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Is there any correlation between the rise of awful mens rights twat threads and universal praise in venetian snares threads?


Yeah men's rights is an awful topic, how dare anyone complain about the fact that men are the victims of the vast majority of homelessness, suicide, workplace deaths, workplace injury, war deaths, coming out with the short straw in divorce, false accusation imprisonment, higher imprisonment lengths for the same crime, lower healthcare funding, etc.


None of it matters because you're so macho and masculine that you don't give a fuck about your fellow gender right? None of these things matter

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but why do you see it as some zero sum game? there are women issues and there are men issues, what is the logic behind bringing up of men issues as some sort of counter argument to feminist arguments?

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Well, this "checking my male privilege" stuff is like the modern day version of Women And Children First!!!


But we don't have any sinking ships or noble causes or anything so we just shoot it into tumblr like a box of kleenex on a lonely saturday night.

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is the indie version of the kesha / dr luke fiasco?


sarcasm aside what's the primer on this? is it more cut and dry than the conner oberst thing? I wasn't a fan of that dude but his accuser admitted it was fabricated and vindicated his denial of it occurring

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is the indie version of the kesha / dr luke fiasco?


sarcasm aside what's the primer on this? is it more cut and dry than the conner oberst thing? I wasn't a fan of that dude but his accuser admitted it was fabricated and vindicated his denial of it occurring

Hasn't really moved beyond 'he said, she said' yet

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but why do you see it as some zero sum game? there are women issues and there are men issues, what is the logic behind bringing up of men issues as some sort of counter argument to feminist arguments?


Show me some direct quotes which indicate I see it as a zero sum game


Show me some direct quotes where I bring up men's issues as a counter argument to women's issues themselves


You're making all these assumptions that aren't true. And realistically some things actually ARE zero sum games, for instance healthcare funding which literally it's a zero sum game because there's a finite amount of healthcare money to go around.


It's the attitude that men are all privileged in every way and women are victims that I take issue with because it's very obviously not true in the western world


If there's any opposition to the rights of one gender it's from your side with phrases like "AWFUL men's rights threads" and misconceptions like "redpill MRA" when those two topics are literally not related


Look you're in the wrong here but your sjw liberal mindset helps you prop up your feelings of the moral high ground by letting you COMPLETELY misrepresent the views I and MRAs hold on a regular basis and honestly it's getting old.

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Mic dropping is the corniest shit ffs stop it.



+do you actively seek out these lunatics, limpy??

Nah, I mean I'm I'm subbed to r/TumblrInAction

so the answer is yes


I don't cruise Tumblr looking for stuff

But the 'if you don't like it, don't look at it' argument is silly af

These ideas are shaping aspects of the culture

It's like saying 'if you don't like Trump, just ignore him'

Campus culture is being Tumblrized

It is affecting the education of non-Tumblrinas

It is not just a few dumb teenagers circle-jerking

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Mic dropping is the corniest shit ffs stop it.



+do you actively seek out these lunatics, limpy??

Nah, I mean I'm I'm subbed to r/TumblrInAction

so the answer is yes


I don't cruise Tumblr looking for stuff

But the 'if you don't like it, don't look at it' argument is silly af

These ideas are shaping aspects of the culture

It's like saying 'if you don't like Trump, just ignore him'

Campus culture is being Tumblrized

It is affecting the education of non-Tumblrinas

It is not just a few dumb teenagers circle-jerking



Yeah these tumblr feminists are literally shaping campus policies and affecting the lives of people for the worse.


Accused? Expelled. No trial allowed.

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but why do you see it as some zero sum game? there are women issues and there are men issues, what is the logic behind bringing up of men issues as some sort of counter argument to feminist arguments?


Show me some direct quotes which indicate I see it as a zero sum game


Show me some direct quotes where I bring up men's issues as a counter argument to women's issues themselves


You're making all these assumptions that aren't true. And realistically some things actually ARE zero sum games, for instance healthcare funding which literally it's a zero sum game because there's a finite amount of healthcare money to go around.


It's the attitude that men are all privileged in every way and women are victims that I take issue with because it's very obviously not true in the western world


If there's any opposition to the rights of one gender it's from your side with phrases like "AWFUL men's rights threads" and misconceptions like "redpill MRA" when those two topics are literally not related


Look you're in the wrong here but your sjw liberal mindset helps you prop up your feelings of the moral high ground by letting you COMPLETELY misrepresent the views I and MRAs hold on a regular basis and honestly it's getting old.


literally the whole fucking time you bring this "but men have it so much worse than women in this and that field" as if it has any relevance. if you'd actually read some feminist/gender writers you'd see that they do deal with issues of patriarchy and how it affects men in negative ways as well.



