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Post your Diets, Lifehacks, Biohacks, Keys to Operating at a High Level


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So, recently I have had a sort of revelation concerning the way we live and the way we are expected to operate. It is blatantly obvious that we are living at odds with our environment. Most people recognize this to some extent, but a lot of people don't have solutions that work. I know this, because I struggled for a long time only to be beaten down by what felt like a never ending cycle of failure. Not because I wasn't trying hard enough, or because I wasn't being disciplined. It was because I was misinformed. We are all misinformed to some degree or another. Why? The simple answer is that research is flawed, and we get fed lies due to private interests. (simple answer :biggrin: ) We used to be at the mercy of this information before the internet, but thankfully honest research and the free flow of information is liberating us all. I'm strictly speaking in a nutritional and environmental context as far as this topic is concerned. So, overarching political philosophies are not really meant for this thread. I definitely think that they are related, but I believe they are part of a different conversation.


I made this thread, because I've been doing stuff that really works for me, and it excites me. So, I decided to share what is working for me, and also many others. I welcome everyone to share information, and also share contradictory information as well. I'm not an expert on anything, and I don't pretend to be. I've literally only been doing this for a few months. A lot of this will be anecdotal based on reviewing some minor research. I know there are some actual educated folk in here as well, and I bet they have some good insights.


So, yeah you've been lied to. Some of the simple things that people misinformed about:


Salt is bad for you and will give you high blood pressure.

- Your body needs salt and you will die without it. the high blood pressure mania is based on research led by big pharma.


Red meat is bad for you and will give you cholesterol and heart attacks.

- Conventionally raised red meat is bad for you and will kill you


Fat is bad for you and will give you cholesterol and heart attacks.

-fat is good for you and aids your body in high level functioning and energy. Fat from bad sources is bad for you.


You need to limit your calories. (especially to lose weight)

-if you are eating the right things you can literally eat as much as you want and still lose weight.


You need to exercise to gain muscle and get trim.

-if you are eating the right things you will gain muscle and lose fat without exercise.


Things you've might have dealt with that you thought there wasn't any solution to. Eventually, conditioned to believe this is just life:


I can't do anything about my allergies.

My body type won't allow me to be leaner.

I never have enough energy.

I can't get any smarter.

I can't focus.

I'm depressed.

I need to medicate to deal with my anxiety.

I'm always hungry.


Ok, so what I've suffered from:


Allergies(a long time)

Constant sinus infections (5+ years)

Headaches(a long time)

Intense joint pain/inflammation(5 years)

Store too much fat regardless of exercise( entire life)

fatigue/no energy/constant hunger(entire life)

poor sleep/not feeling rested(entire life)

bad focus (diagnosed with ADHD)/ brainfog(entire life only recently to manifest itself at a much higher intensity)

trouble getting lean and building muscle(entire life)

Depression(as a product of overall inability to operate)

Anxiety(entire life/worsening recently)


I have in about 2 months cured myself of most of these problems using diet and supplementation, and all of them are at least improving.


I was going to go through each of these issues individually, but it would make this post far too long. So, I'm going to summarize.


I eat a high fat diet with almost zero processed foods. The diet is meant to increase your ability to detoxify, increase muscles, reduce fat and inflammation, and avoid mycotoxins. I think Uniret said it is termed Ketogenic.


It is illustrated here. It updates all the time so this is probably out of date.




I don't follow it 100% but I do most of it.


I drink butter coffee with MCT oil everyday. Try it. It is F'ing amazing. The long and short of it is that you should avoid almost all coffee. Be very strict about what kind of coffee you drink. Most coffee is poorly made and manufactured and you are literally just dosing yourself with toxins. The butter and MCT oil just give loads of fat which is great for energy and brain function, and allow you not to have to eat all the time. Sometimes I don't eat until the evening, because I don't need to.


I eat only organic grassfed grass finished meat. I eat mostly beef, pork, and eggs. The eggs I eat are not 100% bulletproof either because they are expensive as hell.


