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Apple Made 1445.00 USD PER SECOND (in 2016)


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i'm certainly not a fan of apple, but i am glad that the top company by these metrics actually provides goods, unlike the 4 banking / finance companies in the top 9.  what do they really provide to the general public??


i am also glad that my company (J&J) is number 8, and the top healthcare company.

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Banking needs to be nationalized since the banks are essentially private entities which are subsidized by the federal government when they need help through bailouts.  Why not cut out the middlemen with their extravagant bonuses and make it a publicly owned service?


Hopefully they will be made obsolete by cryptocurrencies anyway and these leeches upon the financial system can finally die

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i'm certainly not a fan of apple, but i am glad that the top company by these metrics actually provides goods, unlike the 4 banking / finance companies in the top 9. what do they really provide to the general public??


i am also glad that my company (J&J) is number 8, and the top healthcare company.

You're glad J&J massively profits from healthcare!?


To even see a healthcare company up there is ludicrous, if you ask me.


Anyway, hope Eroom's law drives the whole industry to shit.

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i'm certainly not a fan of apple, but i am glad that the top company by these metrics actually provides goods, unlike the 4 banking / finance companies in the top 9. what do they really provide to the general public??


i am also glad that my company (J&J) is number 8, and the top healthcare company.

You're glad J&J massively profits from healthcare!?


To even see a healthcare company up there is ludicrous, if you ask me.


Anyway, hope Eroom's law drives the whole industry to shit.



i wish that our healthcare system was more like Europe's, but it's not, and i know that J&J is not a bad company with questionable motives, like Valiant, for example.  we have many other products aside from drugs that we make and sell, like medical devices, contact lenses, shampoo, lotion, band-aids, etc.


are you upset about price gouging on drugs, that whole thing?  then you must be upset about apple paying low wages to its workers to assemble iphones that it sells for $1,000?  every big company is going to act like this in some way.


my point was that J&J helps so many people improve their quality of life in so many different ways, albiet in a broken system, which i would still prefer to the banks just making money off of their and our money.

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i'm certainly not a fan of apple, but i am glad that the top company by these metrics actually provides goods, unlike the 4 banking / finance companies in the top 9. what do they really provide to the general public??


i am also glad that my company (J&J) is number 8, and the top healthcare company.

You're glad J&J massively profits from healthcare!?


To even see a healthcare company up there is ludicrous, if you ask me.


Anyway, hope Eroom's law drives the whole industry to shit.



i wish that our healthcare system was more like Europe's, but it's not, and i know that J&J is not a bad company with questionable motives, like Valiant, for example.  we have many other products aside from drugs that we make and sell, like medical devices, contact lenses, shampoo, lotion, band-aids, etc.


are you upset about price gouging on drugs, that whole thing?  then you must be upset about apple paying low wages to its workers to assemble iphones that it sells for $1,000?  every big company is going to act like this in some way.


my point was that J&J helps so many people improve their quality of life in so many different ways, albiet in a broken system, which i would still prefer to the banks just making money off of their and our money.



please drop the "if you don't like... then you must really dislike ..." whataboutism.


as someone who works in the industry, you're very much aware how much new cancer drugs cost, for instance. which, as far as i can tell, is a different issue to the gouging Valiant and others are doing.


the drug industry is sick. the pipeline is full with innovative products without any real improvements if you consider (mean) time to progression, for instance. and these drugs are priced as high as nations can barely pay. and the irony, while pharma is pushing the prices higher and higher, profits don't improve with them. This situation is simply unsustainable.


Not sure if you or others are aware of Eroom's law (it's basically the inverse of Moore's law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eroom%27s_law). But it's an important part of reality which explains why the entire industry must evolve into a new direction in order to be sustainable. The industry is throwing huge sums of money at developing drugs for smaller and smaller subsets of patients. And the actual clinical improvement is getting smaller in the meantime as well. But in order to stay alive, the industry have to ask prices which are simply unsustainable.


But I'm happy J&J is still up there though. It's just a bit cynical that it's on the backs of (terminally) sick people. It it surprised me how little awareness you were showing. As being part of the industry, I'm sure you'd be aware how things are going from the inside. Not much to be happy about, as far as I can tell.

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I totally agree that the system is unsustainable and really just fucked in the long term. I don't think I was showing a lack of awareness, I am aware of how things are and how much I don't like the way in which healthcare is handled. My viewpoint is that I wish this wasn't the case, but at least I can focus on the positives, and I could just find more positives in a healthcare company making more money than a financial company in terms of improving overall quality of life.

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