It's the attitude that men are all privileged in every way and women are victims that I take issue with because it's very obviously not true in the western world

no sociologist/gender studies scholar ever made such statement. what some kids say on tumblr is irrelevant and has no effect on anything, but you turn their statements into some sort of powerful intellectual weapon against men of reason or some shit.


If there's any opposition to the rights of one gender it's from your side with phrases like "AWFUL men's rights threads" and misconceptions like "redpill MRA" when those two topics are literally not related


because those kind of threads get filled up with archaic, chauvinist and misogynist nonsense pretty much all time.

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but why do you see it as some zero sum game? there are women issues and there are men issues, what is the logic behind bringing up of men issues as some sort of counter argument to feminist arguments?


Show me some direct quotes which indicate I see it as a zero sum game


Show me some direct quotes where I bring up men's issues as a counter argument to women's issues themselves


You're making all these assumptions that aren't true. And realistically some things actually ARE zero sum games, for instance healthcare funding which literally it's a zero sum game because there's a finite amount of healthcare money to go around.


It's the attitude that men are all privileged in every way and women are victims that I take issue with because it's very obviously not true in the western world


If there's any opposition to the rights of one gender it's from your side with phrases like "AWFUL men's rights threads" and misconceptions like "redpill MRA" when those two topics are literally not related


Look you're in the wrong here but your sjw liberal mindset helps you prop up your feelings of the moral high ground by letting you COMPLETELY misrepresent the views I and MRAs hold on a regular basis and honestly it's getting old.


literally the whole fucking time you bring this "but men have it so much worse than women in this and that field" as if it has any relevance. if you'd actually read some feminist/gender writers you'd see that they do deal with issues of patriarchy and how it affects men in negative ways as well.



It's the attitude that men are all privileged in every way and women are victims that I take issue with because it's very obviously not true in the western world

no sociologist/gender studies scholar ever made such statement. what some kids say on tumblr is irrelevant and has no effect on anything, but you turn their statements into some sort of powerful intellectual weapon against men of reason or some shit.


If there's any opposition to the rights of one gender it's from your side with phrases like "AWFUL men's rights threads" and misconceptions like "redpill MRA" when those two topics are literally not related


because those kind of threads get filled up with archaic, chauvinist and misogynist nonsense pretty much all time.



I never say that though, it's just that the facts I present happen to make it look that way. Wow, what a massive coincidence right


And the idea that feminists are equally interested in men's rights issues just because of a few technicalities in their patriarchy theory (complete misuse of the word theory) is just a complete sham.


Any time men's rights are brought up here the person making the statements is instantly attacked personally and called a misogynist even though nothing they've said it misogynistic. It's ridiculous honestly lol

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Is there any correlation between the rise of awful mens rights twat threads and universal praise in venetian snares threads?

Yeah men's rights is an awful topic, how dare anyone complain about the fact that men are the victims of the vast majority of homelessness, suicide, workplace deaths, workplace injury, war deaths, coming out with the short straw in divorce, false accusation imprisonment, higher imprisonment lengths for the same crime, lower healthcare funding, etc.


None of it matters because you're so macho and masculine that you don't give a fuck about your fellow gender right? None of these things matter

Sorry for upsetting you, fellow genderite

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Is there any correlation between the rise of awful mens rights twat threads and universal praise in venetian snares threads?

Yeah men's rights is an awful topic, how dare anyone complain about the fact that men are the victims of the vast majority of homelessness, suicide, workplace deaths, workplace injury, war deaths, coming out with the short straw in divorce, false accusation imprisonment, higher imprisonment lengths for the same crime, lower healthcare funding, etc.


None of it matters because you're so macho and masculine that you don't give a fuck about your fellow gender right? None of these things matter

Sorry for upsetting you, fellow genderite



flol marked solved.

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I am sick of the feminist, men's rights, black lives matter, etc. shit. Stop taking sides and stop trying to act like the fucking victim. Be it gender based, raced based, anything. It won't solve anything. Why do people love to put themselves in a little box?

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I am sick of the feminist, men's rights, black lives matter, etc. shit. Stop taking sides and stop trying to act like the fucking victim. Be it gender based, raced based, anything. It won't solve anything. Why do people love to put themselves in a little box?


huu huu huu ..



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