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The Great Porn Experiment

Guest fiznuthian

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Interesting. I don't use porn that often, but I'd be interested to see what happens if I don't use it at all. I'd probably be forced to go out and get laid, or workout a lot.

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Many of you will LOL, but get this:


This is the truth. Internet porn has been fucking up recent generations, especially the millenial generation who has bascially always had access to high speed internet. Break the addiction to porn (which you might not be willing to admit you have) and the results speak for themselves. No joke. You will be much more energetic and driven in general.

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Wow. A couple of months ago I decided to cut down masturbating to porn to like 10% as a project of my own. I do feel better now and have more energy.

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I mean I think being healthy, exercising, and living a balanced life are much more important, but I'm sure this helps.

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Guest fiznuthian

Many of you will LOL, but get this:


This is the truth. Internet porn has been fucking up recent generations, especially the millenial generation who has bascially always had access to high speed internet. Break the addiction to porn (which you might not be willing to admit you have) and the results speak for themselves. No joke. You will be much more energetic and driven in general.



I can verify this 100%.

I was completely unable to admit my addiction for a while.. stopped and within a week felt better.

Less anxiety, i feel more motivated and manly..


As of right now I am 100% anti-porn.

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Guest fiznuthian

Interesting talk. The next one will help as well.


Seriously though, I'm nowhere near ED.




That was really good. I tend to gravitate more towards the scientific talks, but enjoyed her speech a lot.

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it's interesting to watch something like this that isn't entirely based in morality or religion. It sort of reminds me of the Road to Wellville style 'anti masturbation' victorian age health stuff, like ejaculating too much can 'expend your essence' or something ridiculous like that. I think it takes a certain level of discipline to be in the masturbation olympics and not let it effect your energy level for the rest of the day.
the problem for me is that masturbating to porn unabated doesn't do anything to decrease my sex drive, it does the opposite.
I am a porn connoisseur in a sense, meaning that i find most porn unbearably boring. Most of the good niche porn sites have stopped producing new content because people would rather pay for a generically hot girl not having an orgasm with perfect skin being fucked in a beige living room with good lighting.
In a different life i would be making porn, a lot of porn. I'd make porn in the same way Autechre makes music. My 'gantz graf' will make you cum before you even touch your cock.

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"porn is messing with yer minds" sounds kinda plausible on the surface but if you replace porn with "violent video games" or "those marilyn manson CDs", all of a sudden it seems retarded


so iunno. i don't watch porn or play video games or listen to marilyn manson so i'm pretty much jesus

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"porn is messing with yer minds" sounds kinda plausible on the surface but if you replace porn with "violent video games" or "those marilyn manson CDs", all of a sudden it seems retarded


so iunno. i don't watch porn or play video games or listen to marilyn manson so i'm pretty much jesus


one of the only points the guy makes that I agree with is that internet age access to porn has sped up civilizations sexual evolution significantly. For better or worse, imagine growing up. You're not even sexually mature yet, maybe you masturbate but don't think of sex in a puberty kind of way. Any child who has internet or basic googling skills can find ridiculously hardcore pornography on the internet within seconds. It's almost impossible for me to imagine a scenario where a grammar school kid loads up a gang bang porn on the classroom computer, but i bet it happens at least once a day.


I'm sure many people here saw porn 'too young', but if an older sibling or somebody showed you a hardcore porn VHS, chances are you didn't get to keep it in your room to beat off to every night. Exposing children to porn is not a new concept, but the ease of access and regularity of that access has probably drastically changed the way people born after 1990 view sex.

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i mean it's definitely speeding up something, i meant that in a totally neutral way. A lot of aspects of technology have exponentially sped up humans social development. I'm not saying what it's developing towards is anything remotely positive. I think the real Ted talk should be about how will perfect virtual reality sex effect the human bonding experience? Porn is the hot topic now, but once we have Strangeland style fuck sessions shit's gonna get real weird.

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is this that nofap bullshit? its hilarious it overlaps with crazy christian fuckheads who hate themselves for jerking off.

TEDx omg so cool


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internet porn turned generation of people born after 80s into idiots who thinks blowjob means you take someone by their hair and bang their head against your dick.


fuck porn. fuck young people.

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I much preferred the OP vid to this. she sounds like she's trying to build some kind of self-help franchise, whereas the guy talking in the first video was much more rational and thorough/scientific in his explanations. really made clear sense to me.


Be sure to watch the entire talk. She's a bit annoying, and I kinda agree with you that she's high on the "motivational speaker" trip, but she does make a couple of spot on points. Points which could take you a lot further than just stop watching porn for a bit.

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internet porn turned generation of people born after 80s into idiots who thinks blowjob means you take someone by their hair and bang their head against your dick.


fuck porn. fuck young people.

Lol no, that is called fucking someone's face and is just any easy transition from a blow job especially when he/she gets tired.

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