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Swans' Michael Gira accused of rape by singer Larkin Grimm

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Eugene, are you really asking what is wrong with withdrawing consent after the fact?


but the article doesn't deal with the legal banalities that the mra/tumblrinaction/you are so concerned with.

Yup, me and the MRA

You know me and my MRA propaganda

Gots to get my RedPill on

You know how I do

Those 'legal banalities' are not so banal

(Banal sex)

And imagine getting called a rapist because someone retroactively decided that, while they consented at the time, they no longer want to have consented

In a world where getting called a 'rapist' will destroy your life, it is indeed important to understand an accuser's definition of 'rape'...IF that definition entails consensual sex, then yes that's a fucking issue Eugene

Dude shut the hell up, MRA has nothing to do with fucking misogynist redpill.


And you hold lots of MRA stances (as in reasonable ones which eschew political correctness in favor of actual correctness) from what I've seen in this thread which is a nice change, you just don't like the label because you have a false preconception of what MRA is.


Yes, a world where consent can be retroactively withdrawn would be a disgusting one. And it is the world we live in. And this is a serious MRA issue.

I thought he was jokingly zeff.

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Eugene, are you really asking what is wrong with withdrawing consent after the fact?

but the article doesn't deal with the legal banalities that the mra/tumblrinaction/you are so concerned with.

Yup, me and the MRA

You know me and my MRA propaganda

Gots to get my RedPill on

You know how I do

Those 'legal banalities' are not so banal

(Banal sex)

And imagine getting called a rapist because someone retroactively decided that, while they consented at the time, they no longer want to have consented

In a world where getting called a 'rapist' will destroy your life, it is indeed important to understand an accuser's definition of 'rape'...IF that definition entails consensual sex, then yes that's a fucking issue Eugene

Dude shut the hell up, MRA has nothing to do with fucking misogynist redpill.


And you hold lots of MRA stances (as in reasonable ones which eschew political correctness in favor of actual correctness) from what I've seen in this thread which is a nice change, you just don't like the label because you have a false preconception of what MRA is.


Yes, a world where consent can be retroactively withdrawn would be a disgusting one. And it is the world we live in. And this is a serious MRA issue.

I thought he was jokingly zeff.



Well if he's joking about retroactive withdrawal of consent being bad then he's a despicable person.


Or if he's jokingly equating MRA to redpill because he knows they're different then that's a big positive 360 from his past stances.

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Yeah I've officially become disenfranchised with political correctness

It is really starting to border on fascism

When you have campus 'safe spaces' segregated by race

When a black person in (say) France is referred to as "African-American"

When joking about some unpleasant thing is treated as if it's as bad as the thing itself

Twitter mobs destroying people's lives over some tone-deaf joke

Tumblrinas trying to shame people for being male, or white, or skinny, or straight, or this or that

The sick irony of Tumblr "feminism" (not to be confused with actual feminism) is that it has circled back around to being ultra-right, pre-Sexual Revolution slut-shaming etc, whereby there is one correct way to be an enlightened woman on this planet, and if you do anything that even resembles traditional gender roles then you are a slave to the Patriarchy


It's fucking madness

This isn't social progress

This is interpersonal OCD

This culture is teaching people to be severely over-sensitive

(Not to mention the effects it's having on language itself)

It is teaching people that the PTSD of reading something unpleasant is comparable to the PTSD of a rape survivor


This is to all to be fought against, lest it spread further

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Eugene, are you really asking what is wrong with withdrawing consent after the fact?


but the article doesn't deal with the legal banalities that the mra/tumblrinaction/you are so concerned with.

Yup, me and the MRA

You know me and my MRA propaganda

Gots to get my RedPill on

You know how I do

Those 'legal banalities' are not so banal

(Banal sex)

And imagine getting called a rapist because someone retroactively decided that, while they consented at the time, they no longer want to have consented

In a world where getting called a 'rapist' will destroy your life, it is indeed important to understand an accuser's definition of 'rape'...IF that definition entails consensual sex, then yes that's a fucking issue Eugene

Dude shut the hell up, MRA has nothing to do with fucking misogynist redpill.


