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I’ve been thinking… and I probably haven’t been paying attention but is this really the best that both parties can conjure up? Did no one under 80 stand up and say, “outta my way, geezers! It’s time for young American blood!”?

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1 minute ago, Squee said:

I’ve been thinking… and I probably haven’t been paying attention but is this really the best that both parties can conjure up? Did no one under 80 stand up and say, “outta my way, geezers! It’s time for young American blood!”?

everyone who could do that was too much of a coward to risk their reputation. i think they are all betting on keeping quiet now because if things go terribly wrong it wont be their fault for trying. then they can run in 28 and take their shot. assuming we still have elections at that point

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37 minutes ago, Squee said:

I’ve been thinking… and I probably haven’t been paying attention but is this really the best that both parties can conjure up? Did no one under 80 stand up and say, “outta my way, geezers! It’s time for young American blood!”?

there's still technically challengers to both, i believe. there was some small time Dem whose whole platform is 'Biden's good but he's too old so he should step aside and you should vote for me' ....Dean Phillips, had to look him up: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/democratic-candidates-running-us-president-2024-2023-09-18/ and there's Marianne Williamson but she's a loon. everyone laughed at Phillips because (probably?) he's got no supporters and no money.

there was a number of people trying for the Republican ticket and the base/Trump shit all over most...Kochs and some other big money R influencers tried backing some of them, but it never caught on, Trump's got too strong of a hold on the core poor/idiots on the Right who outnumber the slightly more educated/rich conservatives: https://www.npr.org/2023/03/08/1160113954/2024-republican-presidential-candidates-who-is-running-tracker

i think both are technically the 'presumptive' nominees of their respective parties, so either or both could take their name out and have the party install someone else as the nominee....in case Biden just doesn't wake up one morning or Trump decides he really just wants to golf and work on his spray tan

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kind of a perfect example of the libs destroying themselves. the right are able to run someone like donald trump and act like he's great. the left run someone like biden and publicly lose their shit because he's not great at talking. 

even the people losing their shit over biden's debate performance generally admit that he can do the job and has been doing a great job. they're more worried about if he can do the job of beating trump. as usual, biden knows the situation and knows that people will realize: this is where he needs us. it's not just his job to beat trump. the public will adapt. 

he doesn't have dementia, that was an angry old man. he was looking at trump when he was talking, not the camera. he went into that debate knowing that part of his strategy had to be speaking to trump and letting the public see how biden would authentically address trump. that's what he was focused on executing, and to his credit, this was no-man's land. no one has ever been in a place where they had to publicly debate someone who is such a hazard to the country and who shouldn't even be the party's nominee. this was biden facing down a cult leader, in a public performance, to save the world, as an 81 year old, something that's never happened before and as usual biden understood the situation better than anyone. that was an angry old man, his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. but the old politics are gone. given that this was an angry old man confronting a cult leader who's trying to destabilize the nukes, i think we got a pretty good performance. it was authentic. some answers were poorly formulated but it was after 9pm, he was sick, he's 81, and he's confronting a cult leader in a televised performance. maybe not an obama style performance but this was a different thing, anyway. i'm just being honest, just describing the situation.

meanwhile, trump is over there saying he sympathizes with putin's dream of taking kiev, and saying russia will take ukraine, etc. there is no telling what would happen if trump got elected.

i think the political elite are still catching up to where we are, but the savvy like biden are already adopting my activism tactics. it's more existentialist and authentic in order to try to convey reality through the human reaction of it.

the only one who can make biden step down is biden, and he's unlikely to do it. there may be some shit at the convention but people should be ready to tell people to vote for a bowl of oatmeal in november and that bowl of oatmeal is joe biden. he has a good team around him and he makes good decisions. 

Edited by may be rude
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Biden's family urges him to 'keep fighting' as donors look for alternatives

A top campaign official held a tense call with donors Sunday, laying out what would happen to the campaign infrastructure should Biden step aside — stressing he had no plans to do so.

“There were some tough comments from those on the call. Some were upset that they are just hearing campaign talking points,” the participant said, adding that some donors even asked about having their contributions refunded.

Donors asking for a refund 😂 🤣

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