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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night when I Was posting a reply, the "Submit Reply" button wasn't working. I tried 3 times then copied the body of my post and refreshed the page to try and post as a new reply. 

Once the page refreshed, I saw my reply had been multiplied 3 times into the same post. When I tried editing, it was nearly impossible to select and edit the text. I did the best I could but I had to edit and refresh and edit and refresh, finally giving up on deleting the extra quote boxes in my post. See post here.

On my last attempt at editing, I simply had a blank reply field so I'm assuming I was somehow locked out of any additional attempts at editing the post. I went to check it out on a different device (my original post was on an iphone 6s) and still, the reply field was blank when I tried editing it on my desktop.

Super weird.

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Pasting any kind of link on osx sierra and firefox (can't be bothered to check version, sorry) combined with the watmm dark theme has been a total mess for months now. When I paste a link the text takes on the theme's background. Twitter embeds are completely fucked as well, either they're invisible or show up as some '98 dark blue geocities text and to view the tweet you need to either select the text and cmd+clck on the link or ctrlc/v it to view it. Seems pretty basic to me, get your shit together papa. (I'm totally saying this in passive-agressive jest btw, but please fix it I'm spending my hard earned digital monetary units on this fucking mickey mouse bullshit) Am I the only one suffering from this visual leprosy?

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Re: darkmode... I was gonna say that some quotes and links with black text are sometimes almost impossible to see, unless you have your brightness up 100%. It’s really frustrating. 

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On 3/28/2020 at 9:35 PM, user said:

Pasting any kind of link on osx sierra and firefox (can't be bothered to check version, sorry) combined with the watmm dark theme has been a total mess for months now. When I paste a link the text takes on the theme's background. Twitter embeds are completely fucked as well, either they're invisible or show up as some '98 dark blue geocities text and to view the tweet you need to either select the text and cmd+clck on the link or ctrlc/v it to view it. Seems pretty basic to me, get your shit together papa. (I'm totally saying this in passive-agressive jest btw, but please fix it I'm spending my hard earned digital monetary units on this fucking mickey mouse bullshit) Am I the only one suffering from this visual leprosy?

Which dark theme is it - I didn't create those, so they might need updating.


On 3/28/2020 at 11:04 PM, J3FF3R00 said:

Re: darkmode... I was gonna say that some quotes and links with black text are sometimes almost impossible to see, unless you have your brightness up 100%. It’s really frustrating. 

That's an unfortunate downside of users not using a dark theme pasting content in... the forum developer claims creating a true dark mode is too difficult due to all the variations of user themes that are possible.

We can try adjusting the themes, but I don't think it would solve all use cases.

On 3/25/2020 at 12:20 PM, Tim_J said:

There's also something wrong with the formatting of posts... Don't know if it's just in mobile mode, but a lot of times when submitting a post, there's extra blank paragraphs on the first and last line... This has been happening since the forum update... 

Can you provide an example?

On 3/26/2020 at 3:12 PM, Tim_J said:

So, i start writing a reply but then i don't want to post it... On mobile mode, i don't have an option to cancel it...

Just navigate away...?

There's no way to cancel on desktop either

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3 hours ago, Tim_J said:

If i navigate away, next time i wanna post, it recalls my unsaved post, which is handy sometimes but not when you navigated away to discard what u wrote... 


Edit : well i tried it now and the new post was empty, but sometimes, don't know exactly when, it recalls your last unsaved post... 

yes it does this to me 


@Tim_J - it does that to me too. The above post ("yes it does this to me") ^^^ I typed up 3hrs ago when you initially responded. I closed my browser because I didn't think it was worth responding at the time... just came back now and it's still there/not discarded including quoting you. Is that what you mean?

Edited by Hugh Mughnus
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28 minutes ago, Tim_J said:

Yes, exactly!

It happens to me yeah! I would say most of the time rather than it being an exception. Not sure if the browser is caching something or what (shouldn't be as my settings are to delete everything upon exit....?).

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1 hour ago, Tim_J said:

yes cause porn right?




lol no. It's a shared computer + I access all of my banking/email and both of my university portals from it. Just a paranoid habit I guess?

