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Kanye's "Real Friends" AFXish?


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it matter where you live cause if you only get his music and nothing else i can see how he is liked but when you attach it to the circus that is his public life people react to that more than to the music, i dont think his hate has anything to do with the music (or maybe it has something to do with it i dont know i think his music is solid but not enough to listen to it on the regular)

Edited by Deer
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yeah sure you guys, a dude that releases 6 solid albums is overrated

guess i'll see my errors when i learn to understand music better in the future

yessss, also, oh nos,not you Ivan

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haha, yes. Well except ragnar's ambient noise, he actually does stuff in it rather than being a lazenar. Can't state whether or not it's fascist, probably is though, because ambient. heheh [-;

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This is what Kanye deserves to be compared to.


6 albums deep doesn't mean anything. It's all spectacle, media hype and wag the dog industry promotion.


I bet Madlib makes beats in his sleep so good on him for capitalising on Kanyes delusions.


God it's fun being angry on the internet.

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Guest bitroast

new track defs carrying the afx influence.

there's the question of 'maybe it's not an afx influence' but the guy has already sampled avril14 on previous album and tried to not credit properly ??

afx influence def in the melody + drums on new track.

is quite nice tho. can't quite "vibe" with kanye's style of slop rapping wtf is he doing. (imo)

that pause + shout out @ 2.40 is just so ... ykno. abrupt. i dunno. never 'got' kanye. kanyeaah. more like kan'tnope. :emotawesomepm9::emotawesomepm9::emotawesomepm9::emotawesomepm9:

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I don't really hear the AFX influences here, but I sure heard the weirdest auto tune ever. The "sung" moments just remind me of Drake's Hotline Bling, only worse.


The madlib instrumental sounds a lot better. But the sudden pitched up vocal sounds like a missed Quasimoto rip-off...

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But the sudden pitched up vocal sounds like a missed Quasimoto rip-off...

Are you refering to Kendrick's lines?

Hmm. I knew I was missing something there!
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Gave it more listens. Excellent track (don't really understand the lyrics so I am only rating the production and composition). Fresh moments. Nice surprise.

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Kanye is like a really good Hollywood film director. Of hip hop. A manager of talent and ideas. This is his strength and he's always done it well. Although I admit it's easy to misinterpret.

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But the sudden pitched up vocal sounds like a missed Quasimoto rip-off...

Are you refering to Kendrick's lines?

Hmm. I knew I was missing something there!


Haha, I guess listening to it with shitty earbuds and an overall weak hip hop knowledge did not help. I know that's an heresy but only Kendrick track I really know is the flylo track!
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