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ripped from reddit.

There are four major areas of concern;

London is the financial center of the EU because the UK is both in the EU and is relatively friendly to financial services. Absent the UK having a regulatory treaty with the EU (which they can't without being part of the EU) financial services will be forced to move to the mainland. Even prior the vote there was work underway on this, the first movements will begin to occur in a couple of weeks. Several other sectors are similarly at risk.
When the UK leaves it has no trade treaties with any other country in the world. This means all British goods will incur new or higher tariffs in all trading partner countries, British goods become more expensive when compared to comparable goods produced elsewhere. There is not a magic button here, it typically takes decades to either create new treaties or join an existing one.
If the UK decides it wants access to the single market it also needs to adopt single market rules, effectively accepting all EU regulation but without having any voice in that regulation. That's assuming France & Germany don't just block UK access to the single market out of spite.
The UK no longer has visa free access to EU states and the same is true of the EU to the UK. There are enormous numbers of British ex-pats who live on the continent and enormous numbers of non-UK EU citizens who live in the UK. Even if the UK & EU manage to push through a very hasty set of reforms allowing those who have lived there for n years to remain we are still talking about pretty significant labor displacement & disruption.

When every major central bank in the world have brought in extra staff and have prepared their emergency liquidity facilities you are going to have a bad day. I expect the pound to hit dollar equality tomorrow, its going to be the ERM disaster on steroids.





sounds like it'll be a shit show for a lot of people. and ya know.. unexpected consequences.

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Xenophobia is really hot this year. Another win for IS.

Xenophobia? What are you talking about? How does wanting out of a bureaucratic tyranny make someone a xenophobe?



this !

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Bureaucratic tyranny? My hair plummIts by the hyperbolic rollercoaster. You do know that the UK wont be any less bureaucratic when it's outside the eu, right?

The international bankers have made most major nations a bureaucracy in some way, but the EU is just the prime example. Their parliament is basically pro wrestling while the heads of the EU are unelected and pull the strings without any input from the people of the EU. That is the opposite of democracy.


EDIT: Even the idea of an EU parliament is troubling. Countries in the union signed up for a fair free trade agreement, not a mega nation. It even has a national anthem for God's sake.

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Bureaucratic tyranny? My hair plummIts by the hyperbolic rollercoaster. You do know that the UK wont be any less bureaucratic when it's outside the eu, right?

The international bankers have made most major nations a bureaucracy in some way, but the EU is just the prime example. Their parliament is basically pro wrestling while the heads of the EU are unelected and pull the strings without any input from the people of the EU. That is the opposite of democracy.


EDIT: Even the idea of an EU parliament is troubling. Countries in the union signed up for a fair free trade agreement, not a mega nation. It even has a national anthem for God's sake.



You know there are European parliamentary elections every five years with universal adult suffrage, right?


And Finland specifically joined EU, not a free trade agreement. As did all the countries since at least the '90s.

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In fact, the EU has even had a history of recalling votes because the answer wasn't what they wanted.


"If it's a yes, we will say on we go, and if it's a no we will say "we continue"


"When it becomes serious, we have to lie"


Said the president of the EU commission.

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Bureaucratic tyranny? My hair plummIts by the hyperbolic rollercoaster. You do know that the UK wont be any less bureaucratic when it's outside the eu, right?

The international bankers have made most major nations a bureaucracy in some way, but the EU is just the prime example. Their parliament is basically pro wrestling while the heads of the EU are unelected and pull the strings without any input from the people of the EU. That is the opposite of democracy.


EDIT: Even the idea of an EU parliament is troubling. Countries in the union signed up for a fair free trade agreement, not a mega nation. It even has a national anthem for God's sake.

You know there are European parliamentary elections every five years with universal adult suffrage, right?


And Finland specifically joined EU, not a free trade agreement. As did all the countries since at least the '90s.

That is the parliament. I am talking about the heads of the Union. The parliament is basically nothing but puppet play.


And yes, that is true, but I was talking about the foundation of the union in the 1970s. In fact, it wasn't even called the European Union. The goal was to unite all of Europe as one free trade zone. There's nothing wrong with that, but it has just gone so overboard. It is almost its own nation at this point.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Bureaucratic tyranny? My hair plummIts by the hyperbolic rollercoaster. You do know that the UK wont be any less bureaucratic when it's outside the eu, right?

The international bankers have made most major nations a bureaucracy in some way, but the EU is just the prime example. Their parliament is basically pro wrestling while the heads of the EU are unelected and pull the strings without any input from the people of the EU. That is the opposite of democracy.

EDIT: Even the idea of an EU parliament is troubling. Countries in the union signed up for a fair free trade agreement, not a mega nation. It even has a national anthem for God's sake.

