe Seth is going for the ironically Misogynist/Racist shtick, but then I watch family guy and realize how idiotic it is (and also take note of its fan-base and how they all happen to be sexist/racist) and think, maybe not.



Yeah but even 'ironically' misogynist/racist is just as bad. There are very few people who can get away with it but tbh, I'm bored of all these comedians that have to be wankers all the time (Frankie Boyle is a perfect example).


What he said about Denzel Washington is disgraceful, I didn't get to see that as I couldn't watch anymore then a few snippets. The joke just kicks dirt in the face of an excellent actor that shouldn't have to deal with this shit is this day and age.




Here's an interesting article



8. “The best don’t always win.”

Experts say credit is not always given where it’s due by the Academy’s 6,000-plus lifetime members, an assortment of working artists and professionals — from producers and directors to costume designers and make-up artists. (Notably, a 2012 survey by the Los Angeles Times found that the Academy was 94% caucasian and 77% male, with a median age of 62.) Nominations typically back films that are box-office hits or have a big Hollywood star. Politics, personal popularity and back-scratching among those who invested heavily in certain movies is also at work, Taplin says. The Academy did not respond to requests for comment, but its policy states that members use secret ballots, which are privately tallied by auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.


if you're bored of those comedians and their style of humor, then don't watch them.

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Is Seth's humor really dumb in this context? It seems like the more dull you are, the more you take it at face value and have it affirm your bigoted beliefs, or you get offended. If he wanted to just make people angry, he could have done a much better job. Jokes like this are on every sitcom. It may not be everyone's idea of Oscar host perfection, but I thought it was a nice little slap in the face to the whole stuffy, phony awards show atmosphere. The boobs song isn't sexist, just pointing out that lots of people won't watch an Oscar bait film unless there are tits in it. That's what I thought anyway. Call Kate Winslet.

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Guest vletrmx

I'm sorry if this is a lame/irrelevant discussion to make, but what bothers you guys more: Seth singing a song about boobs or the rapey undertones on, say, a Venetian Snares album? (and i honestly love his music). I don't know, just something I've been thinking

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The interview Chapelle did with James Lipton really is a great one... He dispels all the rumors and explains his thoughts and reasons very well. He's a lot smarter than his goofy humor let on most times

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So apparently I missed a good oscar show. McFarlane doing a boobsong which got some articles in the media showing the reactions of a couple of actresses. And then that journalist is being cronfronted that those reactions were pre-recorded and part of the act. Trying to establish that McFarlane is the worst host of all time. And now this discussion.


Obviously, the irony is lost, like someone has already said. And I've missed a good show. And, apparantly McFarlane is a very good comic. Seeing the reaction he gets. And the amount of people not getting the irony.



And...and. ...


Edit: see the emotional distress thinking about boobs creates? Good thing they're off limits nowadays.


*moves to saudi arabia*


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Guest RadarJammer

2012 oscars to Billy Crystal: will you say something controversial about blacks so people will talk about the oscars for weeks afterwards?

2013 oscars to Seth Macfarlane: will you say something controversial about blacks so people will talk about the oscars for weeks afterwards?

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Guest Mirezzi

I've thought that, too.


2014 oscars to Amy Proehl and Tina Fey: will you say something controversial about white men so people will talk about the oscars for weeks afterwards?

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The problem with oppositional culture, whether it's parody or satire, is that if the "joke" fails then it merely replicates the very thing it attempts to critique. I'm not so sure about MacFarlane, but that's what started to happen with Chappelle so he decided to GTFO before another WATMMer came up to him in the street and called him a n*gger.


Then again, if ever an audience of people - men, women, and children named Quvenzhané or Koyaanisqatsi - deserved to be treated badly, well...perhaps MacFarlane did God's work that night.



yeah the problem isn't exactly with the jokes at all, is it? satire, even offensive stuff, can be really useful as a way to underline problematic behaviour and provoke people to think about it.
i think most of the problem people have with certain offensive humor has moreso been the fear that members of the audience who already benefit from racism and sexism will perpetuate those attitudes in a non-satirical manner. pretty logical seeing as there's obviously already some racial and gender bias at the oscars that favours white men.
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