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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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mike pence = the anti christ, pray for president donal's health and well being , in four years the country will come back crawling to a populist democrat because this administration will be a disaster and an embarrassment to the united states and what it represents, america as we know finally died and trump will wipe his ass with it because all he wanted was a fucking TV network and because of the stupidity of the democrats he gets to be president and why??? because some idiot college kids are way too liberal for your taste ? i blame joe rogan for this, he pushed the alt right agenda all along, joe rogan is a fraud he sells brain pills, his whole operation is a sham 

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we all fucking know who is behind the alt right, bunch of wankers and white supremacists, we all know it , people are blind because they spend way too much time on the internet going from site to site reading fake news 


thelastcrusader.blogspot says Obama is conspiring with the Chinese to hoax climate change? oh yeah i believe it, 


these people are fucking idiots 

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he is old and does not understand the internet, he reads fake news about sjws on his show and then he tells the audience the progressive left is ruining this country meanwhile the alt right is openly racists and everyone seems to be blind to it because some cringe college kids do ultra liberal shit in an age of personal exploration, what kind of fucking reality is this shit, the internet turned peoples mind into goo. The internet is a fantastic tool but unfortunately it was hijacked by our most self-destructive behaviors, the reptile brain won, people lack mindfulness and you can thank some old ancient greedy fuck who realized the easiest way to control people was tru religion, since then our brains have become warped, how come none of these fucks talk about compassion , love and power of knowledge and a logical mind, we bred psychopaths to be players in this fucked up game, the thing is we are never getting out, we are rats trapped in a death trap of our own making, its just a matter of time before the population gets conned again by a more dangerous fool than trump oh and remember how in 100 years the middle east will be almost uninhabitable and all of those people will come over here, we have 100 years head start and we just elected a climate change denier, this is a joke, this whole species history since the invention of agriculture has been a tragic comedy and in the end it will be our planet that will kill us because mother earth is boss here  

Edited by Deer
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he is old and does not understand the internet, he reads fake news about sjws on his show and then he tells the audience the progressive left is ruining this country meanwhile the alt right is openly racists and everyone seems to be blind to it because some cringe college kids do ultra liberal shit in an age of personal exploration, what kind of fucking reality is this shit, the internet turned peoples mind into goo. The internet is a fantastic tool but unfortunately it was hijacked by our most self-destructive behaviors, the reptile brain won, people lack mindfulness and you can thank some old ancient greedy fuck who realized the easiest way to control people was tru religion, since then our brains have become warped, how come none of these fucks talk about compassion , love and power of knowledge and a logical mind, we bred psychopaths to be players in this fucked up game, the thing is we are never getting out, we are rats trapped in a death trap of our own making, its just a matter of time before the population gets conned again by a more dangerous fool than trump oh and remember how in 100 years the middle east will be almost uninhabitable and all of those people will come over here, we have 100 years head start and we just elected a climate change denier, this is a joke, this whole species history since the invention of agriculture has been a tragic comedy and in the end it will be our planet that will kill us because mother earth is boss here  


You're upset about someone not being liberal enough for your taste? He keeps it pretty balanced. I don't blame him for bitching about psychotic SJW's at all, and I don't think you can do something like blame him for it.

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he is old and does not understand the internet, he reads fake news about sjws on his show and then he tells the audience the progressive left is ruining this country meanwhile the alt right is openly racists and everyone seems to be blind to it because some cringe college kids do ultra liberal shit in an age of personal exploration, what kind of fucking reality is this shit, the internet turned peoples mind into goo. The internet is a fantastic tool but unfortunately it was hijacked by our most self-destructive behaviors, the reptile brain won, people lack mindfulness and you can thank some old ancient greedy fuck who realized the easiest way to control people was tru religion, since then our brains have become warped, how come none of these fucks talk about compassion , love and power of knowledge and a logical mind, we bred psychopaths to be players in this fucked up game, the thing is we are never getting out, we are rats trapped in a death trap of our own making, its just a matter of time before the population gets conned again by a more dangerous fool than trump oh and remember how in 100 years the middle east will be almost uninhabitable and all of those people will come over here, we have 100 years head start and we just elected a climate change denier, this is a joke, this whole species history since the invention of agriculture has been a tragic comedy and in the end it will be our planet that will kill us because mother earth is boss here  


i realized all of these things the second time i took ayahuasca.

