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Bronies Documentary

Rubin Farr

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I feel more offended by their self-victimization and attention-seeking more than anything. It's that having it both ways bullshit I find impossible to relate to or tolerate. Is part of true geekdom having the ability to be low-key about it?


Also, this seems like a far lamer, derivative cartoon than say, Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, etc.



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Powerpuff Girls was actually legit, cos it seemed somewhat unapologetic. I don't know enough about Adventure Time to know how cool it is tho - only saw one episode.

Again, never watched MLP but I accidentally see pics of it everywhere on the interweb. Apparently it's also a reboot of the 1987 original, which I was too young to remember whether watching or not.

Now Invader Zim...classic.

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I think it started as an ironic, tongue in cheek thing, like a bunch of internet people pretended it was a great show but then internet lack of context took over and the large masses of socially non-included people saw these other people ironically praising the show and started praising it genuinely and since there are way more vapid lonely losers on the internet than snide ironic losers the majority took over and this bizarre purposeless fandom grew on its own accidental momentum and now is begging for legitimization because 'hey unpopular social rejects deserve friends too' and whatever i guess that's fine but it's one more loss for rational logical thinking but hey that's life isn't it.

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the only true thing that can be said of these guys is that they're idiots. i don't care if they can do things with computers. 'amazing cartoon' my arse

I think it started as an ironic, tongue in cheek thing, like a bunch of internet people pretended it was a great show but then internet lack of context took over and the large masses of socially non-included people saw these other people ironically praising the show and started praising it genuinely and since there are way more vapid lonely losers on the internet than snide ironic losers the majority took over and this bizarre purposeless fandom grew on its own accidental momentum and now is begging for legitimization because 'hey unpopular social rejects deserve friends too' and whatever i guess that's fine but it's one more loss for rational logical thinking but hey that's life isn't it.

good theory


edit:i swear i can see several bullshitter smirks in the trailer tho

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I think it started as an ironic, tongue in cheek thing, like a bunch of internet people pretended it was a great show but then internet lack of context took over and the large masses of socially non-included people saw these other people ironically praising the show and started praising it genuinely and since there are way more vapid lonely losers on the internet than snide ironic losers the majority took over and this bizarre purposeless fandom grew on its own accidental momentum and now is begging for legitimization because 'hey unpopular social rejects deserve friends too' and whatever i guess that's fine but it's one more loss for rational logical thinking but hey that's life isn't it.

this is exactly how it started on /b/.

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I think it started as an ironic, tongue in cheek thing, like a bunch of internet people pretended it was a great show but then internet lack of context took over and the large masses of socially non-included people saw these other people ironically praising the show and started praising it genuinely and since there are way more vapid lonely losers on the internet than snide ironic losers the majority took over and this bizarre purposeless fandom grew on its own accidental momentum and now is begging for legitimization because 'hey unpopular social rejects deserve friends too' and whatever i guess that's fine but it's one more loss for rational logical thinking but hey that's life isn't it.

this is exactly how it started on /b/.


yeah I remember a couple of years ago coming across the my lil pony thing on /b and it was clearly an ironic thing, because I watched the show and it possessed nothing of value. I thought it was some sort of thought experiment to see who would buy into thinking it was a good show, and lo a behold it worked.

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i tried watching that trailer for the docu

and somewhere after the brony dubstep wubs i looked at the time thinking i was like 20 minutes in and it was only 3

i couldn't make it any further


and yeah lots of people are outright ignoring the grooming/pedophile angle and just saying we should let them be etc, but i think it's obviously there. the thing is, it's also obviously not every one of these older dudes is in it for that reason. but definitely some of them are. so the question then becomes can you judge the whole group with that harsh judgement just based on whatever percentage it actually applies to (which is an unknown)? and i don't know if that question actually has an answer, and i personally don't care enough to contemplate it. but if i had a little boy i wouldnt have let him hang out with michael jackson, and if i had a little girl or boy i wouldn't let them go to a pony convention without me there, and i wouldn't be able to stomach being there so it would be a no-go.


also i pretty much had, and think many people have the same theory as salvatorin on how this started, but i never would have been able to word it so succinctly/eloquently as he has.

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I'm a brony on principal. The new breed of beta males will allow for us finally to grow baby beta male clones and escape to space while the alpha males and the 99% of females that fail to achieve critical thought and give up and decide to marry alpha males all destroy themselves


Pro aspergers

Pro beta male

Pro pony fucking

Pro space

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Not disputing it, but what's the pedophile angle with bronies? The fact that grown men like a thing small kids do and use that as a way to deceive kids?

well i mean like i said, im not going to make assumptions about what % of these people may be creepy guys who just want to get close to kids, because i have no way to gauge that. but i think people have an instinct where they look at that type of thing and assume that it has to be some of them. it seems that that instinct is based on kind of obvious reasons. like it's always going to be suspicious when grown ass men are taking interest in something that's aimed at little girls and going to events where they are close to them. but like i said it's maybe not fair to judge all of them based on that. but i guess that depends on how you look at the word judge. like i wouldn't label them all as predators. but if i had kids i wouldn't take the risk of letting my kids hang around any strange grown dudes one way or the other... and i kinda view older dudes who want to hang around kids with suspicion which i think is a common view. imo it's prob a product of evolution to have it hardwired in brains that you shouldn't let your kids be around creepy old dudes dressed up as a pony. seems kinda obvious.

