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New consoles/E3 2013 thread


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lol it seems a lot of users that preordered an xberks are having this problem



also i read that ps4 does NOT support audio cd's or music on usb!!! :sad: ultimate fail

is it true? i was gonna hook it up to my amp like i did with ps3 so i can play all my music on it wtf dudes!!!!

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yes it's true. the idea is that Sony want you to use their music streaming service. makes sense from a greedy fucker ha ha ha business perspective, but completely fucks with customers.


but hey,


next gen.

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oh man this sucks so much, was hoping to get some awesome synchronized visuals when i play my music on ps4, now i have 2 use my ps3 again! vampiric shit salesmen i wonder how long it will take for call of duty to give me yellow light of death again


still getting one friday

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I bought the ps4 and xbone to try em both out. Donated them both to the salvation army. I'll stick with my pc with gtx690 * 2 thanks...












jk I'll buy a ps4 eventually, if only for the exclusive titles (ff15, kingdom hearts etc....)

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being a total out of the loop person who appreciates technological advances in video gaming, I was pretty surprised to see that most if not all the gameplay videos for Playstation 4 look extremely unimpressive, almost indistinguishable from later Playstation 3 games. Am I missing something?

If you guys had one video that impressed you from new console gamings please share it, almost everything I've seen looks about on par (from just a textures, models, complexity point of view, not largness of world) with GTA5 on the Ps3

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Next up: 3D CyberFeelersTM


Pretty much sums it up. I don't feel like they are pushing graphical capabilities as hard as they were back in the 16-32 bit eras but still more than really necessary. They really need to worry more about things like fluid controls and engaging gameplay mechanics more than anything. That being said, I havn't owned a console since xbox360 and before that SNES. The SNES still works, the Xbox does not :).

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being a total out of the loop person who appreciates technological advances in video gaming, I was pretty surprised to see that most if not all the gameplay videos for Playstation 4 look extremely unimpressive, almost indistinguishable from later Playstation 3 games. Am I missing something?


If you guys had one video that impressed you from new console gamings please share it, almost everything I've seen looks about on par (from just a textures, models, complexity point of view, not largness of world) with GTA5 on the Ps3


This is typical with launch and early release titles to be honest. It was the same with PS3 and 360, I remember being totally let down with the graphical quality last gen, it only gets better a couple of years in, hopefully anyway.


Also the example above re: diminishing returns.


To be honest I'm just fucking sick of these brown and grey shooting games that are polluting the gaming landscape. Why can't we have less shooting, and more stylized graphics in games? I saw a video of upcoming titles for the XBone and it was hilariously bad. Every game a shooter, even the fucking plants vs zombies game is just a shooter now. Rubbish. Pure rubbish.


Don't get me wrong, I like shooting games, but EVERY game!?

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i'm all for that, I was going to go off on a rant about how all games these days that try to simulate reality literally look like they're using the same engine and lighting. It's weird to me how much time supposedly these artists spend making models, textures and maps for what essentially looks like the same fucking bland military themed game over and over again.
it surprised me that more gamers don't demand more creativity out of the gaming experience.

katamari was probably the last game I played where I was really impressed by unorthodox graphics.

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is it true that the ps4 doesn,t stream media from a pc like the ps3? surely not,thats gotta be patched in ,if not i,m totally skipping this gen! i.m waiting for gt6 on ps3 as my next purchase anyway,no reason to buy either console for me right now, both seem totally rushed for christmas

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this is an interesting tangent that has happened in this thread - but very very relevant.


I think this is the reason why "indie" games are becoming more and more popular, because they're willing to break the mould and do something different, there are so many AAA games out there that are exactly what has already been said - bland reality simulators.


Charlie Brooker did a show called Gameswipe a few years ago, and there was the same sentiment being mentioned on that too, about how games these days are too gritty and realistic (to the comical point of getting stuck in a fucking traffic jam on GTA4), whereas in the Amiga days, there were loads of games being made by indie devs that were totally otherworldly, and very obviously not trying to emulate reality.


Both Microsoft and Sony have courted indie developers, but Microsoft seem to literally rape those devs (re: the Phil Fish / Fez patch cost bullshit), and Sony are only really just starting to embrace indie developers with the PS Vita and the PS4, whereas the PC has been enjoying indie games since forever.


It will definitely be interesting to see which kind of games pick up more traction, in the coming years. It seems like we could end up going back to those Amiga days, and honestly, that would be fucking amazing.

is it true that the ps4 doesn,t stream media from a pc like the ps3? surely not,thats gotta be patched in ,if not i,m totally skipping this gen! i.m waiting for gt6 on ps3 as my next purchase anyway,no reason to buy either console for me right now, both seem totally rushed for christmas

yes it's true, no DLNA

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since I don't really play many games I didn't realize how much the indie game scene was blowing up outside of this forum.
I think part of the problem is for a game developer the price of admission to make 'serious' content on a console is extremely high.
IT has built in the inherent problem of having such an unreachably high budget for most people that 'real' games at least in their current iteration will always be extremely expensive to make. When developers make one of these types of real simulation games or first person shooters, it seems like they spend 95% of the resources on the realistic atmosphere as well as the fluidity/realism of the controls and movement of the objects and characters on screen. The other 5% is saved for small things that differentiate these games from each-other.

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since I don't really play many games I didn't realize how much the indie game scene was blowing up outside of this forum.

I think part of the problem is for a game developer the price of admission to make 'serious' content on a console is extremely high.

IT has built in the inherent problem of having such an unreachably high budget for most people that 'real' games at least in their current iteration will always be extremely expensive to make. When developers make one of these types of real simulation games or first person shooters, it seems like they spend 95% of the resources on the realistic atmosphere as well as the fluidity/realism of the controls and movement of the objects and characters on screen. The other 5% is saved for small things that differentiate these games from each-other.

that's the thing though, people seem to be cottoning on to the fact that most of these games are fairly generic and have hardly anything to separate them apart, and the indie devs are capitalising on that.


Hotline Miami is a perfect example of an indie game that, while still being a shooter (and really, a simple one), is able to win over the audience with it's aesthetic and really capitalise on the zeitgeist of shooting games, and they've created something that can garner a cult following.

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I TRY to enjoy video games, but it's really hard for me when I'm being forced to play stuff I don't like. Maybe some day developers will stop making games I don't like, giving me time to play the stuff I do, but until then everything will just kind of suck.

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gee how long did it take for people to start using PS4 Playroom to do amateur porn? Question answered.



This is why we can't have nice things



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i currently have a decent pc that,ll run most new games on mid to high settings,and a ps3 for great games(gtav,last of us,gt5/6,etc) and blu ray/streaming media,the new so called next-gen consoles seem to be somewhere in-between at the moment and offer nothing new bar more subscription fees

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