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How to make a homemade clock like a child prodigy electronic genius

Guest skibby

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I'm gonna have a moment of honesty here .. reading the backlash and the backlash to the backlash, it all leaves me so confused and warped in the mind, for me it is too much insane distorted shit to take, its stressful because you feel like you are being lied to all the time, i blame all the twitter accounts who make shit up all the time and people retweted it like its real and mainstream media for joining the madness (i mean they have to compete with the internet so stories have to grab attention, play with peoples emotions so they get involve, its creepy weird shit i think)


We have little evidence most of the time and we are just lazy so we look for what most people are feeling and just run with it but fuck how far from reality is the story you are having strong emotions about.

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i think it is as simple as teacher in white texas school suspects nonwhite muslim kid has bomb. police know bomb is fake and arrest anyway. all that happened and is undeniable. even if he knew what he was doing the whole time. obviously he should be totally honest about it but that's sort of a different argument.

It's not a white majority school. Staff might be but the attendance is: Hispanic 52%Black 26%White 14% Asian or Pacific Islander 6%Mixed race or Native American 3% (the kid is likely categorized as white or asian fyi) Kid might of been snarky or uncooperative, he's a teenage boy. I think it's very likely the teacher was simply paranoid or dumb and not racist at all, and considering how much school districts in Texas and the US have poured over-the-top and probably needless school shooting and terrorism prevention "training" and funding the whole school was probably ready to arrest any kid who brought in something like this EDIT: fyi - Irving has had a decent sized population of Muslim residents, both recent foreign born and naturalized citizens, especially compared to other parts of Texas and DFW. So in some sense it could mean the teacher was inclined to profile, or it could mean the opposite and the kid was a typical student (it's not like this is a hick small town in TX in other words, this is a urban area of the metroplex). There was a nasty suspected honor killing in the city years ago, and considering the paranoid nature of many in the US, that could of been the case with the teacher when it comes to anti-Islamic fears. But I have no idea. After all, there are plenty of Texans who work with Muslims everyday without issue...DFW and Houston are global trading hubs and the oil industry has always brought a connection to the middle east in Texas.
ah ok, where are those stats from though just curious? still bad though.posts like this still strike me as apologising for some pretty unforgivable actions though I gotta say...

And don't forget that the Pam Gellar 'draw muhammed' shooting was only like 20 miles away

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can you imagine if for a school project instead of bringing a home made clock or a baking soda volcano you cured cancer, instant A

A black student was actually arrested for bringing a volcano science project to school, but you didn't hear an uproar over that:http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/kiera-wilmot/
maybe cus it happened in florida?? :D seriously though this is bad, i think it can't match the "political zeitgeist" factor in ahmed's story though.did anyone notice that ahmed's twitter account is @IStandWithAhmed ? did he set that up or did people make it for him?

Wow now that is full-on rediculous

As much as I love and respect law enforcement

I think they may have blundered there

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i think the issue of whether or not his motives were as he states is an entirely separate issue to what happened on the day. does it look like a bomb? sure. but i think any homemade clock is enough to cause suspicion so i don't believe this to be relevant. again, the point is that someone called the police and he was arrested, all the while they knew there was zero threat to the school. it could have all been averted if the teacher just asked "hey what's that?" but the crazy post 9/11 paranoia is still enough to make her first move to call the police. he looks like a pretty cheerful and approachable young lad, it's not like he was sitting in the corner stroking it reciting verses from a holy scripture.so my issue is the attitude people take when mocking him and his supporters. oh, so people are giving a fuck about intolerance? gee, what a shame. even if you think it was a hoax, why get upset at people that are ultimately coming from a place of compassion, regardless of how misguided you think it might be?

I think we're on the same page


Teachers were right to be overly cautious

Then cops showed up and treated him like shit


Again, I don't think very highly of Texas

So I would bet money his skin color influenced how the cops treated him

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The kid was trolling pretty hard though you have to admit.


