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Boeren pompen met hun klompen uit de maat


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hey, I'll give some feedback on that last track you posted. I don't want to sound arrogant so if you're sure about the way the track sounds, don't care and just consider it's a matter of taste :)


I like the track musically and think it has pretty exciting moments but I'm not sure about the way it sounds. Sounds pretty rough to me and I would see some stuff to do mix-wise, define (differentiate) the different sources more and also their place into the room of the mix (stereo, front/back depth). I think the acid bass sound would benefit from having more bass so that it stands as the base of the rest of the mix. If you do that I guess it would also help removing some lo-mid from the voicey pad sound. Several sound also are pretty intense in medium frequencies (maybe between 1k-2k or someting?) and I would also think about a way reducing that. Space-wise, I would also push some sounds to background (using a nice sounding reverb) and think about using the stereo more. The only sounds which seems to make use of the stereo is this percussive hit, which is good per se but it feels pretty alone there so far to the left and right speakers.


The end part have more balance imo. I really like how it comes, great way to release the tension.


some great sound in there but I'm sure they could sound even better!

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