Conventionally raised meat is bad for you. For a number of reasons. You shouldn't eat it. You can eat as much properly raised meat as you want. It isn't hurting you. It is actually really good for you. DON't burn your meat and if you do burn it add an antioxidant to it beforehand to avoid the release of carcinogens.


I drink Himalayan salt added to water in the morning when I wake up. Supposedly, it helps your body from having to convert the potassium it makes when you are trying to sleep into sodium for you in the morning when you wake-up. Basically, making it so your body doesn't have to do that work, and your adrenal system ends up having more resources to provide you with energy for the rest of the day. That is a super laymen summary, but the idea is there.


I basically only eat meat and veggies, rice, and quinoa. Spices aren't necessarily bulletproof because most of them are poorly manufactured/prone to mold and fungus, but I love spices.


I eat at least 70% pure cocao chocolate. I prefer 85%. Sometimes a bar a day, but usually about half a bar.



I supplement. I would supplement more, but it is expensive.


I take:


a multivitamin (because I'm lazy. Multivitamins are shitty and you would be better off taking individual supplements)

krill oil (better than fish oil)

a probiotic

vitamin E

activated charcoal (removes toxins from your body. when someone OD's they give them charcoal at the hospital)




For focus (this is meant to simulate the effects of the brain drug provigil/modafinil that many high level execs take):

Artichoke extract

Forskolin extract


You can also take for focus:


Bacopa & Huperzine A


at night I take:





melatonin (needs to be regulated or it is risky)



My sleep is very good and I don't have problems falling asleep like I have my entire life.



Things I've noticed:


Burning fat and building muscle without exercise or any changes in physical activity. An overall reduction in body fat.

More rested, better sleep. better regulated sleep patterns.

Way more energy/sustained energy

No allergies/sinus problems(used to take allergy medicine everyday/had to use eyedrops multiple times a day/constant sinus infections)

Joint pain is gone (my joint pain was literally so bad that it would wake me up at night or I couldn't sit through a movie without being in 8/10 levels of pain)

better focus/easier to think/not at a loss for words, etc.

Not depressed because I can operate at a high level

anxiety is improving


Oh, also I've gone from being 145 lbs (underweight) at age 18 to being 195 lbs (overweight) at age 24 to now being at a healthy 170 lbs or so. I don't exercise consistently and I spend most of my days in front of a pc. My bodyfat percentage is really low now and I've always struggled to get it that way thinking that it was just my natural body type. You would be amazed how much you think is fat is just inflammation.


There is a lot of other stuff I know about that I would like to try and other things that I can explain or defend if anyone shows an interest.


I would also like to hear anything anyone else does that works for them. I know Uniret does a lot of the things I'm doing, and I really enjoy talking about it and learning from other people.


I would also like to add that you shouldn't discount how much your anxiety and depression are related to your overall health, inflammation, and toxins in your body.

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seems like a lot of time, money and effort goes into this.


i won't criticise if it's helping you out of your depression and anxiety. all i'll say is the bulletproof guy is getting RICH off people like you.

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No, he isn't. I don't buy any of his products.


It is also very cynical to say that because someone is getting rich that something could potentially be flawed. I wouldn't even talk about it if the results weren't fucking astounding.


All of it is based on science that is either fresh or been around for a while. You can respond to my comments in the other thread here if you prefer.

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As far as time and effort.


I spend more time cooking, preparing my coffee, and going to the grocery more often. Grocery shopping is actually easier because your choices are limited. I also feel that any time I spend on this is rewarded with overall increased well-being and energy.

caffeine, theanine, modafinil


What is the purpose of Theanine?

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No, he isn't. I don't buy any of his products.


It is also very cynical to say that because someone is getting rich that something could potentially be flawed. I wouldn't even talk about it if the results weren't fucking astounding.


All of it is based on science that is either fresh or been around for a while. You can respond to my comments in the other thread here if you prefer.


ok how much do you spend on supplements and potions and sleep aids in a week/month?