And you hold lots of MRA stances (as in reasonable ones which eschew political correctness in favor of actual correctness) from what I've seen in this thread which is a nice change, you just don't like the label because you have a false preconception of what MRA is.


Yes, a world where consent can be retroactively withdrawn would be a disgusting one. And it is the world we live in. And this is a serious MRA issue.

I thought he was jokingly zeff.

Well if he's joking about retroactive withdrawal of consent being bad then he's a despicable person.


Or if he's jokingly equating MRA to redpill because he knows they're different then that's a big positive 360 from his past stances.

No, joking using the mra stuff. I think he's crossed that rubicon, or so it seems, and isn't so sarcastic about mra and its grievances against the gyno centric society.

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Yeah I've officially become disenfranchised with political correctness

It is really starting to border on fascism

When you have campus 'safe spaces' segregated by race

When a black person in (say) France is referred to as "African-American"

When joking about some unpleasant thing is treated as if it's as bad as the thing itself

Twitter mobs destroying people's lives over some tone-deaf joke

Tumblrinas trying to shame people for being male, or white, or skinny, or straight, or this or that

The sick irony of Tumblr "feminism" (not to be confused with actual feminism) is that it has circled back around to being ultra-right, pre-Sexual Revolution slut-shaming etc, whereby there is one correct way to be an enlightened woman on this planet, and if you do anything that even resembles traditional gender roles then you are a slave to the Patriarchy


It's fucking madness

This isn't social progress

This is interpersonal OCD

This culture is teaching people to be severely over-sensitive

(Not to mention the effects it's having on language itself)

It is teaching people that the PTSD of reading something unpleasant is comparable to the PTSD of a rape survivor


This is to all to be fought against, lest it spread further



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OH SHIT THE THREAD HAS HIT THIS POINT. I've got my weed and a day of little to nothing to do in the office, LET THE MADNESS BEGIN.




Side note - that chick really weirds me out, is unattractive, and yet strangely attractive at the same time. I know a rape accusation news story thread is a bad place to bring these things up, but she is a little odd looking. Shame if she was raped, that's disgusting if true. Shame on her if she wasn't. I don't know any of these people. Continue to let this thread blossom forth with more ideas, I know one thing - my body is ready and you're all invited.

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It should be the law that if you are going to accuse someone of rape, given the social consequences, you should have to go to the police about it, not just announce it on social media. Because once it's out there, in the five minutes of intrest media cycle mind state of the average citizen, they will never bother with realising that there might be retractions or vindications of defence or what have you. And then you have to consider that we live in a particularly charged environment, around the issue of rape and that there is an whole class of people for whom any accusation, no matter how spurious, must be counted as true and so prosecuted with the greatest force of arms at their disposal, be they boycotts or hate male or trying to get people fired, or making false accusations of their own. So a person's reputation and for all intents and purposes, life, can be ruined from one ill advised head case talking shit. And I say that last bit as a member of the court of public opinion, so far the evidence presented is nil, but the statement from the man's wife was powerful.


I wonder if this swan's chap is going to ask for writing credit for probably cowriting this woman's albums whilst she was on his label. He should even though after all this time he has no standing to make such a claim, because you can be sure that this was what would have been happening.



/still haven't listened to any swans


/ just wrote this post to wind the storm back up to hurricane force for audiob ... you're welcome cobba

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Yeah I've officially become disenfranchised with political correctness

It is really starting to border on fascism

When you have campus 'safe spaces' segregated by race

When a black person in (say) France is referred to as "African-American"

When joking about some unpleasant thing is treated as if it's as bad as the thing itself

Twitter mobs destroying people's lives over some tone-deaf joke

Tumblrinas trying to shame people for being male, or white, or skinny, or straight, or this or that

The sick irony of Tumblr "feminism" (not to be confused with actual feminism) is that it has circled back around to being ultra-right, pre-Sexual Revolution slut-shaming etc, whereby there is one correct way to be an enlightened woman on this planet, and if you do anything that even resembles traditional gender roles then you are a slave to the Patriarchy