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here comes the more rogan cult to attack those insult the great leader, enjoy your brain pills and hearing about mma for an hour every show, i listen to the podcast while I'm driving and i can't skip, there should be a no- mma edit, i would pay for it


oh and remember he sells fannypacks for 150$ and backed stabbed dave asprey in the back because tait fletcher stroke a deal with onnit, but yeah joe rogan is innocent, the man is a sham, he is a ruthless businessman with a mind similar to patrick bateman

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here comes the more rogan cult to attack those insult the great leader, enjoy your brain pills and hearing about mma for an hour every show, i listen to the podcast while I'm driving and i can't skip, there should be a no- mma edit, i would pay for it


oh and remember he sells fannypacks for 150$ and backed stabbed dave asprey in the back because tait fletcher stroke a deal with onnit, but yeah joe rogan is innocent, the man is a sham, he is a ruthless businessman with a mind similar to patrick bateman


You're trolling so hard right now

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I hope all those lists of potential trump administration candidates are pulled from thin air.


Although there's plenty counter evidence, I 'm hoping Trump will follow through on actually waving his middle finger to both democratic and republican traditions and create a 50/50 administration which represents both the outcome of the vote and his personal beliefs. He should call it his "by the people, for the people" administration. Kinda like what Trudeau did, but in a Trumpian way. If there is one.

The biggest fear I currently have, is that republican elites will mis-use Trumps political ignorance to push their own agenda. Like it was a victory for the GOP over the dems. Which it really wasn't, imo.


I hope Trump will stick to his guns and understand he won partly because people being sick of politicians doing whatever the hell they or their sponsors/special interests lobbyist wanted them to do. The current period will make or brake his legacy, imo. Setting aside all the crap about racism, misogyny, bullying and alt-right crap. I hope he'll keep on exceeding expectations. In a good way.

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I hope all those lists of potential trump administration candidates are pulled from thin air.


Although there's plenty counter evidence, I 'm hoping Trump will follow through on actually waving his middle finger to both democratic and republican traditions and create a 50/50 administration which represents both the outcome of the vote and his personal beliefs. He should call it his "by the people, for the people" administration. Kinda like what Trudeau did, but in a Trumpian way. If there is one.

The biggest fear I currently have, is that republican elites will mis-use Trumps political ignorance to push their own agenda. Like it was a victory for the GOP over the dems. Which it really wasn't, imo.


I hope Trump will stick to his guns and understand he won partly because people being sick of politicians doing whatever the hell they or their sponsors/special interests lobbyist wanted them to do. The current period will make or brake his legacy, imo. Setting aside all the crap about racism, misogyny, bullying and alt-right crap. I hope he'll keep on exceeding expectations. In a good way.


They will eat him alive if he doesn't follow through I think.

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If by "they" you mean the people, i'm afraid the distance between washington dc and the rest of the country can be big enough to not notice anything. As we've seen in the past.

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If by "they" you mean the people, i'm afraid the distance between washington dc and the rest of the country can be big enough to not notice anything. As we've seen in the past.


It's possible. they haven't noticed yet.


On another note,


Returning home to Trump Tower from the White House may not be Mr. Trump’s only embrace of the familiar. His aides say he has also expressed interest in continuing to hold the large rallies that were a staple of his candidacy. He likes the instant gratification and adulation that the cheering crowds provide, and his aides are discussing how they might accommodate his demand.

“I think Trump has discovered that these rallies are tremendous opportunities for him to get his message out,” said Christopher Ruddy, chief executive of Newsmax Media, a conservative website. “It’s actually sort of old-fashioned, that you want to actually meet people and press the flesh with him.”

Not least, Mr. Trump is finding Twitter a familiar comfort, although it is unclear if he will be the first president to wholly control his own Twitter account once he is in the White House. “I know they’re willing to be unorthodox and want to be true to themselves and not fall into a habit of let’s just follow precedent on what’s been done,” said Mike DuHaime, an adviser to Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, who supported Mr. Trump shortly after ending his own White House bid and who stepped back as the head of the president-elect’s transition team on Friday.



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It looks like we have some confirmation about who will be part of his transition team. I think peter thiel might be the only bright spot. Appointing his children into his administration is fucking gross. This looks like some proto-monarchy shit to me in a lot of ways.  Especially the "continuing to hold rallies" shit.


Vice President-elect Mike Pence will take over as the leader of Donald J. Trump’s transition effort, pushing aside Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey


Stephen K. Bannon, the conservative provocateur and chairman of the Breitbart News website, will be a top transition adviser.


Three of Mr. Trump’s adult children and his son-in-law, who were among his closest campaign advisers, will join a 16-member advisory committee to help guide his choices. Rick Dearborn, the chief of staff to Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama and a fierce advocate for Mr. Trump, will move from the campaign’s Washington office to help direct the transition operations.


Two people familiar with the reorganization discussion said Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, had wanted to marginalize Mr. Christie, who had come to recognize that he was not in the running to serve as a top adviser in Mr. Trump’s White House. It was unclear whether concerns about his ability to be confirmed might prevent him from being offered a cabinet post.


Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, and Michael T. Flynn, a retired lieutenant general who has been a top campaign supporter, will also serve as vice chairmen of the transition, the transition team said Friday afternoon.