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This is dif



No, he isn't. I don't buy any of his products.


It is also very cynical to say that because someone is getting rich that something could potentially be flawed. I wouldn't even talk about it if the results weren't fucking astounding.


All of it is based on science that is either fresh or been around for a while. You can respond to my comments in the other thread here if you prefer.


ok how much do you spend on supplements and potions and sleep aids in a week/month?



This is really hard to calculate. Some of them only last a month others I buy in bulk so I have a 3 month supply or more. Everything can be found cheaper on the internet as well. I'm attempting a rough calculation now. I think initially I didn't spend more than a couple hundred dollars. 5HTP and Magnesium are the most expensive followed by MCT Oil, Forskolin, and artichoke extract. Also, Kerry Gold butter is expensive but there are some alternatives. I know my friend calculated the price of food and it was no more expensive than his average american diet. Going out to eat, etc.



Theanine complements the caffeine by keeping anxiety and blood pressure down.


Interesting, I might try this as caffeine sometimes bothers my nerves/anxiety.

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I read that 'detox' is a myth. ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7808348.stm )


Nevertheless, eating well and being aware of nutrients and health is a good thing regardless. For me, I find that sleeping the same time every night, not eating too much junk in a day and walking or being active somehow everyday, as well as trying to be happy and doing stuff I like is my recipe for feeling good... I don't go into food details I just try to eat a moderate and varied diet, meaning vegetables, fruit, sugar, meat, etc and not too much of neither. I also allow some junk food because it tastes so damn good, so a burger and fries every few months is fine to me. Still, not every day is a good day. Some days are just bad days and I feel crappy, but I find it's usually due to not eating well in the morning, or due to me getting bad sleep, so those are the most important to me I think.

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I read that 'detox' is a myth. ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7808348.stm )


Nevertheless, eating well and being aware of nutrients and health is a good thing regardless. For me, I find that sleeping the same time every night, not eating too much junk in a day and walking or being active somehow everyday, as well as trying to be happy and doing stuff I like is my recipe for feeling good... I don't go into food details I just try to eat a moderate and varied diet, meaning vegetables, fruit, sugar, meat, etc and not too much of neither. I also allow some junk food because it tastes so damn good, so a burger and fries every few months is fine to me. Still, not every day is a good day. Some days are just bad days and I feel crappy, but I find it's usually due to not eating well in the morning, or due to me getting bad sleep, so those are the most important to me I think.


Well, that article is tackling the subject of a detoxifying face wash which is much much different. Charcoal is proven to soak up toxins which is why they give it to people in the emergency room when they have overdosed. Also, the diet is more about not putting bad stuff into your body and using things to improve your body's ability to process toxins.


- sleeping the same time every night is highly recommended


If you aren't having issues you probably don't need to change anything. You could get blood work done to make sure that you are not missing something though. I know there is a clinic that offers free blood work here, and I plan to go after a sustained period on the diet to ensure I'm not killing myself.



I know for myself I can immediately notice that I've eaten restaurant food or junk food because there are very obvious physical responses. I don't really enjoy going out to eat anymore unless it is sushi. Most of the food makes me feel like crap. I believe I suffer from sensitivity though which you may not.

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-spend like $450 a month or less on an apartment (can be done, i've always done it)

-spend like $50 a month on food (BEANS & DUMPSTER DIVING, FOKES)

-don't do anything that costs money ever unless you've had an excess cash pile sitting around for months

-the above point includes university & having babies, yo


i bet i can eventually turn this into the "how to live entirely off discarded sandals in an abandoned warehouse" lifehack

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Congrats on your revelations and improvements and all, but 2 months are way too short a time to deem whether your new lifestyle/diet is truly useful and beneficial in the long run.


Once you go off ketosis, you're likely going to have the same problems again. And Paleo is expensive. Sorry to rain on your parade, I like your effort.