It's fucking madness

This isn't social progress

This is interpersonal OCD

This culture is teaching people to be severely over-sensitive

(Not to mention the effects it's having on language itself)

It is teaching people that the PTSD of reading something unpleasant is comparable to the PTSD of a rape survivor


This is to all to be fought against, lest it spread further



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It should be the law that if you are going to accuse someone of rape, given the social consequences, you should have to go to the police about it, not just announce it on social media. Because once it's out there, in the five minutes of intrest media cycle mind state of the average citizen, they will never bother with realising that there might be retractions or vindications of defence or what have you. And then you have to consider that we live in a particularly charged environment, around the issue of rape and that there is an whole class of people for whom any accusation, no matter how spurious, must be counted as true and so prosecuted with the greatest force of arms at their disposal, be they boycotts or hate male or trying to get people fired, or making false accusations of their own. So a person's reputation and for all intents and purposes, life, can be ruined from one ill advised head case talking shit. And I say that last bit as a member of the court of public opinion, so far the evidence presented is nil, but the statement from the man's wife was powerful.


I wonder if this swan's chap is going to ask for writing credit for probably cowriting this woman's albums whilst she was on his label. He should even though after all this time he has no standing to make such a claim, because you can be sure that this was what would have been happening.



/still haven't listened to any swans


/ just wrote this post to wind the storm back up to hurricane force for audiob ... you're welcome cobba



seriously? fuck this place. i cannot believe you're allowed to be a mod.


this whole outrage over the horrors of SJWs and false rape claims is disgusting.


rape victims often don't go to the fucking police bc the police don't do jack shit to help them. and sometimes when you're raped...you don't know wtf to do. do you really want to go to the police and have it blow up in your face and have no one believe you and then you're smeared all over the media and among your community and even random internet shits like delet... and zeffolia say vulgar bullshit about the reputation of men and you literally go to court and have your life ruined and then even if the asshole is convicted he maybe gets probation or something? you're an ignorant ass, delet.


and this thread is much too rampant with pathetic outrage over reputations and how liberals are "fascists" and "grey areas" for me to even want to come to this forum anymore. i can't believe this place.


mods just ban me. i'm not joking.

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I don't know much about M Gira (besides him being the cowboy behind the dumpster in Mulholland Drive)


I did not realise this

it's not him ffs. and he's not behind the dumpster either. just another LimpyLoo shitpost, carry on.

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It should be the law that if you are going to accuse someone of rape, given the social consequences, you should have to go to the police about it, not just announce it on social media. Because once it's out there, in the five minutes of intrest media cycle mind state of the average citizen, they will never bother with realising that there might be retractions or vindications of defence or what have you. And then you have to consider that we live in a particularly charged environment, around the issue of rape and that there is an whole class of people for whom any accusation, no matter how spurious, must be counted as true and so prosecuted with the greatest force of arms at their disposal, be they boycotts or hate male or trying to get people fired, or making false accusations of their own. So a person's reputation and for all intents and purposes, life, can be ruined from one ill advised head case talking shit. And I say that last bit as a member of the court of public opinion, so far the evidence presented is nil, but the statement from the man's wife was powerful.


I wonder if this swan's chap is going to ask for writing credit for probably cowriting this woman's albums whilst she was on his label. He should even though after all this time he has no standing to make such a claim, because you can be sure that this was what would have been happening.



/still haven't listened to any swans


/ just wrote this post to wind the storm back up to hurricane force for audiob ... you're welcome cobba



seriously? fuck this place. i cannot believe you're allowed to be a mod.


this whole outrage over the horrors of SJWs and false rape claims is disgusting.


rape victims often don't go to the fucking police bc the police don't do jack shit to help them. and sometimes when you're raped...you don't know wtf to do. do you really want to go to the police and have it blow up in your face and have no one believe you and then you're smeared all over the media and among your community and even random internet shits like delet... and zeffolia say vulgar bullshit about the reputation of men and you literally go to court and have your life ruined and then even if the asshole is convicted he maybe gets probation or something? you're an ignorant ass, delet.


and this thread is much too rampant with pathetic outrage over reputations and how liberals are "fascists" and "grey areas" for me to even want to come to this forum anymore. i can't believe this place.


mods just ban me. i'm not joking.



oh fuck off with your moaning and grow a pair. i was clearly having fun hitting all the trigger points in a perfect crowd riling post for our friend audioB, which apparently worked.