(I've got my phone for porn duh)

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^that’s a feature not a bug, if I’m not mistaken. when you go to reply anew, look at the bottom of the posting box, it’ll show a dialog for a few seconds telling you it’s inserting previously typed reply, and ask you if you want to remove it. pretty sure it saves it tied to your account, not within your local browser cache (but I don’t think it transfers between posting places...I’m typing this reply via phone but if I stop and open it up on laptop it won’t be there....whereas if I reopen on phone it’ll still be there. I think...)

the post text color thing is an issue yeah, but if everyone would just click ‘post as plain text’ when pasting (again, small dialog box at bottom of posting box pops up for a few seconds when pasting any non-plain text) then it wouldn’t be. but of course everyone won’t do that. :cat:

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16 hours ago, auxien said:

^that’s a feature not a bug, if I’m not mistaken. when you go to reply anew, look at the bottom of the posting box, it’ll show a dialog for a few seconds telling you it’s inserting previously typed reply, and ask you if you want to remove it. pretty sure it saves it tied to your account, not within your local browser cache (but I don’t think it transfers between posting places...I’m typing this reply via phone but if I stop and open it up on laptop it won’t be there....whereas if I reopen on phone it’ll still be there. I think...)

the post text color thing is an issue yeah, but if everyone would just click ‘post as plain text’ when pasting (again, small dialog box at bottom of posting box pops up for a few seconds when pasting any non-plain text) then it wouldn’t be. but of course everyone won’t do that. :cat:

Yeah; I believe it stores it in your browser’s LocalStorage (cookies are outdated and most people block them), so it would be tied to your browser.

21 hours ago, Tim_J said:

yes cause porn right?



btw papa @Joyrex, does this forum has the option to keep a list of things you've liked? like facebook? that would be cool!

I think there is an add on for that...

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On 3/31/2020 at 10:29 PM, Joyrex said:

Which dark theme is it - I didn't create those, so they might need updating.


That's an unfortunate downside of users not using a dark theme pasting content in... the forum developer claims creating a true dark mode is too difficult due to all the variations of user themes that are possible.

We can try adjusting the themes, but I don't think it would solve all use cases.

Can you provide an example?

Just navigate away...?

There's no way to cancel on desktop either

Sorry for the slow response. It's the watmm dark theme that's one of the available/selectable themes on the we are the music makers watmm forums. The twitter/link/etc embed is really useless for me. The content in the embed is not selectable so it's not even possible to make the embedded tweet readable on the dark background. If I click on any of the embedded links nothing happens except for that the embed changes to an empty dark box. Like so:



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5 minutes ago, Lada Laika said:
6 minutes ago, MIXL2 said:

dark modes are for people with weak eyes

if you listen to idm your eyes are beta cucks anyway

beta cuck eyes can still b strong! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/17/2020 at 2:05 PM, Tim_J said:

i'm on win7 with chrome

I think that sums up your issues pretty well...

As for Vimeo and other formats, they should work:

I just copied the Vimeo URL just like I would YouTube or anything else...

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i know this isn’t an actual problem nor is it up for a vote and my opinion doesn’t necessarily matter but goddamn do circle avatars suck. xpost with SFWP thread. 


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18 hours ago, Tim_J said:

so what's the problem? win7 or chrome?

Windows 7, man - I don't think it's even supported anymore by Microsoft officially...

As for Chrome, just make sure it's updated (if the version of Chrome on Windows 7 can be updated - Google might have stopped supporting Chrome on Windows 7 (as far as updates go). That might be the other issue.

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22 hours ago, Tim_J said:

just updated chrome, cleared all browsing data, no luck... nvrmnd dude don't worry...


What. The. Hell... Do you have another browser you can try this in? I'm wondering if one of your addons is messing with the forum (or try Incognito mode in Chrome unless you've allowed your addons to work in it too).

Also try whitelisting WATMM in your adblocker; some adblockers these days mess with site functionality (and we don't have ads)

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Just now, Tim_J said:

just turned off all extensions (add-ons) with no luck... pretty mindblowing...

Try another browser - this doesn't happen on mobile, right?

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