One time I was sitting on the train and noticed a large unattended luggage bag with an a very middle eastern name on the address tag. You bet the hairs stood up on the back of my neck.

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i think it is as simple as teacher in white texas school suspects nonwhite muslim kid has bomb. police know bomb is fake and arrest anyway. all that happened and is undeniable. even if he knew what he was doing the whole time. obviously he should be totally honest about it but that's sort of a different argument.

It's not a white majority school. Staff might be but the attendance is: Hispanic 52%Black 26%White 14% Asian or Pacific Islander 6%Mixed race or Native American 3% (the kid is likely categorized as white or asian fyi) Kid might of been snarky or uncooperative, he's a teenage boy. I think it's very likely the teacher was simply paranoid or dumb and not racist at all, and considering how much school districts in Texas and the US have poured over-the-top and probably needless school shooting and terrorism prevention "training" and funding the whole school was probably ready to arrest any kid who brought in something like this EDIT: fyi - Irving has had a decent sized population of Muslim residents, both recent foreign born and naturalized citizens, especially compared to other parts of Texas and DFW. So in some sense it could mean the teacher was inclined to profile, or it could mean the opposite and the kid was a typical student (it's not like this is a hick small town in TX in other words, this is a urban area of the metroplex). There was a nasty suspected honor killing in the city years ago, and considering the paranoid nature of many in the US, that could of been the case with the teacher when it comes to anti-Islamic fears. But I have no idea. After all, there are plenty of Texans who work with Muslims everyday without issue...DFW and Houston are global trading hubs and the oil industry has always brought a connection to the middle east in Texas.
ah ok, where are those stats from though just curious? still bad though.posts like this still strike me as apologising for some pretty unforgivable actions though I gotta say...

And don't forget that the Pam Gellar 'draw muhammed' shooting was only like 20 miles away



^ Yeah, not to mention a lot of needless and hysterical "anti-sharia" legislation in other places in the U.S.

Literally akin to the Bear Patrol simpsons episode in logic and reasoning.


There was some pretty disturbing protests over a Muslim owned cemetery being built too locally.


I'm not apologizing for it at all or defending what occurred, just throwing some context out there. It's ridiculous. There's no fucking reason this should of occurred. Even if the family is being passive aggressive with authorities and making a big fuss, I still feel bad for the kid and hope he finds another school he's comfortable at.



School attendance stats

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i think it is as simple as teacher in white texas school suspects nonwhite muslim kid has bomb. police know bomb is fake and arrest anyway. all that happened and is undeniable. even if he knew what he was doing the whole time. obviously he should be totally honest about it but that's sort of a different argument.

It's not a white majority school. Staff might be but the attendance is:


Hispanic 52%

Black 26%

White 14%

Asian or Pacific Islander 6%

Mixed race or Native American 3% (the kid is likely categorized as white or asian fyi)


Kid might of been snarky or uncooperative, he's a teenage boy. I think it's very likely the teacher was simply paranoid or dumb and not racist at all, and considering how much school districts in Texas and the US have poured over-the-top and probably needless school shooting and terrorism prevention "training" and funding the whole school was probably ready to arrest any kid who brought in something like this


EDIT: fyi - Irving has had a decent sized population of Muslim residents, both recent foreign born and naturalized citizens, especially compared to other parts of Texas and DFW. So in some sense it could mean the teacher was inclined to profile, or it could mean the opposite and the kid was a typical student (it's not like this is a hick small town in TX in other words, this is a urban area of the metroplex). There was a nasty suspected honor killing in the city years ago, and considering the paranoid nature of many in the US, that could of been the case with the teacher when it comes to anti-Islamic fears. But I have no idea. After all, there are plenty of Texans who work with Muslims everyday without issue...DFW and Houston are global trading hubs and the oil industry has always brought a connection to the middle east in Texas.


ah ok, where are those stats from though just curious? still bad though.


posts like this still strike me as apologising for some pretty unforgivable actions though I gotta say...