Besides all that, you don't know these people and there clearly are mentally unstable and dishonest people out there and not all of them are men, so to combine those two ideas, and you should get that you shouldn't put people you don't know on a pedestal. And this is just a messageboard, we're not up on the mount sinai with god looking over our shoulder, carving the 10 commandments here, so let people rant on without thinking that this will cause society to collapse because of it, as it really doesn't matter that much. Just have nice saturday night with your buds talking shit on the wat wat.


/gives alco an hug cause he needs one. /frightened that it might be seen as rape because we didn't sign the hug consent form, but goes for it anyway, otherwise noone anywhere will get hugs ever.

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It should be the law that if you are going to accuse someone of rape, given the social consequences, you should have to go to the police about it, not just announce it on social media. Because once it's out there, in the five minutes of intrest media cycle mind state of the average citizen, they will never bother with realising that there might be retractions or vindications of defence or what have you. And then you have to consider that we live in a particularly charged environment, around the issue of rape and that there is an whole class of people for whom any accusation, no matter how spurious, must be counted as true and so prosecuted with the greatest force of arms at their disposal, be they boycotts or hate male or trying to get people fired, or making false accusations of their own. So a person's reputation and for all intents and purposes, life, can be ruined from one ill advised head case talking shit. And I say that last bit as a member of the court of public opinion, so far the evidence presented is nil, but the statement from the man's wife was powerful.


I wonder if this swan's chap is going to ask for writing credit for probably cowriting this woman's albums whilst she was on his label. He should even though after all this time he has no standing to make such a claim, because you can be sure that this was what would have been happening.



/still haven't listened to any swans


/ just wrote this post to wind the storm back up to hurricane force for audiob ... you're welcome cobba



seriously? fuck this place. i cannot believe you're allowed to be a mod.


this whole outrage over the horrors of SJWs and false rape claims is disgusting.


rape victims often don't go to the fucking police bc the police don't do jack shit to help them. and sometimes when you're raped...you don't know wtf to do. do you really want to go to the police and have it blow up in your face and have no one believe you and then you're smeared all over the media and among your community and even random internet shits like delet... and zeffolia say vulgar bullshit about the reputation of men and you literally go to court and have your life ruined and then even if the asshole is convicted he maybe gets probation or something? you're an ignorant ass, delet.


and this thread is much too rampant with pathetic outrage over reputations and how liberals are "fascists" and "grey areas" for me to even want to come to this forum anymore. i can't believe this place.


mods just ban me. i'm not joking.



Also, this is complete bullshit, but the type of bullshit that people believe which is causing the mental conniptions some in this thread and society at large are experiencing. Whilst women are actually living in real rape cultures everywhere outside the developed first world, and these conniptions are true first world problems.

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I don't know much about M Gira (besides him being the cowboy behind the dumpster in Mulholland Drive)


I did not realise this
it's not him ffs. and he's not behind the dumpster either. just another LimpyLoo shitpost, carry on.


I've tried to be civil with you, Usagi

Maybe just steer clear of my posts...?


Or maybe you should just block me

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It should be the law that if you are going to accuse someone of rape, given the social consequences, you should have to go to the police about it, not just announce it on social media. Because once it's out there, in the five minutes of intrest media cycle mind state of the average citizen, they will never bother with realising that there might be retractions or vindications of defence or what have you. And then you have to consider that we live in a particularly charged environment, around the issue of rape and that there is an whole class of people for whom any accusation, no matter how spurious, must be counted as true and so prosecuted with the greatest force of arms at their disposal, be they boycotts or hate male or trying to get people fired, or making false accusations of their own. So a person's reputation and for all intents and purposes, life, can be ruined from one ill advised head case talking shit. And I say that last bit as a member of the court of public opinion, so far the evidence presented is nil, but the statement from the man's wife was powerful.