I have struggled with sleeping problems, lethargy and anxiety/depression all my life and gotten all of it solved through meditation. But it took around 2 years before I could honestly say to myself that it was working out for me, which might sound less attractive than a crazy diet for 2 months.


I don't believe in getting all super specific about nutrition supplements and similar stuff. Some mental cultivation, physical exercise and yoga, not eating too much shitty food (everybody knows what this is, stop complicating it), and not drinking too much seems to work for me.


Truth be told, in the long run, it would probably be healthier and you would probably be better off not concerning yourself so much with fantasies about success and get back in touch with reality, instead of obsessing about maintaining "peak performance" for a neurotic and extremely taxing western lifestyle.

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racetams and green smoothies, makes me feel great and it's pretty dang cheap too. (piracetam is cheap, anyway...and i take choline citrate, not alpha gpc, though the latter is supposed to work quite a bit better).


also i'll echo what cryptowen said, being frugal is my #1 lifehack and i have a great time not spending money. my friends lament that i never go out, but it's pretty easy to find fun free stuff to do (long walks/exploring the city, free concerts, reading in the park, etc)


i'll add that being frugal means not eating in restaurants, pretty much ever. i cook & bake most of my own food. tastes good, it's really cheap (three awesome loaves of bread / week = $1.50), it's a good skill to be practicing, and i know exactly what goes into the stuff (to a degree, i don't mill my own flour or anything, not amish yet)

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Coffee in the morning, plenty of veggies at lunch and dinner, and minimal processed foods/fast food, and a beer in the evening. Got rid of my microwave. A couple vitamins here and there (I need to get a better regime regarding this). I don't work out but I walk my dog, do yardwork and in spring and fall I run around doing as a rec soccer referee and that seems to keep my keanu reeves neck fat minimal.


If you throw out convenience foods - fast foods, going to sit-down restaurants, vending machine fodder, frozen meals, etc. and drink water and juice instead of soda you'll instantly feel better. I'm glad I live in a city where there are many healthy restaurant options but if you have a bit of time and internet access you can find all sorts of cheap and healthy recipes.

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Coffee in the morning, plenty of veggies at lunch and dinner, and minimal processed foods/fast food, and a beer in the evening. Got rid of my microwave. A couple vitamins here and there (I need to get a better regime regarding this). I don't work out but I walk my dog, do yardwork and in spring and fall I run around doing as a rec soccer referee and that seems to keep my keanu reeves neck fat minimal.


If you throw out convenience foods - fast foods, going to sit-down restaurants, vending machine fodder, frozen meals, etc. and drink water and juice instead of soda you'll instantly feel better. I'm glad I live in a city where there are many healthy restaurant options but if you have a bit of time and internet access you can find all sorts of cheap and healthy recipes.


I believe Dave Asprey said there is a coffee shop in Austin where you can order Bulletproof coffee drinks made with his beans. His coffee is really good. You might try it if you can find it.

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Don't know anything about the bulletproof diet or supplements, but from personal experience ketosis (as in "regular" LCHF) works very well for weight loss. Can't say it improved my mood or any other things however.

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Congrats on your revelations and improvements and all, but 2 months are way too short a time to deem whether your new lifestyle/diet is truly useful and beneficial in the long run.


Once you go off ketosis, you're likely going to have the same problems again. And Paleo is expensive. Sorry to rain on your parade, I like your effort.


I have struggled with sleeping problems, lethargy and anxiety/depression all my life and gotten all of it solved through meditation. But it took around 2 years before I could honestly say to myself that it was working out for me, which might sound less attractive than a crazy diet for 2 months.


I don't believe in getting all super specific about nutrition supplements and similar stuff. Some mental cultivation, physical exercise and yoga, not eating too much shitty food (everybody knows what this is, stop complicating it), and not drinking too much seems to work for me.


Truth be told, in the long run, it would probably be healthier and you would probably be better off not concerning yourself so much with fantasies about success and get back in touch with reality, instead of obsessing about maintaining "peak performance" for a neurotic and extremely taxing western lifestyle.



