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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Just stfu u cunt, you got your wish to be Prez, just stay focused on your plans to run this country into the ground, k


Oops, I forgot he cant stay focused on anything, great jerb Mericuh

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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Yeah, the Democrats fucked up by not letting nature take its course to see if people really wanted Bernie...


But the fucking republicans... they're okay with flushing it all down the toilet. All of their supposed values and morals were pathetically hollow before, but now I hope Trump can just fuck their shit up without hurting the reasonable people in the world that didn't vote for him.

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You mean all those programs that permanently unemployed/under-employed rust belters are going to need more than anyone in the next decades? Oh my.



yep.. and i think one of the first things trump is going to do is change the rule on overtime that obama made.  so all those people making $47k or less will get stiffed. i read about it in a few places but i forget all the details. 



I make less than than that already :/


Earlier today I read about how in Minnesota a manufacturing plant with 18/hr entry level positions literally can't find people to work there. 40 positions need to be filled and it has nothing to do with the overqualified/under-qualified issues normally cited. It's decent pay and the exact kind of job Trump claims is disappearing to places overseas. But it's way more complicated that that People won't work it because it's not a 9-5 job, don't want to live in the town it's located at, no help with childcare or transportation, etc.


A lot more is needed in this country regarding social welfare and job benefits: mandatory paid paternity leave and subsidized childcare, universal healthcare, lower taxes for lower middle-class households, etc. There's very little incentive for single unemployed people to find work or families to have two instead of one working adults when the cost of actually going to work (transportation, childcare, healthcare, rent, etc) is so fucking high. My wife and I for example pay $1000+ for daycare every month (and we're lucky, it's usually $1500+ for most facilities in our area as nice the one we managed to get a spot at) so it's like literally a question of whether one of us should quit our career in order to raise a kid. It's a huge catch-22. It's a major reason why so many are underemployed or unemployed, working under the table, living with parents, on unemployment pay or some other form of welfare, etc. 

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Earlier today I read about how in Minnesota a manufacturing plant with 18/hr entry level positions literally can't find people to work there. 40 positions need to be filled and it has nothing to do with the overqualified/under-qualified issues normally cited. It's decent pay and the exact kind of job Trump claims is disappearing to places overseas. But it's way more complicated that that People won't work it because it's not a 9-5 job, don't want to live in the town it's located at, no help with childcare or transportation, etc.A lot more is needed in this country regarding social welfare and job benefits: mandatory paid paternity leave and subsidized childcare, universal healthcare, lower taxes for lower middle-class households, etc.


There's very little incentive for single unemployed people to find work or families to have two instead of one working adults when the cost of actually going to work (transportation, childcare, healthcare, rent, etc) is so fucking high. My wife and I for example pay $1000+ for daycare every month (and we're lucky, it's usually $1500+ for most facilities in our area as nice the one we managed to get a spot at) so it's like literally a question of whether one of us should quit our career in order to raise a kid. It's a huge catch-22. It's a major reason why so many are underemployed or unemployed, working under the table, living with parents, on unemployment pay or some other form of welfare, etc.


Yeah shit like this barely ever enters the public discourse and it's fucking annoying.  Here in the northeast there are literally help wanted signs everywhere, albeit for what are essentially unskilled, go-nowhere, minimum wage (or close to it) positions.  Like seriously, wtf do you expect <insert derogatory term for poor people here> to do when the choice is between working a register at Wallgreens vs. welfare?  It's the same shitty standard of "living" either way (cellphones, cigarettes, Nike Airs, etc.) except with the latter you don't have to actually work.  Raising the minimum wage isn't a cure-all but at the same time this isn't rocket science either.


I feel you Josh on the catch-22 part, my wife and I are both hard-working professionals and, even for gainfully employed people of our generation the systematic incentives are perverted to say the least.  Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?


Speaking of which, Brown University is one of the worst bastions of the liberal hypocrite education-industrial complex.  Good lecture though.

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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  Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 

Edited by olo
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  Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 



I actually switched from being a librarian to a land surveyor for this reason. Still need to make more (OT and flex schedule helps though) but I'm working on getting an SIT certification and eventually a license. My employer is sympathetic though and it's a small company which makes it a bit harder to balance expenditures. Also it's a hell of a lot more rewarding than my previous job, which was a monotonous and oft stressful state job with a pay ceiling I reached really quickly.

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really not liking this whole recount business making it mainstream. while i'm no fan of trump if they try to shove hillary down people's throats after the fact it's going to be absolute madness (great for views and clicks, i know). 

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  Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 



I actually switched from being a librarian to a land surveyor for this reason. Still need to make more (OT and flex schedule helps though) but I'm working on getting an SIT certification and eventually a license. My employer is sympathetic though and it's a small company which makes it a bit harder to balance expenditures. Also it's a hell of a lot more rewarding than my previous job, which was a monotonous and oft stressful state job with a pay ceiling I reached really quickly.



There's also something to be said for having a gig, as you do Josh, where you aren't sitting in the same cubicle day in, day out. It's soul sucking man. The fresh air and being outside man.

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  Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 



I actually switched from being a librarian to a land surveyor for this reason. Still need to make more (OT and flex schedule helps though) but I'm working on getting an SIT certification and eventually a license. My employer is sympathetic though and it's a small company which makes it a bit harder to balance expenditures. Also it's a hell of a lot more rewarding than my previous job, which was a monotonous and oft stressful state job with a pay ceiling I reached really quickly.



There's also something to be said for having a gig, as you do Josh, where you aren't sitting in the same cubicle day in, day out. It's soul sucking man. The fresh air and being outside man.



I actually moved into an office over a year ago.




Good office though. Actual room with glass wall / door. Narrow but tall window to outside. Drafting is ok, especially when I can play whatever I want at whatever reasonable volume I want. 