I wonder if this swan's chap is going to ask for writing credit for probably cowriting this woman's albums whilst she was on his label. He should even though after all this time he has no standing to make such a claim, because you can be sure that this was what would have been happening.



/still haven't listened to any swans


/ just wrote this post to wind the storm back up to hurricane force for audiob ... you're welcome cobba



seriously? fuck this place. i cannot believe you're allowed to be a mod.


this whole outrage over the horrors of SJWs and false rape claims is disgusting.


rape victims often don't go to the fucking police bc the police don't do jack shit to help them. and sometimes when you're raped...you don't know wtf to do. do you really want to go to the police and have it blow up in your face and have no one believe you and then you're smeared all over the media and among your community and even random internet shits like delet... and zeffolia say vulgar bullshit about the reputation of men and you literally go to court and have your life ruined and then even if the asshole is convicted he maybe gets probation or something? you're an ignorant ass, delet.


and this thread is much too rampant with pathetic outrage over reputations and how liberals are "fascists" and "grey areas" for me to even want to come to this forum anymore. i can't believe this place.


mods just ban me. i'm not joking.



Wow, outraged that people don't think we should suspend the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" just become something is emotionally charged?


Rape is clearly a heinous crime but people treat it as if it's literally the worst thing in the entire world, worse than murder, and that anyone who is accused should be immediately hung. No.


Police DO take rape cases seriously, rapists are imprisoned, and rape cases are taken very seriously. It's a bit sad that you've fallen for the sjw propaganda that rape victims are just ignored, this DOES NOT HAPPEN any more than it happens for any other crime.

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Not every guy who gets defensive about this stuff is a closet red pill. That you guys even brought that up is pretty yelling of your dismissive attitude towards what is actually rather frightening for men WHO ACTUALLY LIVE HERE.


My chess buddy years ago was attacked by his girlfriend and she called 911 on him. The police showed up, spoke to his landlord downstairs, then kicked him out of his own apartment for days while they worked out the dispute. While this really strange police work was happening she immediately brought a peurto Rican crackhead there to live for days and supply her cocaine. His alcoholic landlord thankfully witnessed her behavior and changed his tune days later.


Raymond was really poor and black. Was a super nice guy and always kicked my ass at chess. The whole thing was super surreal when it happened.


But... Isolated case I guess. Obviously similar things don't happen much in the USA.

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Universities and colleges in the US haven't 'been that way forever dude'. There has been a massive anti intellectual lurch to the safe space, which unlike left or right, stands for nothing and is both a safety blankee and a bully pulpit for the vapid angst of the youth of today. The next generation will tear that all down though so I haven't given up hope. Also, that I'm not surprised line about you being on tumblr was all in good fun, I don't do snark, if I'm gonna attack it's usually more frightening. Heh. Clearly though tumblr is the home for a lot of these Neo puritanical freaks, more so than anywhere on the web. So whilst there's nice art blogs and music blogs, there's this general stain across vast swathes of that place that gets my distain at the distaste that it engenders. /lol, genders

collages and unis have been dominated by radical left politics since at least the 70's


what is happening now is not radical left politics. I'm sorry but it isn't. The left is about social welfare yes, but in an economic sense. What is happening now is an offramp that has been actively funded and promoted by big oligarchical interests to derail what was a burgeoning anti-banking elite protest movement using divisive politics. So in the space of five years we've gone from occupy protests to BLM safe spaces.


Sure intersectional feminism and other bastard love children of the 60's have found a safe space in academia and propagated their ideas through female studies type courses, but they were never in a growth market for their ideologies until the massively funded propaganda campaign of the last five years brought it to provenance.

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Oh and my favorite teacher in high school had his career end after one of his students said he had sex with him. Day later his face was on the newspaper in full color.

Took about 2 or 3 weeks and she confessed it was a complete lie. He has already been fire.



edit: I just read that tim glover killed himself in 2009. :( it was because of this incident.

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