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I'm a brony on principal. The new breed of beta males will allow for us finally to grow baby beta male clones and escape to space while the alpha males and the 99% of females that fail to achieve critical thought and give up and decide to marry alpha males all destroy themselves


Pro aspergers

Pro beta male

Pro pony fucking

Pro space

Does that mean Bronies will reproduce asexually?

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"99% of 'females' fail to achieve critical thought." fuck you, vamos.

99% of vamos posts fail to achieve non-ridiculous levels of hypocrisy.


Re: bronies: my horribly reductive and obviously overblown conclusion is that humanity knows it's not worth sustaining itself and a significant portion of humans are basically reverting to curling up in the fetal position and awaiting the death of the Carrying Mother.


The real answer is probably just that people are fucking gross as fuck.

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well i watched it and found myself thinking that the people the doc follows are really kinda normal. like i felt accepting of the whole thing and only minorly weird-ed out.

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Re: bronies: my horribly reductive and obviously overblown conclusion is that humanity knows it's not worth sustaining itself and a significant portion of humans are basically reverting to curling up in the fetal position and awaiting the death of the Carrying Mother.


The real answer is probably just that people are fucking gross as fuck.

i kind of feel like this sometimes. but other times i feel like it's something more insidious, which i know will make me sound like a typical crackpot conspiracy wacko (as lots of my other posts might). but sometimes i think, well, i mean it seems kind of indisputable that there is a rising percentage of "beta males", i think just the phrase being used so commonly itself is kind of proof of it. so to me the question then is, why? what's causing it? and my opinion is that like so much of common human behaviors these days, it's heavily influenced by the media. i don't know if it actually is an intended, planned out, intentional result or just kind of an accidental thing. either way i think it's fucked. because ultimately it's just a bunch of people, like you said, curling up and shutting out the outside world, which i don't think anyone can honestly say is something a happy person would do. so i guess the summary of what i'm saying is that i think the media is totally fucking people up, either intentionally or not. i mean to me something like miley cyrus twerking and being an actual human person who's stock increases because she sticks her tongue out like a complete idiot, to me that kind of shit is fucking up the impressionable minds of the youth out there. not just because shes acting like a hoor, but because of the whole culture of praising total idiots, which is being pushed onto kids from every which angle.
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Not disputing it, but what's the pedophile angle with bronies? The fact that grown men like a thing small kids do and use that as a way to deceive kids?

and i kinda view older dudes who want to hang around kids with suspicion which i think is a common view.


Suspicious of male kindergarten/school teachers too? The pedophilia scare has partly been overblown, thanks to tabloid journalism , when men are vary to approach kids who might be in trouble/lost in fear that they might be seen as a sexual predator. And weren't it not long ago some innocent dude got burnt to death in the UK after a misunderstanding where he was thought to be a kiddie fiddler and the ridiculous attacks on pediatricians because people are dumb. Not saying parents and adults shouldn't be vary of sexual predators stalking kids, especially on the internets, but some common sense please.

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Not disputing it, but what's the pedophile angle with bronies? The fact that grown men like a thing small kids do and use that as a way to deceive kids?

and i kinda view older dudes who want to hang around kids with suspicion which i think is a common view.
Suspicious of male kindergarten/school teachers too? The pedophilia scare has partly been overblown, thanks to tabloid journalism , when men are vary to approach kids who might be in trouble/lost in fear that they might be seen as a sexual predator. And weren't it not long ago some innocent dude got burnt to death in the UK after a misunderstanding where he was thought to be a kiddie fiddler and the ridiculous attacks on pediatricians because people are dumb. Not saying parents and adults shouldn't be vary of sexual predators stalking kids, especially on the internets, but some common sense please.
the difference between bronies and other people who interact with children is that they view the ponies as sex objects. even the females do this.


i was playing magic the gathering with a friend at a card shop once when these two sperging fat girls started giggling. i looked over and saw they were drawing my little pony porn. one of them presented it to her equally gross boyfriend. yuck.


another difference is that it's a teacher's job to interact with kids. for bronies, it's a hobby. to qualify that statement, i'm sure a lot of them don't actively seek out contact with kids due to perverse child-lust, but rather cling onto the fandom because they are losers looking for an easy in-group and their shitty in-group happens to share its focal point with 7 year old girls.


but some dudes just want an excuse to hang out in the little girls toy aisle at target. that's fucked up.

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Re: bronies: my horribly reductive and obviously overblown conclusion is that humanity knows it's not worth sustaining itself


humanity will need 10,000 MLP shows to sustain itself for the next 10 years

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