keep in mind he wasn't arrested for having a bomb but for perpetrating a hoax

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I was reading an article today on how King Salman of Saudi Arabia is taking unusually quick action in sanctioning BinLadin Group (a major construction contractor in the Kingdom) to the tune of billions of Riyals, and banning them from federal contracts within KSA, and the only thing people kept focusing on in the comments was "this happened on 9/11, it's God's judgement against the mud people". I'm sorry it seems Osama succeeded in his mission, to start another religious war between Christians and Muslims. Ignore the fact that they are a really shitty construction company, who I'm sorry to say I've had to deal with in my line of work, but they are getting what's coming to them, they've been cutting corners for years, and even responsible for some deaths of workers, but it took 110 deaths during Hajj, and almost 400 injuries to do anything about it. This is a tangent, but it makes me really sad that Americans will never get over 9/11 until everyone who was alive when it happened dies, and then it might be taught in revisionist history. It took 2 atomic bombs for us to "forgive" the Japanese army for Pearl Harbor, they had to humiliate themselves in surrender, then we helped rebuild that country and now it's one of our closest allies in the region.

On the other hand, OIL. as long as we keep using the outdated internal combustion engine as our main means of transportation, a degree of submitting to the oil producing countries in the region is inevitable. read up on William A. Eddy, an American Marine who really helped establish the current US relationship with KSA after WWII. We saw that oil would be infinitely important to our future and "national security" and we took any and all steps necessary to secure that vision.

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Dude you have no idea how fast the construction boom in Mecca has gotten out of control. I work a lot in Saudi, and it's almost sacrilegious to some, now you can even pay someone to slaughter a goat for you, which a lot of Muslims do on the Hajj, and they just give you a paper receipt to show Allah. Only Muslims can enter the holy city, but there are so many condos going up, a lot of conservatives are of the opinion of "what's the point anymore?" There is a boom in pilgrims traveling to Mecca, so I can see they need to sleep somewhere, but it seems Islam in Saudi has entered the age of commercialism, akin to televangelists in Western Christianity. the late King Abdullah was one of the biggest proponents of modernization, like allowing women to attend university, creating a resort city on the west coast called King Abdullah Economic City, and modernizing Mecca. realize, the rains there are almost catastrophic, there is no sediment or vegetation to slow the flow of water, so when it rains, it always flash floods, and there are always fatalities (we use wadis to negate that).

In Mecca at the Grand Mosque, they have had severe flooding over the past several hundred years, so the Kaaba has had to be re-engineered several times with new drainage systems bc the original roof eventually collapsed. Construction rant here, LOL, but it is interesting from an engineering point of view to see how they've reconciled their faith with the reality of civil engineering. PM me if you wanna know more :)

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heh douche patrol on full displol .. everyone beatblox a flull loll ..


why can't you understand that you were wrong for fucks sake ..







for the tl;dr crowd - there's no evidence to back up the theories spouted, his father is a Sufist (who ran for president of Sudan on a platform of ending the country's links with terrorism and doing away with repressive laws), the kid is a member of the robotics club, and the school/police fucked the dog big time.

And you're in Glenn Beck territory.

On the other hand, OIL. as long as we keep using the outdated internal combustion engine as our main means of transportation, a degree of submitting to the oil producing countries in the region is inevitable. read up on William A. Eddy, an American Marine who really helped establish the current US relationship with KSA after WWII. We saw that oil would be infinitely important to our future and "national security" and we took any and all steps necessary to secure that vision.


Well then lucky for you guys that your energy imports have decreased steadily over the last ten years, and you're predicted to be energy self-sufficient within another 15-20.

Canada could do the same, if we would only build some goddamned refineries.

