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Vancouver watmmers - come to my show on the 26th! (sat)


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I'm playing at Red Gates on Saturday night, sometime after 11pm. It'll be my first show, aside from a party a few years back where no one listened to IDM... except for ESSINES!! and Goiter Sanchez. I know there's a forum for live shows, but this is pretty last minute and I want to give Vancouver watmmers the head's up in a place they may actually see it. Plugging shows is not my strong suit.

PM me for further details (the address is a secret apparently... but I share secrets via PM when the situation calls for it.)


Facebook event page is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1681173372156222/permalink/1689826917957534/


The other artists sound pretty rad too. Lots of crazy beat wizardry and tasty melodies. Should be a fun night.

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If I had a bit more notice me and the wife would fly out from Calgary. Would be good to see Chen and a few others again.


I hope it's a good show =)

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It was a GREAT time. Can't wait to come back in the near future. I'll be sure to give all Vancouver watmmites ample notice next time. Sorry to drop the ball on that.


Show was really amazing! I wish they cranked up the volume more. That last track with the live drums was ridiculously good. I had to leave due to being up for work in 5 hours.





Thanks man! I love that pic. I heard the visuals playing for my set were perfect, but I never got a chance to see any of them while playing. Glad you dug that epic jazzy piece. it will be on the new album, out next month (most likely). It was great meeting up and chatting with you before the show. I'd be curious to see your studio set-up sometime.

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