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Tuss' Studio "Rare Footage" YouTube video


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I think fundamentally the issue's more to do with society in general and how people are still largely encouraged in certain directions and discouraged from others from a young age based on their sex. We really should be beyond this, with girls being encouraged to do technical things like programming just as much as boys. Then there'll be more women who like technical music.


I wonder for how many more decades you are going to blame culture. If it was up to culture i'd be a rugby league playing, winfield smoking, jacked up Navara driving father with 1.8 kids and perhaps one divorce under my belt by now. The electronic music that we listen to is a niche within a niche, listened to by a few for whom the sounds make sense and bring joy. To get to this point we just kept our ears open and went our own way. Women have been emancipated for some decades now, and those of the more independent spirit can allow their spirits to flow in whatever direction that interests them. Given then the small number needed to make an impact in such a tiny space why aren't they here? Well because proportionally they aren't interested in this type of music to the same degree as men. It speaks to fundamental biological difference that can't be overcome no matter the pandering to pointless plaintive pleas to placate some phony guilt held over a distiction between the sexes. So in summation if they liked it and wanted to make it, and were going to be good enough to peak the interest of others, they'd be doing it by now and you would have heard about it.


/unpins and drop hand grenade then walks away.

omlol. to seriously believe that women have been "emancipated" for decades (lol, soooo long) and that if they haven't made an impact in a particular field compared with men then it's bc of biological differences between the sexes....that's just ridiculous.


it's also the most watmm thing one could say about women and idm:


idm is for men. bc biology.


I'm gonna go call my wife now to let her know that she's been emancipated all this time and the world is her oyster.

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So you are saying that france has repressive wahhabi style rules for the deportment, movement and control of women, are you. Give me a break, are you a fantasist or a french man? I also wonder how much of your wife's circle listens to analord, discusses it, obsesses over it? hah, troll fail, reality injection dispels cognitive bias yet again. (yeah a bit over the top and chancy, especially in presuming to know what your wife doesn't listen to, but still i've just woken up, and a am bit blurry, ready to face the world anew with positive bounce, heh, bless. So you're welcome mon ami, now go forth without the burdensome yoke of untruth. ;-]).

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perhaps this isn't the place for a full discussion on gender issues but it should be blatantly obvious to any intelligent person in the first world that women are far from experiencing the cultural and biological emancipation you speak of. it's cool that certain rights have been available to women for a few decades but it amounts to rather little on both a larger cultural scale and the more personal individual field of experience.


my wife and I met at work. we both had the same job title. I made several thousand dollars more than her a year. I was always spoken of as an authority while she was constantly spoken down to. i quit the job and she took over all my responsibilities and no one was hired in my place. she received no raise and the business owner now refers to her as a "junior" manager. In my 8 years of employment with the company that is the first time I've ever heard that term used, even though she's been a manger for over 2 years. She is responsible for far more than many of the male employees and far more competent and yet she is constantly talked down to and consistently paid less. furthermore the general manager has made comments about her "tits" to other male managers. I'd be curious to learn how one can possibly consider this an instance of emancipation.


for the record my wife likes all kinds of music, including various electronic artists. which, of course, is irrelevant to the gender roles that were brought up.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey, I've seen this passed around the forum before. I know there's all sorts of speculation and people trying to poke holes into this being 'fake' (ie. shouldn't we hear phasing as the camera moves around the studio because of the rotating speakers?) but my question is...how is it that we clearly have stem tracks from The Tuss playing here, and zero explanation? Who is 'cuntingconglomerate' (the uploader) and what's his connection?



Anyone have info on this?




He is playing back the double inverse leslie wave. :emotawesomepm9:

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So what are these sublabels then, this is the first i'm hearing of it.


Whatever labels Photodementia, EOD, Ultrademon, MNLTH, D'Archangelo, etc have released on the last two years.


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Look what's located at the top of the stack.



crazy that people with so much modular synth gear make music that could have done on a $1000 budget with no modular gear whatsoever. that's at least $40k in modular equipment behind him

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Guest jasondonervan


Look what's located at the top of the stack.



crazy that people with so much modular synth gear make music that could have done on a $1000 budget with no modular gear whatsoever. that's at least $40k in modular equipment behind him



That ain't Albert's gear, tho - it's a shop in Japan :whistling:

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nah. looks pretty happy to me. self satisfied happy chappy, just cruisin' through for the purposes of porpose love in the pool lappy.

listened to that video single. mish mash of current trend samples to no good end plus drum blamparound. no bad but not either.

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Guest jasondonervan

Is that why he doesn't look very happy, is his dad not letting have anything because he's been naughty ?


Five G is :cerious: business... you'd look a bit unhappy too if you were there, when you realised you couldn't cart the whole store's stock back home in your hold luggage


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Did guys watch that amazing Seapunk 'doc' from MTV Weird Vibes?

Albert says his label boss wanted to make him the Skrillex of Seapunk. Whether it's true or not, picturing Grant saying that to him entertains me to no end.
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