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Bogdan Raczynski - Mix 4 on Penryn Space Agency Tonight 10 BST (9 GMT)


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From the PSA Facebook page:


This month we have a special 3 hour broadcast of our monthly radio show, we're proud to present the exclusive world premiere of 'Mix 4' from the legendary Bogdan Raczynski.

Those familiar with his previous mixes will know the high standard he sets for them. For 'Mix 4' Bogdan selected 51 of his favorite tracks from the last 3 years, pulled out his favourite bits and after about 50 hours editing time spread over 3 years and 5 continents has distilled all the goodness into solid rocket fuel.
'Mix 4' will be available to download straight after the show at http://www.soundcloud.com/bogdan-raczynski/mix-4
Currently there's no tracklisting, but "if anyone wants to tweet me to let me know how much their ripped CDR copy of samurai math beats changed their life 16 years ago", he might be encouraged to provide one.
We wish we could tell you that this mix's sole purpose is to promote a forthcoming album release or tour, but sadly there is nothing on the horizon on the music front from him in 2015. On the plus side, Bogdan is putting out a book later this year, we tried to find out more on this but he is keeping his cards close to his chest. The music speaks for itself.
Stay tuned via twitter / instagram (@bogdanraczynski & @PenrynSpace) to find out more!
Listen here http://www.thesourcefm.co.uk/listen


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Listening to Source FM now via internet. Bit of a shambles so far. Great music but lots of dead air, and the broadcast is only coming out of one speaker :(

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Moved thread to the proper place. There is a main thread about it here too: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/86105-penryn-space-agency/page-4

Also, here is the mix for the people who missed it (like me):




Anyway, I really hope there will be a tracklist at some point, I'm not even halfway in and there are some real gems in here already! :music:

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The dead air wasn't us, that was the King Arthur Crew prior to our show - Rephlexians may have spotted the famed track regarding masturbation by the paternal forebearer.


Internet listeners complained of there only being one channel, whereas FM listeners seemed quite satisfied, sorry about that - technical problem at the radio. More Mixcloud's coming soon!


Thanks for your support.

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What is Bogdan doing for a living these days? His live shows seem to be sparse.

basilmarket brah



edit: this simultaneously makes me lol and cry because mrbasil is such a talent and id much rather see him make more music than be joyrex to even less mature idiots

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