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LED light display for your bike wheels


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Guest Adam

was just about to say..


first dubstep is dead, now this. is it 2007 retro celebration day?


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one presumes that you could just set the monkey light to a white band, should you desire to keep your dignity AdieuErsatzEnnui. Although i should imagine that project aura would be a cheaper option once these things hit retail.

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I'm pretty sure this would be illegal where I live. Technically you can't even have flashing lights (could be misidentified as an emergency vehicle) on your bike, red light is only allowed at the back of your bike (so you know the direction the bike is going), etc. You won't probably get fined for those, but I know the police have given here 100e fines for driving a bike without lights after the dark.


Ah, Nordic life. They even forced the fixie bikers to install hand brakes, lol.

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why would you want this, just to show off?


Its great for 14 year olds and below.


It doesnt look right on an adult bike, specially when the adult is a bearded hipster in his mid-30's

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yes he does look like he wouldn't normally ride a bike. And if he did , it would be a fixie. Which wouldn't be able to get up to a fast enough speed to be able to properly display the imagery.

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Nevertheless i thought it was a cool application of display in an unexpected place. And as to this being jazz, because of something similar posted a few years ago, i think i posted the thread about whatever that was back then. And it wasn't as sophisticated as this device.

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a great hacking opportunity appears. rolling goatse all over.

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I wonder about the legality too though. Neon lights under cars aren't legal here due to it being distracting, surely this is more so?


Maybe because it's a bike it's a loophole somehow?


This Kickstarter is for their new model anyway. Their earlier two versions are available and are p cool too. I'm tempted to pick it up but I ride a lot in the day right now.

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