The 16-member advisory committee is made up of four women and 12 men. It will include several members of Congress; Rebekah Mercer, a top Republican donor; Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee; Peter Thiel, a founder of PayPal; Attorney General Pam Bondi of Florida; Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive; and Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge-fund manager and Trump supporter. Mr. Bannon will also serve on the committee. A political committee supporting Ms. Bondi received a $25,000 donation from the Trump Foundation, raising questions because it was around the time her office was reviewing allegations against Mr. Trump’s for-profit education programs.


most of those people were back in view on Thursday, including Corey Lewandowski, the campaign’s first manager. Mr. Lewandowski is said to have told people he would prefer a White House senior adviser role, although he has also been mentioned as a possible Republican National Committee chairman. Mr. Lewandowski resigned on Friday from his role as a CNN political commentator.


Trump Tower, the president-elect’s residence, has been transformed into a kind of fortress by the Secret Service and the New York police. The building has been ringed by Jersey barriers and concrete blocks marked with “NYPD.” The Secret Service has set up checkpoints on each end of 56th Street near the tower, and pedestrian access has been restricted around the building.


The latest to be swept into the speculation is Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, who was mentioned as a possible candidate for secretary of the Treasury by CNBC. Officials with the Trump transition team said they reached out informally to Mr. Dimon, who was clear he did not want the post.


The critical position of chief of staff — the gatekeeper for the president inside the West Wing — is expected to come down to a choice between Mr. Bannon and Mr. Priebus. The two men spent more than an hour in a meeting on Friday at Trump Tower.


Mr. Giuliani told CNN on Thursday that he might accept an appointment as attorney general, saying that “there’s probably nobody that knows the Justice Department better than me.”


Mr. Mnuchin, who served as Mr. Trump’s campaign finance chairman, is said to be a serious contender for Treasury secretary (though Carl Icahn, the investor, and Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas, have also been mentioned in the news media).


This is so fucking crazy honestly...



Edited by AdieuErsatzEnnui
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Just out of curiosity: why is Thiel a bright spot?


Smart, Tech-savvy, and takes risks. He would be the person suggesting the most dynamic and progressive ideas imo


It's at least interesting to see how a VC operates within the government

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Let's see.


Also, the fact that the article says Jamie D. was asked screams it's a piece of crap, imo. I really can't see the Donald playing friends with Wallstreet so openly. 

This is either bad reporting, or trump-campaign playing tricks on the media. Just throwing some bullshit out there and seeing the media eating it like religious fanatics. Probably both.

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he is old and does not understand the internet, he reads fake news about sjws on his show and then he tells the audience the progressive left is ruining this country meanwhile the alt right is openly racists and everyone seems to be blind to it because some cringe college kids do ultra liberal shit in an age of personal exploration, what kind of fucking reality is this shit, the internet turned peoples mind into goo. The internet is a fantastic tool but unfortunately it was hijacked by our most self-destructive behaviors, the reptile brain won, people lack mindfulness and you can thank some old ancient greedy fuck who realized the easiest way to control people was tru religion, since then our brains have become warped, how come none of these fucks talk about compassion , love and power of knowledge and a logical mind, we bred psychopaths to be players in this fucked up game, the thing is we are never getting out, we are rats trapped in a death trap of our own making, its just a matter of time before the population gets conned again by a more dangerous fool than trump oh and remember how in 100 years the middle east will be almost uninhabitable and all of those people will come over here, we have 100 years head start and we just elected a climate change denier, this is a joke, this whole species history since the invention of agriculture has been a tragic comedy and in the end it will be our planet that will kill us because mother earth is boss here


woke af

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he is old and does not understand the internet, he reads fake news about sjws on his show and then he tells the audience the progressive left is ruining this country meanwhile the alt right is openly racists and everyone seems to be blind to it because some cringe college kids do ultra liberal shit in an age of personal exploration, what kind of fucking reality is this shit, the internet turned peoples mind into goo. The internet is a fantastic tool but unfortunately it was hijacked by our most self-destructive behaviors, the reptile brain won, people lack mindfulness and you can thank some old ancient greedy fuck who realized the easiest way to control people was tru religion, since then our brains have become warped, how come none of these fucks talk about compassion , love and power of knowledge and a logical mind, we bred psychopaths to be players in this fucked up game, the thing is we are never getting out, we are rats trapped in a death trap of our own making, its just a matter of time before the population gets conned again by a more dangerous fool than trump oh and remember how in 100 years the middle east will be almost uninhabitable and all of those people will come over here, we have 100 years head start and we just elected a climate change denier, this is a joke, this whole species history since the invention of agriculture has been a tragic comedy and in the end it will be our planet that will kill us because mother earth is boss here

woke af


like. except for the unadulterated pessimism at the end. seems like progress (yeah, i will use that word) moves in fits and starts but we are still headed towards star trek future devoid of physical wants, one humanity, living lives of science and art. mark it.

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