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Trump's claiming millions voted illegally, costing him the popular vote - http://nyti.ms/2g7cF3I


he can dish shit out all day but he can't fucking take it, what a child


HRC / Stein / etc. are rightfully doing what he pledged he'd do if he had lost. And while there's not evidence of any voter fraud it's been statistically shown that the Dems have suffered more potential votes from recent Voter ID laws and rollbacks on the voter protection act. Those denying this in the manner Trump is are dipping into delusional conspiracy theory territory as they see convenient. 

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  Along with pretty much all our friends that have kids, we have no fucking clue as to how we'll afford ours a decent education for living and working in the 21st century.  What's the point of making more money, saving, etc. if you're just going to have everything taken from you at the financial aid window?





Trade school my friend. World's gonna need electricians & HVAC techs. Ain't gonna get rich, but the guys I know who are plumbers & electricians make a pretty fine living. The electricians I know are 100+. 



I actually switched from being a librarian to a land surveyor for this reason. Still need to make more (OT and flex schedule helps though) but I'm working on getting an SIT certification and eventually a license. My employer is sympathetic though and it's a small company which makes it a bit harder to balance expenditures. Also it's a hell of a lot more rewarding than my previous job, which was a monotonous and oft stressful state job with a pay ceiling I reached really quickly.



There's also something to be said for having a gig, as you do Josh, where you aren't sitting in the same cubicle day in, day out. It's soul sucking man. The fresh air and being outside man.



I actually moved into an office over a year ago.



lol. Sorry man. I guess I assumed you were one of those guys in the field using siteline levels and shit.

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You mean all those programs that permanently unemployed/under-employed rust belters are going to need more than anyone in the next decades? Oh my.



yep.. and i think one of the first things trump is going to do is change the rule on overtime that obama made.  so all those people making $47k or less will get stiffed. i read about it in a few places but i forget all the details. 



Trump administration's response is unknown, but I expect them to be hostile as well.  But in any event the new rule was set to be enacted on Dec. 1, 2016, but it just got enjoined nationwide by a TX court, so it's all up in the air.



I don't think there is any chance the recount will change the outcome, but they might as well chase down any irregularities.


Agreed.  There hasn't been any evidence of funny business, just discrepancies in polling and voting results (which isn't all that uncommon).

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I don't think there is any chance the recount will change the outcome, but they might as well chase down any irregularities.


Agreed.  There hasn't been any evidence of funny business, just discrepancies in polling and voting results (which isn't all that uncommon).


what about the votes being struck down because they thought they were dupes when they actually weren't?



I'm not read up on the topic you reference.  Legit news source please.  I am aware of pre-voting voter purges that are pretty shady, and here in NC there were all kinds of efforts to limit voting in black and college communities.  But that's nothing a recount would solve.

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The process of removing voters from the voter rolls is important for ensuring that voter rolls are accurate, up-to-date and do not contain duplicate records. In order to maintain the accuracy of the voter list, states have processes in place to remove voters because of a variety of reasons: death, felony conviction, mental incapacitation, change of address or duplicate records. The systems that check for duplicate records or ineligible voters usually do not automatically remove the voters. When a state receives information that an individual on the voter list is no longer eligible from one of the checks listed above, most states (though not all) require that the election jurisdiction first contacts the individual. Typically the state will send out a card to the voter, wait for a given period of time and if there is no response the voter will be removed, cancelled or moved to an inactive list.


So they send a postcard..


For an idea of the scale: http://projects.aljazeera.com/2014/double-voters/interactive.html?



The total Crosscheck list contains 6,951,484 voters from 28 states. These two lists obtained by Al Jazeera America represent 1,703,958 voters.



So if i'm understanding this correctly. They are sending 6,951,484 postcards to potential duplicates?

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Also interesting:


Crosscheck is managed and controlled by Kris Kobach, Kansas’ Secretary of State, who recently led a failed legal challenge against the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s decision to not require documentary proof-of-citizenship on the federal mail-in voter registration form.


Under Crosscheck, the procedure for identifying a “match” compares three fields: (1) First Name; (2) Last Name; and (3) Date of Birth (“DOB”) . Other information, such as Middle Name, Name Suffix, and Last Four Digits of the Social Security Number (“Last Four SSN”) are included on the reports, but are not used to indicate a “match.


Crosscheck appears to use a free program for encryption. 14 However, privacy advocates have expressed alarm about [Crosscheck’s] transmission of highly sensitive personal information of millions of citizens via a website that lacks proper protections.



Yes. Cross check openly admits in its Participation Guide that the program generates a high number of false positives: “Experience in the crosscheck program ind icates that a significant Due to the more detailed data matching (see above), t here may be less false positives under ERIC than Crosscheck . 3 number of apparent double votes are false positives and not double votes . Many are the result of errors — voters sign the wrong line in the poll book, election clerks scan the wrong line with a barcode scanner, or there is confusio n over father/son voters (Sr. and Jr.).” 24 The inaccuracy of Crosscheck’s data appears to be reason why some states have left the program.  For example, a spokesperson from the Or egon Se cretary of State recently explained : “ We left [Crosscheck] because the data we received was unreliable and we felt joining the ERIC project would better meet our needs . ”



No. Crosscheck does not require its participating states to conduct their voter registration list maintenance activities (based on Crosscheck results ) under the strict guidelines of the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA” ). 31 The NVRA 4 sets forth important legal protections against being unlawful ly purged from a voter list .

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a few states vote by mail. is best method for voters. i love it.


i wish the entire country did it. 


for real.


imagine if your voter package was mailed to you and then the postage was paid so all you had to do was fill it out and drop it in the mail?



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