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Fred Phelps, Founder Of Westboro Baptist Church, Dead At Age 84


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Don't give it any more attention. Picketing at his funeral would be exactly what he wanted, so anyone standing there will have lost the game (though they'll probably see it as justice served.. idiots..)

This. I honestly wouldn't be that surprised if it turned out that he didn't even give a shit whether people were gay or not and he really just did it for the media attention and money. Like Hubbard and scientology.

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Don't give it any more attention. Picketing at his funeral would be exactly what he wanted, so anyone standing there will have lost the game (though they'll probably see it as justice served.. idiots..)

This. I honestly wouldn't be that surprised if it turned out that he didn't even give a shit whether people were gay or not and he really just did it for the media attention and money. Like Hubbard and scientology.


yeah, I think so too. maybe he legitimately hated gays (keeping up the facade of hating something you really don't must be quite exhausting) but I think the entire Phelps cult existed mainly to scam money through lawsuits.

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