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We need more Desalination plants in the US, as well, there is an area where the Saudis are way ahead of us. If the drought in California continues, and the drought returns to the Western states like Texas, there is really no alternative except processing sea water. States are buying water from each others' municipal utility districts now, but that can only go so far, then you'll have shitheads like Tom Selleck who outright steal water from other customers bc they think it's their right. This should really be a front page issue with the current Presidential election, just like the heroin epidemic in New Hampshire, but have you heard shit about it? the media is all up in the bullshit personal conflicts between the candidates.

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i think the issue of whether or not his motives were as he states is an entirely separate issue to what happened on the day. does it look like a bomb? sure. but i think any homemade clock is enough to cause suspicion so i don't believe this to be relevant. again, the point is that someone called the police and he was arrested, all the while they knew there was zero threat to the school. it could have all been averted if the teacher just asked "hey what's that?" but the crazy post 9/11 paranoia is still enough to make her first move to call the police. he looks like a pretty cheerful and approachable young lad, it's not like he was sitting in the corner stroking it reciting verses from a holy scripture.so my issue is the attitude people take when mocking him and his supporters. oh, so people are giving a fuck about intolerance? gee, what a shame. even if you think it was a hoax, why get upset at people that are ultimately coming from a place of compassion, regardless of how misguided you think it might be?


I think we're on the same page

Teachers were right to be overly cautious

Then cops showed up and treated him like shit

Again, I don't think very highly of Texas

So I would bet money his skin color influenced how the cops treated him

hang on, I didn't say the teachers were right to be overly cautious! that's definitely, definitely not my point.



josh - no worries. i'm not accusing anyone of being racist or whatnot, but I am speculating that a great deal of people on the other side of this issue are indeed, which does make reasonable discussion about the topic difficult. i've read the most crazy bullshit along the lines of "well muslims are our enemies and we're at war with them so she was right to call police". it's so worrying that literally millions of people have that completely misguided mindset.

Okay we're all misunderstanding each other here


What I'm saying

Is that the teacher 100% should've called police

Because this 'clock' looked exactly like a suitcase bomb

(If there's anyone who disagrees, please google image search 'suitcase bomb')

Regardless of who brought it


If my little sister had brought this to school

I would hope the police would be called


And then the cops show

Now what happens?

As with my sister

Make sure it's not a bomb

And then find out if it was a misunderstanding or not

(As with the girl that was arrested for her volcano project)



If the teachers' response doesn't make sense to you

Please just google image search 'suitcase bomb'

And then think about if we want to err on the side of

False positives or false negatives

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nah, don't buy it. like i said she could have just asked to see wtf was going on. you don't walk around the school talking casually with your friends and teachers, being a cheery kid and whatnot, and also have a bomb that you want to detonate. what i'm saying is it might look like a bomb but I can't imagine a context in which to be worried unless the kid was actually making threats and stuff.

So you wanna err on the side of false negatives?

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Are we really this paranoid that we need to call the police for everything, this is not a fun way to be as a society, all paranoid and fearful, don't get me wrong I believe there are evil people but there but I don't know it takes so much energy to be this paranoid ...:(

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nah, don't buy it. like i said she could have just asked to see wtf was going on. you don't walk around the school talking casually with your friends and teachers, being a cheery kid and whatnot, and also have a bomb that you want to detonate. what i'm saying is it might look like a bomb but I can't imagine a context in which to be worried unless the kid was actually making threats and stuff.

So you wanna err on the side of false negatives?
given the circumstances, yes.

So if had turned out to be a bomb

And had killed a dozen or so kids

Would you have praised the teacher

For erring on the side of false negatives?

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nah, don't buy it. like i said she could have just asked to see wtf was going on. you don't walk around the school talking casually with your friends and teachers, being a cheery kid and whatnot, and also have a bomb that you want to detonate. what i'm saying is it might look like a bomb but I can't imagine a context in which to be worried unless the kid was actually making threats and stuff.

So you wanna err on the side of false negatives?
given the circumstances, yes.

So if had turned out to be a bomb

And had killed a dozen or so kids

Would you have praised the teacher

For erring on the side of false negatives?



I'm reading all your posts like hip hop rhyme FYI

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