I totally appreciate people being critical, because feedback is really important and someone else always knows something you don't. That being said, I will defend what I believe and criticize other people's philosophies.


Your first point - I agree but I've had this body my entire life. I'm very aware of results, and I can tell when something is working.


Paleo isn't more expensive than your average diet. If you are saying that it is more expensive than ramen everyday then yes you are correct. You can also grow vegetables to offset cost. Vegetables aren't expensive though. the meat is expensive and it can be ordered in bulk for very similar prices to conventional meat.



Also, the supplementing might be very experimental, but the diet is not "crazy".


The body is very complicated and chemical reactions are complicated. So, deciding to believe that it is simple is great if it works for you, but it isn't simple. Ignoring science is a mistake in my opinion.


As far as fantasies of success I will refer to Nietzsche.



“Alas, I knew noble men who lost their highest hope. Then they slandered all high hopes. Then they lived impudently in brief pleasures and barely cast their goals beyond the day. Spirit too is lust, so they said. Then the wings of their spirit broke: and now their spirit crawls about and soils what it gnaws. Once they thought of becoming heroes: now they are voluptuaries. The hero is for them an offense and a fright.

But by my love and hope I beseech you: do not throwaway the hero in your soul! Hold holy your highest hope!

Thus spoke Zarathustra.


I actually rebel against the typical western lifestyle and have plans to live a lifestyle of my design as much as possible.





Forskolin extract


Belongs in "Nice Docks"



I was waiting for someone to comment on that supplement. I think the same thing when I see it.

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-spend like $450 a month or less on an apartment (can be done, i've always done it)

-spend like $50 a month on food (BEANS & DUMPSTER DIVING, FOKES)

-don't do anything that costs money ever unless you've had an excess cash pile sitting around for months

-the above point includes university & having babies, yo


i bet i can eventually turn this into the "how to live entirely off discarded sandals in an abandoned warehouse" lifehack


I don't get how you can survive off $50 a month for food.


racetams and green smoothies, makes me feel great and it's pretty dang cheap too. (piracetam is cheap, anyway...and i take choline citrate, not alpha gpc, though the latter is supposed to work quite a bit better).


also i'll echo what cryptowen said, being frugal is my #1 lifehack and i have a great time not spending money. my friends lament that i never go out, but it's pretty easy to find fun free stuff to do (long walks/exploring the city, free concerts, reading in the park, etc)


i'll add that being frugal means not eating in restaurants, pretty much ever. i cook & bake most of my own food. tastes good, it's really cheap (three awesome loaves of bread / week = $1.50), it's a good skill to be practicing, and i know exactly what goes into the stuff (to a degree, i don't mill my own flour or anything, not amish yet)


Probably for the best. Restaurant food has way too much garbage added to it generally.


What are racetams, piracetam, choline citrate, and alpha gpc, and what are their purposes?


Coffee in the morning, plenty of veggies at lunch and dinner, and minimal processed foods/fast food, and a beer in the evening. Got rid of my microwave. A couple vitamins here and there (I need to get a better regime regarding this). I don't work out but I walk my dog, do yardwork and in spring and fall I run around doing as a rec soccer referee and that seems to keep my keanu reeves neck fat minimal.


If you throw out convenience foods - fast foods, going to sit-down restaurants, vending machine fodder, frozen meals, etc. and drink water and juice instead of soda you'll instantly feel better. I'm glad I live in a city where there are many healthy restaurant options but if you have a bit of time and internet access you can find all sorts of cheap and healthy recipes.


That is a nice approach, but I think my situation warranted something a bit more drastic.


Don't know anything about the bulletproof diet or supplements, but from personal experience ketosis (as in "regular" LCHF) works very well for weight loss. Can't say it improved my mood or any other things however.


Well, when you're inflamed having allergic reactions, and getting sick every other month, being healthy enough to want to get out of bed does wonders for mood.


i eat my own jizz unpasturised

also i dont get vaccinations MANNNNNN


I hear jizz is quite nutritious.

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