International bankers? What? I feel an urge to school you about what bureaucracy actually is (and has been, since long before international banks have existed). But I'm sure that would be a waste of mine and your energy.


Name one major nation which isnt bureaucratic, btw. Do they even exist?

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In fact, the EU has even had a history of recalling votes because the answer wasn't what they wanted.


"If it's a yes, we will say on we go, and if it's a no we will say "we continue"


"When it becomes serious, we have to lie"


Said the president of the EU commission.


yeah, remember french european constitution referendum ? my god I love UE, so democratic !

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Bureaucratic tyranny? My hair plummIts by the hyperbolic rollercoaster. You do know that the UK wont be any less bureaucratic when it's outside the eu, right?

The international bankers have made most major nations a bureaucracy in some way, but the EU is just the prime example. Their parliament is basically pro wrestling while the heads of the EU are unelected and pull the strings without any input from the people of the EU. That is the opposite of democracy.

EDIT: Even the idea of an EU parliament is troubling. Countries in the union signed up for a fair free trade agreement, not a mega nation. It even has a national anthem for God's sake.

International bankers? What? I feel an urge to school you about what bureaucracy actually is (and has been, since long before international banks have existed). But I'm sure that would be a waste of mine and your energy.


Name one major nation which isnt bureaucratic, btw. Do they even exist?

I was saying that major nations on earth have been hijacked by wealthy donors to further their agenda through politicians by giving them a healthy supply of money. The goals of many politicians aren't of the politician itself but of the donor. While the government itself isn't a bureaucracy, the fact that many agendas are created and financed by people who aren't elected or even hold public office is the spirit of bureaucracy
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Wow, you limey bastards actually did vote for leaving. I welcome it and hope the EU falls a part even more. This is surely a sign that the whole EU project has been a failure and it needs to be re-thought. Good luck UK. Hope Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, reconsider their membership in the UK.

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Bureaucratic tyranny? My hair plummIts by the hyperbolic rollercoaster. You do know that the UK wont be any less bureaucratic when it's outside the eu, right?


What? I thought a leave result meant this is what the UK would look like after.


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Xenophobia is really hot this year. Another win for IS.

Xenophobia? What are you talking about? How does wanting out of a bureaucratic tyranny make someone a xenophobe?



this !


bureaucratic tyranny lololol


look the eu is not perfect but give me bureaucratic tyranny over fascist nationalistic tyranny any day. you exiters are going to have egg on your faces very shortly and we'll all get to feel incredibly smug about it.





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Xenophobia is really hot this year. Another win for IS.


Xenophobia? What are you talking about? How does wanting out of a bureaucratic tyranny make someone a xenophobe?

this !

bureaucratic tyranny lololol


look the eu is not perfect but give me bureaucratic tyranny over fascist nationalistic tyranny any day. you exiters are going to have egg on your faces very shortly and we'll all get to feel incredibly smug about it.

That, plus the fact that immigration concerns played a huge part in the brexit argument. Not sure why clarktrent is in denial. Hell, I'm not sure about anything related to clarktrent at this point. Apart from the my little ponies though. :)

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Xenophobia is really hot this year. Another win for IS.


Xenophobia? What are you talking about? How does wanting out of a bureaucratic tyranny make someone a xenophobe?

this !

bureaucratic tyranny lololol


look the eu is not perfect but give me bureaucratic tyranny over fascist nationalistic tyranny any day. you exiters are going to have egg on your faces very shortly and we'll all get to feel incredibly smug about it.

That, plus the fact that immigration concerns played a huge part in the brexit argument. Not sure why clarktrent is in denial. Hell, I'm not sure about anything related to clarktrent at this point. Apart from the my little ponies though. :)

I'm not in denial about it, and in fact, I think that nations must become sovereign and protect their own borders. There needs to be some security. It's a recipe for disaster when you just take in a certain number of people from a certain country instead of doing in depth background checks on the record of each immigrant coming in. Isn't that just common sense? Look at the mass rapes going on in Europe now. It has to be put to an end.

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Every major event brings a major economic scare. A change this big will effect the pound, you can't escape that. It's not the leave itself. It's the reaction to it. It will even itself out. Just look at the scare of 1819.

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lol exactly. "mass rapes", fuck outta here.

Google is your friend. The mass media has covered it up of course, but it's very easy to find. There was this one story in particular where these men held this 13 or 14 year old girl up in a hotel room and took turns with her. The police looked the other way and their excuse was that it was "cultural differences". The officers were obviously scared for their lives.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


EDIT: In fact, I think that a pretty large molestation case was covered by the media. From what I remember, some men were going around at this German music festival and touching women.

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Cameron is out...


That graph will plummet ( usagi!!) even further...


Farage for pm of the not so united kingdom. I'm not sure how he will shittalk his way out of a recession while he closed his borders and kept immigrants out.

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